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Jade Hinsley-Scott My portfolio. Term 3 Term 3 My Reading Goal Current reading level : 13 years Read lots of books!

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Presentation on theme: "Jade Hinsley-Scott My portfolio. Term 3 Term 3 My Reading Goal Current reading level : 13 years Read lots of books!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jade Hinsley-Scott My portfolio

2 Term 3 Term 3

3 My Reading Goal Current reading level : 13 years Read lots of books!

4 Reading My reading goal I will be reading at 13.5 and my comprehensi on at 85%, by the end of term 3. How am I going to achieve this: By reading books with harder words in them. Books with different subjects not just my normal interests. By reading more text types.

5 Writing My writing goal To make most of my texts in my writing have some humour in them. I will achieve this goal by: Reading text types that have humour in them. Practice writing unrealistic texts so they get people hooked into the story, poem etc… that I am writing.

6 My current maths level: S: 9

7 MY Maths Goal My maths goal: Is to learn my 12 times tables and be able to recall them quickly by the end of Term 3. I am going to achieve my goal by: Practicing my 12 times tables every night at home. By doing them as part of my homework. By practising them at school.

8 . 12x1=12 12x2=24 12x3=36 12x4=48 12x5=60 12x6=72 12x7=84 12x8=96 12x9=108 12x10=120 12x11=132 12x12=144

9 Topic My topic is : To finish everything in my topic and to keep up with the work been given out How I can achieve this: Keep on task at all times. Not get distracted when other people are not behaving sensible.

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