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1 Sudan - Vision Long term vision Provision of minimum standard WASH package to 100% of population by 2031 Eliminating open defecation by 2025 focusing.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sudan - Vision Long term vision Provision of minimum standard WASH package to 100% of population by 2031 Eliminating open defecation by 2025 focusing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sudan - Vision Long term vision Provision of minimum standard WASH package to 100% of population by 2031 Eliminating open defecation by 2025 focusing on poorest localities with highest malnutrition rates Focus for 2014-2016 Improving financial, institutional and human resources capacity for integrated WASH Understanding and containing disparities through equity-based programming framework Sanitation ------------------------ Declining progress - 24% use improved toilets; 46 % practice Open Defecation Inequalities ---------------------- poorest households are 226 times more likely to practice Open Defecation than richest Water ------------------- 55% have access to improved water, but off-track for MDG

2 2 Challenges Key bottlenecks Lack of policy, legal and coordination framework Inadequate and inconsistent funding for WASH in particular for sanitation Weak capacity for implementing sanitation at scale Weak supply chains and management arrangements for water supplies Process of Identification ------------------- ● Engagement of stakeholders during the GLAAS process ● Undertaking bottleneck analysis using the WASH BAT

3 3 Progress on 2012 commitments Key achievement areas Accelerated policy development; draft soon to be presented to Cabinet for approval Emergency preparedness and response for ongoing and new emergencies Sector bottleneck analysis undertaken for rural WASH Areas of slow progress Enhancing Sector (financial and human resource) capacity Outreach of communities and schools with environmental and personal hygiene Carry-over to 2014 Enhancing sector financial resources DIU of Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity 2012- 2013 Achievements ---------------------------- 138 water harvesting systems (127 hafirs and 11 earth dams) Additional 27.5 million cubic meter of water for human and animal consumption Total cost of USD 56 million

4 4 2014 Commitments Financing ------------------------------ Progressively increase budgetary allocation for sanitation from 0.01% of GDP in 2014 up to 0.05% of GDP in 2018 with the 2014 allocation made from the reserve funds. Visibility ----------------------------- Scale up elimination of open defecation ensuring that up to 2 million people live in open defecation free (ODF) communities by April 2016. Monitoring Systems ------------------------------- Complete a sector bottleneck analysis initiated in 2013, ensuring the design by December 2015 of a framework for monitoring equitable and sustainable delivery of WASH services. Coordination and Alignment ------------------------------------------------- MoH to take clear leadership Establish at national level and in at least 14 states by December 2015, a high level coordinating body with specific responsibility for sanitation and hygiene. Coordination and Alignment: ----------------------------------------------- Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity to establish a high level coordinating body for the WASH Sector and institute an annual WASH Sector forum by December 2014. Sustainability Equality

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