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 1). Tet Offensive  2). Draft ▪ Who got drafted? ▪ Why did some oppose the draft?

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Presentation on theme: " 1). Tet Offensive  2). Draft ▪ Who got drafted? ▪ Why did some oppose the draft?"— Presentation transcript:


2  1). Tet Offensive  2). Draft ▪ Who got drafted? ▪ Why did some oppose the draft?


4  Why were their deaths important to Vietnam War?  Both were leaders in the anti-war movement  RFK was running on a campaign promise to get us out of Vietnam

5 The war gets ugly Hawks vs. Doves Hawks supported American involvement in Vietnam Doves opposed American involvement in Vietnam


7  U.S. troops, led by Lt. Calley, killed over 200 villagers  U.S. Army command tried to cover up the incident  “122 Vietcong were reportedly killed” – General Westmoreland


9  Are the lessons of My Lai still important today?  If you join the army, do you have to follow every single order give to you?


11  President Nixon ordered to bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Cambodia  College students around the country began protesting  1200 colleges around the nation were shut down  Why?

12  They were afraid that they would now be drafted into the Army

13  Kent State University– Protesting students were shot at by the National Guard.  Four students were killed, nine wounded


15  The New York Times began to write about secret government documents that proved that the government had been lying to the American People

16  1). U.S. had prevented the 1956 elections for taking place  2). LBJ was planning the war while telling America he did not want to fight in Vietnam

17  New York Times v. U.S. Supreme government said it was ok to publish secret government documents.

18  His plan = Vietnamization = turning over the war to the South Vietnamese  His goal = “Achieve peace with honor”

19  Paris Peace Accords = Peace agreement between United States and North Vietnam  1). Border at the 17 th Parallel remains Last American forces left Vietnam in 1973


21  The South Vietnamese troops did not last too long  North Vietnam took over the country in 1975

22  1). 26th Amendment = 18 year olds could vote  2). War Powers Act = Limited the powers of the President to send troops into war (Remember the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)


24  John Kerry at a demonstration









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