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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME TO A PPLIED S KILLS IN H UMAN S ERVICES Jonathan Squyres."— Presentation transcript:


2 S TRENGTHS B ASED P ERSPECTIVE People = Strengths, resources, experiences Relies on multicultural respect. Client driven – client has the last word on goal & process. Build resilience through strength awareness – builds authentic self esteem Clients have capacity to explore multiple sides of a problem – strength & deficits Personal reality is in constant flux – always being revised & adapted. All problems have exceptions. Exceptions can show where strength lies.

3 P ROBING Open and Closed Directed and Restricted Examples: Do you work? Tell me about the new exercise program. How many children do you have? What projects have you been working on at school this week? Remember: Not all probes are questions – but all questions are probes.

4 P ROBES TO A VOID WHY – defensive. Ask clients to justify their feelings, thoughts & behaviors. Leading or suggestive – attempt to have client confirm the professional’s perspective Advice – tells client what to do Double/garbled – several questions at once is confusing Accidental questions – be mindful of tone of voice – rising on end is inquisitive

5 H OW TO USE P ROBES Explore client behaviors, feelings, situations Explore strengths, needs, wants, goals Explore first steps and early signs of success (rather than focusing on final goal & solution)

6 D OCUMENTATION “If it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen.” Why is documentation important to practice? Why do we sign/date our documentation? What aspects of client rights come into play when we use recording devices? Should clients review our notes? Why or why not?

7 I NTERVIEW P LAN : D ON ’ T F OLLOW A S CRIPT ! 1. Initiate the interaction effectively (meet, greet, seat) 2. Focusing on relevant issues. 3. Smoothly managing transitions between points in the interview. 4. Bringing the interaction to a close, summarizing the interview, affirming the client for work done and ending up courteously. Like any good project, a good interview must be PLANNED!

8 T HINGS TO R EMEMBER - G ETTING S TARTED 1. How do you address a person? 2. Define purpose and goals. 3. Address clients not interpreters when present 4. Avoid heavy jargon (unless client desires) 5. Use courteous tone

9 S ELECTING THE F OCUS A REA Mentally select the new area for focus Summarize or paraphrase the previous issue Signal that a change of topic is to occur Make an open probe to the new area Paraphrase the client’s narrative on the new area

10 T RANSITIONING BETWEEN P OINTS Smooth – flows naturally from one topic to another Abrupt – complete change of direction Reverse – returning to a topic that was mentioned briefly

11 C ONCLUDING In concluding it is important to affirm the client as this may color further outcomes Ask to what extent the client’s goals, defined at its beginning, have been achieved As part of the conclusion, provide a final summary of the client’s achievements The interpreted interview requires carefully crafted conclusions, conveyed through the interpreter Interviews concluded with courtesy and care help clients leave with increased self-esteem

12 M IND M APPING Mind maps are like brainstorming or problem solving – but drawing it out! They can help you find creative connections and solutions. Let’s try it!!

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