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Unit 1 - From New World To Revolution Day 5 – 17 th Century Society.

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1 Unit 1 - From New World To Revolution Day 5 – 17 th Century Society

2  K – What do you know / think you know about life in the 17 th century in North America? (4-5 facts)  W – What questions do you have from the reading (2-3)  L – Will be the exit slip later

3  1700 – 300,000  1775 – 2.5 Million  Mass immigration + High Reproductively = Population Boom  20% are slaves  90% owned by Southern Plantation owners

4  Social Structure like England's  Social Stratification exists  Gap between rich and poor widens

5  Puritans see wealth as a “gift”  In the South society mirrors Feudal Society  Some wish to continue landed aristocracy

6  Family is important economically and socially  Marry early – Kids Early  More kids = more farmers = more $  Men vs. Women

7  Main source of income was agriculture  Mercantilism was the main basis for the colonial economy

8  Step 1 – build a network of oversea colonies  2 – Forbid trade with other nations  3 – Monopolize markets  4- Forbid trade to be carried on foreign ships  5 – Limit Wages best you can  6 - Maximize domestic resources  7 - Limit domestic consumption


10  Virginia & Maryland – Tobacco (Indentured Servants)  Carolinas & Georgia – Rice and Indigo (Slaves)  Middle Colonies – mix of agriculture and industry

11  Created a citizens militia  Upset at Gov. Berkeley of Virginia (England)  Poor farmers not being protected

12  Series of raids on colonial villages  Killed inhabitants  Defeats Governor's troops & set fire to Jamestown  Dysentery 

13  Shows problems with social division  Resistance to Royal Authority  Showed difficulty in controlling former indentured servants  Leads to a demand for slaves

14  Pueblo Revolt Cruel Spanish treatment of Indians in New Mexico  Glorious Revolution English overthrow King James II Colonies think this is good No relief in sight

15  R – Role = 4 historical characters/ casual sitting together talking about _________.  A – Audience = each other  F – Format = Dialogue or Argument or Play in a specific location  T – Topic = Specific theme that ties terms/concepts together

16  1) Establish Roles  2) Develop topic or theme  3) identify a location  4) Write dialogue to include terms in context  5) Present to class – EVERYONE PARTICPATES

17 Colonial Slavery AP pgs 70-73; W pgs 58-60 Middle Passage, Atlantic Circuit, Joint Stock Company, Diaspora, Chattels, Slave Codes, Jamestown, Royal African Company, Rice & Indigo, Chesapeake, Gumbo, Goober and Voodoo - Bacon’s Rebellion - AP pgs 67-70; W pgs 55-56 - Dysentery, Berkeley, Jamestown, Social Stratification, Indentured Servant, Disenfranchised, Backcountry, Tidewater, Chesapeake, tobacco, freedom dues, headright

18  K – What do you know / think you know about life in North America in the 17 th Century(4-5 facts)  W – What questions do you have from the reading (2-3)  L – What are the 3 most important things you have learned today and why?

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