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Warmup 12/11 What is a stem cell? What are 2 ways we can use a gel electrophoresis? What is an example of how we use transgenic organisms in science? What.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup 12/11 What is a stem cell? What are 2 ways we can use a gel electrophoresis? What is an example of how we use transgenic organisms in science? What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup 12/11 What is a stem cell? What are 2 ways we can use a gel electrophoresis? What is an example of how we use transgenic organisms in science? What are the objections to transgenic organisms?

2 Animal Behavior

3 What is a behavior? Behaviors are responses to a stimulus. What is a stimulus? A stimulus is a signal in the environment that can be experienced by the 5 senses.

4 2 basic types of behaviors Innate: you are born with it Learned: you acquire the behavior after you are born

5 Innate Behaviors Suckling: mammal babies suck on things that are put into their mouths, typically milk Hibernation: animals sleep through the winter when food is scarce Estivation: animals sleep through the summer when it’s too hot

6 Migration: movement in response to changing weather patterns Imprinting: babies associate the first adult (of any species) they see as their mother Courtship dances: elaborate rituals males and females do to attract mates and mate with them

7 Pheromones: chemical method of communication used by organisms Territorial Defense: males defending the females and food sources and homes from invading males

8 Learned Behaviors Habituation: decrease in the response to a stimulus based when exposed to it for prolonged periods of time Classical Conditioning: behavior associated with a different stimulus Dogs are trained to associate the ringing of a bell with dinner and so start salivating when they hear the bell Trial and Error: learning how to do a behavior after multiple attempts which end in failure

9 Organism Movement Chemotaxis: Movement towards or away from chemicals including salt and food Phototaxis: Movement towards or away from light

10 Pseudopodia: extensions of the cell membrane that the cell uses to move, stands for false foot

11 Contractile Vacuole: organelle that removes extra water from the cell Cilia: small hair like structures which wave and help move the organism

12 Eyespot: organelle that can sense light and help the organism move towards or away from it Flagella: long whip like structure that organisms use to move

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