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2016/2017 CEO Capital Projects Plan July 2016. Capital Project Planning  We started 2015 with 40 new Capital Projects + 19 carry forward projects from.

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1 2016/2017 CEO Capital Projects Plan July 2016

2 Capital Project Planning  We started 2015 with 40 new Capital Projects + 19 carry forward projects from 2014 and 2013 = 59 Total Projects.  As of July 10, 2015, of those 59 projects, only 19 have been completed.  In February 2015, the RA Board received the 2014 Reserve Study Findings from Criterium Engineers which outlined the 10 Year Repair and Replacement of Capital Assets Forecast.  In developing the 2016 and 2017 Capital Budgets, staff derived from the 2014 Reserve Study the capital components lists identified in those years for repair and replacement.  72 items identified in 2016 + 49 items in 2017 = 121 Total Projects perceived as needing to be repaired or replaced. 2

3 Staff Observations  The study to be launched with GMU in late July 2015 will enable RA to learn from members what parks and recreation facilities, programs and services they most value;  As with the Pony Barn Recreation Area Working Group, RA has an opportunity to engage and involve our members in facility/park improvement planning;  With aging infrastructure, the number of items in need of major repair or replacement is increasing and becoming more complicated to undertake, requiring more specialized/technical expertise; and,  Over the past 36 months staff has observed in interesting phenomenon – we have been solely focused on separate facility components as opposed to looking at an entire facility or park. The analogy “can’t see the forest for the trees” comes to mind in the following real example: After undertaking a recent pool bathhouse renovation, staff looked at the new partitions installed and marveled at the fact that the 20 year old toilets were now in need of repair and/or replacement. LESSON LEARNED: While the stall replacement was listed as a needed capital repair item, it was undertaken without considering all that could have been upgraded in the bathhouse. 3

4 New Approach to Capital Project Planning RA requires a new approach to capital project planning = A multi-year Strategic Capital Repair & Replacement Plan + a Short-term Capital Maintenance Plan. Such an approach would focus on addressing: 1) the repair and replacement requirements of whole facilities or parks; 2) involvement of members in determining the scope of upgrades; and 3) establishing a phased/multi-year process for repairs and upgrades 4

5 New Approach to Capital Project Planning  Step 1 (Now) - Take a closer look at the 2016 Capital Projects list and fund only those items that are essential/mission-critical fixes or are fully scoped such as the Central Services Facility and Pony Barn Recreation Area upgrades.  Step 2 (1Q 2016) - Review with the Board and its committees the results of the GMU Recreation Program, Service & Facility Study to determine what facilities are most valued by our members and require “priority attention.”  Step 3 (3Q 2016) - Present to the Board a Strategic Capital Repair & Replacement Plan for 2017 through 2020. 5

6 Relationship to 2016/2017 Strategic Themes This new approach to capital project planning – Directly supports the Association’s Strategic Area of Focus: Leading Sustainable Change To enhance and protect Reston’s built and natural environments to ensure development and redevelopment is consistent with the Essential Elements of Reston By continuously promoting and applying design and maintenance best practices to compliment the integrity and distinctive design characteristics of our neighborhoods and common areas, as appropriate 6

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