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Unit I Use this information to complete part A of your assignment.

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1 Unit I Use this information to complete part A of your assignment

2 Gilded Age  Term created to describe the 30 years after the Civil War in which we saw a large growth in industry and business  Industries with the most growth  Railroads  Oil  Steel  Finance

3 Growth of Corporations  Business flourished into large corporate, money making machines  Helped the U.S. economy to expand but…  Many people began to view these businesses as a problem  Child labor, low wages, poor conditions

4 Too much growth?  Business leaders began merging businesses to the point that monopolies were created  Two types of mergers:  Vertical Integration – owning/controlling all steps in the creation of a product (i.e. resources  manufacturing  distribution)  Horizontal Integration – buying out companies making similar products (i.e. two oil refineries merging)

5 Monopoly v. Trusts  Monopoly – one business controlling and owning the production of a good/service  Trust – multiple companies “joined” together and ran by a board of trustees as if they are one company  Both have a lot of control over the market, so much so that they become a problem for the economy

6 Social Darwinism  Business owners were not always sympathetic to workers because they believed they earned their money through hard work and determination  The “deserved” to be on top because they were the best there was – they followed the idea of the “survival of the fittest”  This is how they justified their mass amounts of wealth  Was also used to justify the government staying out of business regulation, i.e. if a business is successful it shouldn’t be penalized for being the best

7 Gospel of Wealth  Many of these business tycoons did believe in giving back to those less fortunate though  They gave very large sums of money to charities to help the poor and invest in the arts  There was a belief that they had a responsibility help those with less

8 Document Analysis – Use these resources to complete part D of your assignment

9 #1 – Cartoon Analysis

10 #2 – Quote Analysis

11 #3 – Text Analysis

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