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The Heart of a King Lessons on Leadership from the Life of King David Richard D. Phillips Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church Greenville, SC.

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Presentation on theme: "The Heart of a King Lessons on Leadership from the Life of King David Richard D. Phillips Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church Greenville, SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Heart of a King Lessons on Leadership from the Life of King David Richard D. Phillips Senior Minister, Second Presbyterian Church Greenville, SC

2 How to Be a Visionary Leader 1. Leadership as it Shapes Values 2. Leadership as it Builds People 3. Leadership as it Unites a Body 4. Leadership as it Inspires Purpose 5. David’s Vision for Leadership

3 David, Change Agent Changing a Paradigm from Within Clarifying Mission: 1 Sam. 17:52-54 Demonstrating Faithfulness: 1 Sam. 18:5 Leading by Example Rejected by Not Forsaken

4 The Crucible of Character Leadership Shaping Values David on the Run How Struggle Shapes Us ◦ Our relationship with God forged (Ps. 59) ◦ Our reputation built ◦ Espoused vs. Actual Values Leading a Following, Shaping a Vision Acting on Principle Key Moments of Integrity: 1 Sam. 24. Establishing Moral Authority

5 Bless You! Leadership Building Up People David Crowned, Half a Kingdom Personal, not merely Formal Authority The Men of Jabesh-Gilead: 1 Sam. 31:11- 13 David’s Fervent Note: 2 Sam. 2:4-7 Selective Attention! Personal Praise and Challenge

6 Standing in the Gap Leadership Uniting a Body Honorable treatment of Saul’s remains Factions, Factions! Abner & Ish-Bosheth David’s Absence from Battle Uniting Factions/Uniting People: 2 Sam. 3:17- 18. Pacifying the Warriors “All the people took note,” 2 Sam. 3:6-7

7 To Build a City Leadership Inspiring Purpose The King’s Compact, 2 Sam. 5:3 ◦ A clear & compelling goal To Jerusalem! Joab’s Chance, 1 Chron. 11:6 The Experience of Achievement ◦ The triumph of a cause Success Offered to the Lord: 2 Sam. 6

8 David’s Vision for Leadership ◦ When one rules justly over men, ruling in the fear of God, he dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth. (2Sa 23:3-4) ◦ The L ORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The L ORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Ps. 27:1) ◦ Teach me your way, O L ORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. (Psa 86:11)

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