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The Growth of Big Business in America Topic 1.1 and 1.2.

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1 The Growth of Big Business in America Topic 1.1 and 1.2

2 Reason #1 America’s vast natural resources allowed for rapid industrial growth. Most growth takes place in the North, the South lags far behind in Industrialization

3 Reason #2 The Transcontinental Railroad The TCRR moves resources and products around the country efficiently! –First BIG business in America –The key to the opening of the west –Ties America together

4 Reason #3 Vast numbers of immigrants were coming to the United States. They were willing to work long hours for low wages in American factories for a chance at a better life.

5 Reason #4 The Free enterprise system encourages the rise of “Entrepreneurship” Talented businessmen with an abundance of capital Growing population “helpful” government

6 Reason #5 Laissez-Faire government policies encourages business growth. –Individuals should compete FREELY in the marketplace –There is no room for GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION –This is the ideology of the Gilded Age Laissez-faire is extremely important for you to remember all the way through the Great Depression

7 Laissez-faire leads to… Social Darwinism –The “Fit” succeed and the “unfit” fail –Government must not help those who fail –Herbert Spencer  coins the phrase: “Survival of the Fittest” (i.e., sucks to be you if you’re poor)

8 Reason #6 Technological innovations allowed business to become much more efficient.

9 Technological Innovations Bessemer process Refrigerated railcars The use of Oil as fuel Telegraph, telephone The harnessing of electricity light bulb, electricity powered factories Thomas Edison – Mr. Electricity

10 Business Innovations Forward thinking businessmen found ways to make their companies more efficient (profitable) –Time Study Analysis Reorganization of work –ASSEMBLY LINE

11 New Business models Small family business gave way to much larger Corporations, which developed into massive Monopolies.

12 The Monopolies gained control over other business because they were so efficient Horizontal Consolidation Vertical Consolidation –Pg. 75 in your book –These new business models allowed a few corporations to take over all of their competitors. John D. Rockefeller The richest man in the history of the known universe…literally.

13 Monopolies turn into… Trusts! Because the government was attempting to regulate unfair and dangerous business practices, big companies reorganized to circumvent the laws, forming TRUSTS, John D. Rockefeller Inventor of the Trust…still filthy rich

14 ANDREW CARNEGIE Steel Immigrant from Scotland, as a boy worked as a bobbin boy ($1.20/Week!) 1861 started his first iron business. Becomes the largest manufacturer of steel in the world!

15 “On Wealth” Andrew Carnegie $“Gospel of Wealth” (1901). $Inequality is inevitable and good. $Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren.” $Gave away his vast Fortune $Education/Arts $“Gospel of Wealth” (1901). $Inequality is inevitable and good. $Wealthy should act as “trustees” for their “poorer brethren.” $Gave away his vast Fortune $Education/Arts

16 JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER Tireless worker with a great mind for efficiency BRUTAL businessman Creates Standard Oil Refines 90% of the oil in America! Fortune peaks at $200 Billion!

17 Cornelius Vanderbilt – “The Biltmore” – Largest House in the U.S.

18 The Gospel of Wealth: Religion in the Era of Industrialization Russell H. Conwell $Wealth no longer looked upon as bad. $Viewed as a sign of God’s approval. $Christian duty to accumulate wealth. $Should not help the poor. $Wealth no longer looked upon as bad. $Viewed as a sign of God’s approval. $Christian duty to accumulate wealth. $Should not help the poor.

19 Widening income gap With the rise of corporations and monopolies, America saw a divide developing between the wealthy and the rest of the country; in a capitalist system, this is both natural and dangerous.

20 “Robber Barons” or “Captains of Industry”? Are the industrialists fostering innovation, building a stronger America, and creating wealth and jobs?

21 “ The Protectors of ur Industries” Are they gaining vast fortunes with corrupt business practices at the expense of their workers and the American consumer?

22 The “Bosses” of the Senate Admired at the beginning of the Gilded Age, the Industrialists were mistrusted by the public by the end of the century.

23 Regulating the Trusts As a result, but the 1880’s, the government began to reign in the Trusts Interstate Commerce Act (Railroad Regulation) Sherman Anti-Trust Act This is called “regulation”, and business HATES it!

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