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Come & Meet the World Respected Yoga Master Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta Organized by.

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1 Come & Meet the World Respected Yoga Master Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta Organized by

2 Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta (Dadajii) is from southern India. In the mid 1960s he left a promising career as an engineer to became a yogic monk. Since then he has dedicated himself to a life of service, teaching and a deep daily practice. During the 1970s and early 80s he worked here in the U.S where he inspired many thousands to begin yoga and meditation and establish service projects throughout the US. He inspired others to follow his personal example and become yogic monks or nuns. Dadajii is currently the head of Ananda Marga College in West Bengal, India. His unflagging energy is devoted to improving the quality of the education provided to the sons and daughters of low income families in the West Bengal region.Ananda Marga College Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta

3  1966 March-Joined Ananda Marga as an acarya (monk and teacher)  1966-1970-Worked in South India. Gave spiritual lectures and instruction in meditation to many people. Started many schools orphanages, medical camps in South India.  1971-1983 Worked in North America (US, Canada, Mexico, Central Americas and the West Indies). Thousands were initiated into meditation (especially college students). Started many pre schools and primary schools for urban children to provide moral, ethical and spiritual education. Initiated projects for the disadvantaged adolescent including girls homes. Visited several medium and maxium security prisons for Yoga programs Conducted many retreats for the spiritual advancement.  1983 -1985 Worked in the Middle East Initiated many people for the meditaion (Jews, Muslims and Christians) A brief summary of Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta

4  June 1985 –June 1990 Worked in Africa Meditation Instruction was given to many people in almost all of East, South, Central and West Africa. Initiated projects such as schools and homes for the impoverished, especially in South Africa during the time of racial segregation. We received a Human right awards from the ANC for our humanitarian works among the impoverished.  June 1990 - Present - Work in India Administering an Undergrad College for the poorest youth in the Purulia Dist of W. Bengal. Helped set up the computer lab in the technical school near Bangalore.

5 Purulia, in the State of West Bengal, is one of the most impoverished and downtrodden districts of India. Most students drop out of high school due to economic hardship and the literacy rate is extremely low. Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, the founder of Ananda Marga, had a vision to elevate the educational status and improve the standard of living in the most backward areas of India through a comprehensive system of education. Initially, there was no higher educational institution in and around Ananda Nagar. He founded the Degree College at Ananda Nagar in the year 1956, providing higher education and a path out of extreme poverty to members of the poorest communities. The college is the top level of the local educational system and has been an undeniable success, serving more than 60 villages around Ananda Nagar over the years—villages that had previously had little access to higher education. His Involvement in Education


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