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Access and Integration in Schools III 11 December 2007 Coventry School of Art and Design Role of Design in BSF programme Design Team and Design Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Access and Integration in Schools III 11 December 2007 Coventry School of Art and Design Role of Design in BSF programme Design Team and Design Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Access and Integration in Schools III 11 December 2007 Coventry School of Art and Design Role of Design in BSF programme Design Team and Design Process Protocol Design Roles & Responsibilities Sustainability Developing the Brief Transformation & Efficiency Improving the process Discussion Paul Middleton Design Manager Partnerships for Schools

2 Role of PfS Design Team Core role is to ensure that: Local authorities estate plans are affordable Contractors deliver the most fit-for-purpose learning environments from the available funding Ensure design is appropriately monitored and challenged throughout the process; To ensure the wider market implements best design practice; To support the delivery of efficiencies and innovation from the design process.

3 Bigger Picture……….. Design Process Protocol DQIs: facilitation and participation DQI facilitation (CIC Registered) Design Reviews Seminars/conferences Promoting early participation Improving Clients readiness for market Establishing additional abnormals costs External bodies CABE, CDA, DfES, RIBA, SDF, BCSE, PPP, CIC, BRE, ACN

4 Design Process Protocol Common process for LA’s to follow Consistent design information Provide Templates Improving LA’s readiness for market Design Managers involvement Encourage Stakeholder consultation DQI in context

5 Design Process Protocol

6 external materials safe and stimulating grounds size of grounds enhance the neighbourhood extendibility hazardous materials and VOCs minimising waste on site balance of space toilets and changing areas dining and social areas staff / administrative areas learning resource areas halls have appropriate furniture integrated ICT infrastructure allow structural change allow services change allow layout change have versatile lighting be adaptable provide security inclusive to special educational needs enhance teaching and learning contribute to efficiency accommodate needs grounds which support the curriculum storage teaching spaces net to gross circulation adjacencies size of building ambulant disabled and wheelchair users people with impaired hearing people with impaired sight signposting way finding intelligible layout access / storage for goods and waste safe access cyclists access for all car parking and bicycle storage pedestrian and public transport environmentally sustainable efficient structure climate change integration of fixtures and fittings integration of systems demolition and recyclability safe construction considered construction appropriate materials adaptability safety health co-ordination of systems fire safety control systems minimising controls minimising cooling minimising mechanical ventilation minimising heating CO2 operating quietly operabilit y engineering systems replacement of components energy and water efficiency few complaints / faults operability appropriate air quality appropriate acoustics appropriate climate sufficient artificial light sufficient daylight durable finishes weathering response to site microclimate maintainable wear and tear cleaning contribute to new knowledge make you think sense of security character widely acclaimed reinforces ethos of the school welcoming to visitors educational vision apparent raise aspirations colour and texture quality materials detailing orientation composition pleasing form personal control views acoustics air quality thermal comfort quality of artificial light quality of daylight enjoyable common areas stress reducing not feel cramped pleasurable contribute to regeneration sense of local ownership relationship to local facilities school's outdoor environment edge of the site context

7 BUILD QUALITY The School in its Community Within the School Form & materials Character & innovation Performance Engineering Services Construction Access Space Uses FUNCTIONALITY IMPACT Design Quality Indicator for Schools

8 Design quality: some comparisons Which has more character?

9 Design quality: some comparisons Which circulation space is more enjoyable?

10 Design Quality: some comparisons Which hall lifts the spirits?

11 Ensuring Design Quality Design Professionals Design Champion CABE Enablers Client Design Advisors Technical Adviser PfS Design Team DQI facilitators Design Related Design Quality Indicators Asset Management Plans BREEAM for schools CABE Design Assessment Panel Issues Right people in the first place Getting design people in correct order Overlap between design professionals Key role of CDA. Problem if not in place Independence of CDA TA/CDA relationship CABE Enablers/ Panel DQI facilitators PfS design team TA/CDAs Local Authority brief school DCSF Design champion

12 Ensuring Design Quality Crowded environment……….PfS to manage


14 DCFS Sustainable Schools Strategy Food and drink Local well-being Energy and water Travel and traffic Buildings and grounds Inclusion and participation Global dimension Purchasing and waste The 8 ‘Doorways

15 Invitation To Participate in Dialogue - ITPD Invitation To Continue Dialogue - ITCD Sustainability, is an important part of the assessment of bidders proposals. The PfS standard templates sets out the evaluation criteria, Bidders are requested to provide detailed statements clarifying their approach to: Environmental Management, Environmental Services Strategy Energy Strategy BREEAM Sustainable Schools - Policy to Delivery

16 Schedule 14 Part 2 : Strategic Partnering Agreement – SPA To create and maintain sustainable school buildings Continuous Improvements Environmental Performance Key Performance Indicator’s - KPIs: Achieving BREEAM ‘Very Good’ Energy efficiency of schools in operation Construction Waste - tonnes relative to value Sustainable Schools - Policy to Delivery

17 Lancashire - BSF Sustainable Schools Approach to Low Energy Design: Reduced Energy Consumption Passive Solar Design Thermal Mass/Natural ventilation Efficient Lighting Solution Water conversation On-site Renewable Energy Solutions Biomass Small scale wind turbines Photovoltaic Solar hot water Ground source heat / cooling Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Sustainable Systems as learning tools Supports the educational curriculum Systems on display, read out panels Dynamic Web page - Energy, CO 2, H 2 O

18 is the new web-portal for sustainable schools linking management curriculum and school The sustainable design web page is at Sustainable Schools 3 Demonstration Projects Bideford College, Devon - New build: BREEAM Excellent Biomass, Off site wind generation, carbon neutral in use. Queen Elizabeth School, Dorset - New build: BREEAM Excellent, 95% carbon emission reduction, Biomass, 50kW turbine, photovoltaic, solar panels. Richmond School, North Yorkshire - Remodel/new build: BREEAM Excellent, natural ventilation, mix of renewable energies, multi-functional elements.

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