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Agroforestry – Implementation, Obstacles and Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Agroforestry – Implementation, Obstacles and Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agroforestry – Implementation, Obstacles and Questions

2 Content I.Agroforestry as a suitable approach for GIZ –Obstacles for agroforestry implementation worldwide II.Related GIZ projects in Central Asia –Obstacles for implementation in Central Asia III.Resulting research questions

3 Content I.Agroforestry as a suitable approach for GIZ –Obstacles for agroforestry implementation worldwide II.Related GIZ projects in Central Asia –Obstacles for implementation in Central Asia III.Resulting research questions

4 Agroforestry as a suitable approach for GIZ Social EconomicEnvironmental Sustai- nable equitable bearable viable

5 Obstacles for agroforestry implementation Competition between trees and crops Access to quality seeds and germplasm Higher productivity? Technical/ Biophysical Competition with annual crops Markets for tree products Socio- economic Policy-making processes and planning Institutional responsibilities Land ownership/ tenure & use situation Political/Legal

6 Content I.Agroforestry as a suitable approach for GIZ –Obstacles for agroforestry implementation worldwide II.Related GIZ projects in Central Asia –Obstacles for implementation in Central Asia III.Resulting research questions

7 FLERMONECA The overall objective of FLERMONECA is to promote the stability and security of the countries of Central Asia, to assist them in their pursuit of sustainable economic development and poverty reduction and to facilitate closer regional cooperation both within Central Asia and between Central Asia and the EU. FLEG-Component: Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in Central Asia: –Promotion of legal and sustainable forest management and utilization practices strengthens the rule of law, tackles the growing problem of illegal forest activities and enhances local livelihoods.

8 GIZ in Central Asia – EKF KG (Source: Borchardt et al., 2010)

9 GIZ in Central Asia – EKF KG „Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Reduction trough Community based Management of Walnut Forests and Pastures“ Main Problems: –No adapted (integrated) management model of forest and pasture resources –Lack of income possibilities for growing local population\ –Overuse of natural resources –Degradation of natural resources – forest and pastures –Lot of local conflicts (natural resource use, social, ethnic)

10 GIZ in Central Asia – EKF KG Innovative methods to value biodiversity and to increase efficiency of resource use is applied by local population in selected areas New forests and mixed plantations for walnut and fruits production, adapted to climate change, are settled and accepted in selected areas Conditions of forests and pastures in selected areas is improved trough sustainable management (incl. management plans) Objective Selected communities in the south of Kyrgyzstan apply forests and pastures management models to protect biodiversity, to adapt to climate change, to secure an income or to increase it. Components

11 GIZ in Central Asia – EKF TJ

12 „Adaptation to climate change through sustainable forest management” Main Problems: –Overuse and degradation of forests –Vulnerability towards climate change –Lack of food and nutrition security –Lack of implementation of the forestry sector programme and of participatory land use planning –Reduction of biodiversity and of important forest functions such as erosion protection and the regulation of soil water and the microclimate, further aggravating the negative impacts of climate change

13 GIZ in Central Asia – EKF TJ The rehabilitation of degraded forests, addressing adaptation to climate change and for the sustainable development The national forestry agency, local forest departments and forest users in the project areas are qualified and strengthened to jointly rehabilitate forest areas. Objective Rehabilitation, preservation and sustainable use of forests contribute to the countries adaptation towards climate change, the preservation of biodiversity and the improvement of livelihoods within the project areas. Components

14 Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change in high mountain regions of Central Asia Sustainable mechanisms for building local actors’ capacities to overcome barriers to adaptation are developed, tested and established in collaboration with stakeholders. Pilots for innovative measures and EbA approaches are designed and implemented in selected watersheds. Outcome For the high mountain regions of Central Asia, experience-based, innovative and cost-effective approaches to ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change have been systematically anchored in the climate-related policies and planning of the three target countries. Outputs Recommen- dations for the dissemi- nation of EbA solutions and their financing are available and fed into the policy dialogue. Specialists and executives of relevant profes- sional institutions (including non- state) are able to conceptualize and implement EbA measures and have contributed their experiences to policy dialogues at the national and international level. EbA is anchored in the national climate adaptation policies, strategic requirements and other legal regulations relevant to climate change; the countries will be supported in fulfilling their international obligations and the related potentials; relevant international development partners include the EbA concept into their programming in CA.

15 Ecosystem based adaptation and agroforestry Experiences from the Pamirs, Tajikistan Approach: 1.Adaptation of forest ecosystems to the impacts of climate change 2.Utilisation of forest ecosystems and their services to reduce the vulnerability of local communities to climate change First Results: –List of adaptation pathways and measures related to: forest regeneration and restoration agroforestry and climate-smart agriculture disaster risk management NICOLE DAZU FRAGEN



18 Obstacles for implementation in Central Asia Competition between trees and crops Access to quality seeds and germplasm Higher productivity? Technical/ Biophysical Competition with annual crops Markets for tree products Socio- economic Policy-making processes and planning Unclear institutional responsibilities Land ownership/ tenure & use situation Political/Legal Competition – Walnut trees! Access to quality seeds and germplasm Higher productivity? Competition with annual crops Markets for tree products No incentive to stop illegal grazing! Policy-making processes and planning Lack of inter-ministerial interaction! State ownership, unclear tenure situations! Delayed decision-making by Leskhozes!

19 Content I.Agroforestry as a suitable approach for GIZ –Obstacles for agroforestry implementation worldwide II.Related GIZ projects in Central Asia –Obstacles for implementation in Central Asia III.Resulting research questions

20 Resulting research questions Interactions of tree/crop combinations; expected yields Highly productive species vs. biodiversity Carrying capacities for grazing; Local climate impacts and climate-sensitivity, diseases and water efficiency of walnut and fruit trees Technical/ Biophysical How to make approach economically viable Economic returns of current or proposed agroforestry systems The population’s motivation to keep using old species Socio- economic Beneficial institutional framework Opportunities for integrated pest management and area certification schemes for pesticide-free areas Political/Legal

21 Thank you for your attention!

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