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Published byVirgil Jackson Modified over 8 years ago
Training on Linguistic Accommodations for the STAAR TM Program TEA Student Assessment Division February 12, 2013 TETN Event #: 19014
TEA Student Assessment Division 2 Disclaimer These slides have been prepared by the Student Assessment Division of the Texas Education Agency. If any slide is changed for local use, please remove the TEA footer at the bottom of the slide.
TEA Student Assessment Division 3 Important Note This PowerPoint does not take the place of reading the appropriate administrative manuals and related resources on the Student Assessment Division website In addition, this PowerPoint should be used in conjunction with the LPAC decision-making process training PowerPoint (for information about ELL assessment policy, test participation, and linguistic accommodation decisions) ESC testing coordinator training PowerPoint (for information about test administration procedures)
Linguistic Accommodation Guide Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs Participating in the STAAR Program Linguistic accommodation guide is principal source of linguistic accommodation information for testing personnel Coordinators and test administrators should read and review the contents of this guide carefully Available at odations/ odations/ TEA Student Assessment Division 4
STAAR Decision-Making Guide for LPACs 2012–2013 STAAR Decision-Making Guide for LPACs Contains details about the LPAC decision-making and documentation process Available at TEA Student Assessment Division 5
Topics Overview Linguistic accommodations for students taking STAAR and STAAR L STAAR example test items to use in training Answer document coding for ELLs Linguistic accommodations for students taking STAAR Modified STAAR L paper administrations TEA Student Assessment Division 6
7 Overview
Review of STAAR Assessments for ELLs TEA Student Assessment Division 8
Participation in General STAAR Assessment Taken by ELLs and other students not administered STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified, or STAAR Alternate Remember: STAAR L is for mathematics, science, and social studies, not reading and writing STAAR Spanish is for grades 3–5 only Linguistic accommodations beyond testing in native language not permitted for STAAR Spanish ELLs taking general STAAR assessments permitted some linguistic accommodations TEA Student Assessment Division 9
10 Eligibility for STAAR Spanish and STAAR L 10
Alignment of STAAR, STAAR Spanish, and STAAR L Same: Assessed curriculum and item types STAAR blueprints for building tests Achievement standard alignment Focus on readiness for next grade level or course with goal of postsecondary readiness Differences have to do with language accessibility: STAAR Spanish uses native language to help students understand test STAAR L provides English-language accommodations to help students understand test TEA Student Assessment Division 11
STAAR L Eligibility STAAR L is for students who require moderate to substantial linguistic accommodation to understand the English used on STAAR mathematics, science, and social studies assessments STAAR L is for students for whom clarification of word meaning in English and/or reading words aloud (in addition to potentially using a bilingual dictionary and having extra time) is important to their ability to understand challenging material written in English TEA Student Assessment Division 12
STAAR L Eligibility All students taking STAAR L will have access to the accommodations of clarification in English and reading aloud of text in online system As part of the decision-making process, LPACs should determine and document whether the student needs at least one of these accommodations. If not, the student should take STAAR TEA Student Assessment Division 13
ELL Participation in STAAR Modified and STAAR Alternate ELLs receiving special education services who meet requirements for STAAR Modified or STAAR Alternate may take these assessments Small number of ELLs ELLs participate only on basis of disability, not second language acquisition TEA Student Assessment Division 14
TEA Student Assessment Division 15 Differing Degrees of Linguistic Accommodation for STAAR STAAR Spanish: Assessment is provided in student’s native language; other linguistic accommodations not applicable 15
ELLs with Parental Denials TAC §101.1005 (f) Reminder: These students are not eligible for special ELL assessment, accommodation, or accountability provisions No testing in Spanish No linguistic accommodations during testing No English I/II EOC special provisions No unschooled asylee/refugee provisions ELLs with parental denials may, however, use bilingual, ESL, or other allowable dictionaries as part of dictionary policy for STAAR reading and writing tests in grade 6 and up; under this policy, use of dictionaries not considered linguistic accommodation TEA Student Assessment Division 16
Linguistic Accommodations TEA Student Assessment Division 17
About Linguistic Accommodations Linguistic accommodations are language supports that decrease the language barrier ELLs experience when learning and demonstrating knowledge and skills in English Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) require that all teachers linguistically accommodate the instruction of ELLs according to students’ English language proficiency levels STAAR linguistic accommodation policies support these ELPS requirements TEA Student Assessment Division 18
Linguistic Accommodations in Instruction Support learning of both subject matter and English Are expected to change and be needed less often as students learn more English Are monitored and adjusted by teachers as students learn more English TEA Student Assessment Division 19
Linguistic Accommodations During State Assessment Not all accommodations suitable for instruction are allowable during state assessments Accommodations in instruction are designed to foster and support learning STAAR measures degree to which students have met curriculum and performance standards Accommodations during assessment must not alter what is fundamentally assessed Issues of test standardization and test administration logistics must be considered during state assessments TEA Student Assessment Division 20
STAAR Linguistic Accommodation Eligibility Criteria Made on individual student basis by LPAC Decisions must be based on — student’s particular needs for second language acquisition support whether student is routinely provided the accommodation in instruction and testing Providing unfamiliar accommodations may hinder rather than help student TEA Student Assessment Division 21
Role of LPAC Preparing for Test Administrations TEA Student Assessment Division 22
LPAC Role LPACs are responsible for coordinating with subject area teachers to make linguistic accommodation decisions in accordance with the eligibility criteria; the LPAC’s role should not be simply to process paperwork The LPAC process provides opportunities for guiding teachers, supporting ELPS and TEKS implementation, and determining needs for teachers’ professional development TEA Student Assessment Division 23
Coordination Between LPAC and Testing Coordinators Testing coordinators and LPACs must coordinate so that participation and accommodation decisions are available in time to make testing arrangements Remember, linguistic accommodations not just for STAAR L TEA Student Assessment Division 24
Coordination Between LPAC and Testing Coordinators Sample Forms for Documenting Participation & Accommodation Decisions Record of STAAR participation and linguistic accommodation decisions STAAR eligibility for special English I/II EOC provisions Student history worksheet Forms on LPAC assessment resources webpage at pac/ pac/ TEA Student Assessment Division 25
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR Modified In some cases, students taking different assessments may be grouped across programs, grades, and subject areas/courses Examples: STAAR and STAAR Modified paper tests, STAAR and STAAR L online assessments Organize test sessions in a way that keeps students from being confused or disturbed by differences in directions read aloud or accommodations provided Keep in mind: Certain accommodations require an individual or small group administration TEA Student Assessment Division 26
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR Modified Extra Time (Same Day) as a Linguistic Accommodation Permitted for any ELL if student meets eligibility criteria as determined by LPAC Not “automatic” Extra time within regularly scheduled school day only Schools with both morning and afternoon 4-hour test sessions must include these students in morning session TEA Student Assessment Division 27
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR and STAAR Modified Linguistic Accommodations Provided by Test Administrator Examples Clarification in English of word meaning in writing prompts (STAAR) Clarification in English of word meaning in short answer reading questions (STAAR) Clarification in English of word meaning (STAAR Modified) Oral translation (STAAR Modified) TEA Student Assessment Division 28
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR and STAAR Modified Linguistic Accommodations Provided by Test Administrator Require additional training for test administrators Individual or small group administrations may be necessary Test administrators who provide clarification of word meaning should be ― familiar with the subject matter assessed and linguistic needs of the students, and work routinely with the students in assisting with or delivering instruction TEA Student Assessment Division 29
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR L District and campus coordinators, in conjunction with technology staff, will need to follow steps to prepare for, conduct, and complete online testing Technology staff must be available for assistance during test administration TEA Student Assessment Division 30
Planning for Test Administrations – STAAR L Ensure that there is one pair of headphones per student for administrations of STAAR L in which multiple students are tested in the same room (STAAR L online interface allows students to hear words read aloud) As an option, students may bring their own headphones from home Keep in mind that students taking STAAR L online may be eligible to use a bilingual dictionary and/or receive extra time TEA Student Assessment Division 31
Preparing ELLs for Testing with Linguistic Accommodations – STAAR L STAAR L Online Student Tutorials Now available at and Administration directions for each tutorial will also be posted Should be used to familiarize students with clarification and read aloud accommodations and standard TestNav tools Test administration directions for spring 2013 STAAR L assessments will assume some familiarity with online interface TEA Student Assessment Division 32
Preparing ELLs for Testing with Linguistic Accommodations – STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR Modified In training test administrators with ELLs in their sessions, make sure to review this section of test administrator manuals Administration “SAY” directions assume ELLs have been told in advance how their sessions will be conducted what type of accommodations they may receive TEA Student Assessment Division 33
Helping ELLs Understand Test Directions – STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR Modified For all tests, ELLs may be helped to understand “SAY” directions and test booklet directions that introduce test sections or item formats. TA is allowed to: paraphrase translate repeat read directions aloud TA is not allowed to add directions that are substantively different (no pointers, no test-taking strategies, etc.) With the exception of STAAR L, STAAR tests have no sample items; familiarize new ELLs with item formats ahead of time using released items on TEA website TEA Student Assessment Division 34
Assessing New Immigrants Who Know Little English – STAAR, STAAR L, STAAR Modified In isolated situations in which completing an assessment is not in best interest of student (e.g., newly arrived ELL who knows too little English), campus coordinator, with other appropriate personnel, may decide to submit test for scoring without requiring student to complete test Score code is “S” Circumstances should be documented and communicated to student’s parents after test administration TEA Student Assessment Division 35
Affective Needs of ELLs Recently Arrived ELLs Meeting affective needs of ELLs who are new to the U.S. is important in instruction and testing Sending encouraging, calm vibrations goes a long way Help new ELLs look at first year of test results as good information to use in setting and meeting goals for following year All ELLs Encourage practices that involve all ELLs in setting and reaching goals for English acquisition and academic achievement TEA Student Assessment Division 36
TEA Student Assessment Division 37 Linguistic Accommodations for Students Taking STAAR and STAAR L
TEA Student Assessment Division 38 Linguistic Accommodations STAAR *Dictionary access to be provided for all students in grade 6 and up as part of STAAR dictionary policy
TEA Student Assessment Division 39 Linguistic Accommodations STAAR L *Provided in online interface beginning spring 2013
STAAR and STAAR L Linguistic Accommodations― Dictionaries TEA Student Assessment Division 40
Dictionaries as a Linguistic Accommodation Four categories: Bilingual dictionary English/ESL dictionary Non-English monolingual dictionary Picture dictionary TEA Student Assessment Division 41
Bilingual Dictionary Allowable for STAAR and STAAR L (any subject) Considered a linguistic accommodation for math, science, social studies (all grades) grades 3–5 reading and grade 4 writing Reminder: Allowed for grade 6 and up reading and writing as part of STAAR dictionary policy (and not considered a linguistic accommodation) Used to translate words (and sometimes common phrases) from one language to another Bilingual dictionaries that include pictures are fine as long as they do not illustrate content terminology or concepts TEA Student Assessment Division 42
Bilingual Dictionary Examples of translated words — English to Spanish (useful when reading in English) evenly uniformemente; imparcialmente, equitativamente live broadcast emisión en directo photosynthesis fotosíntesis Examples of translated words — Spanish to English (useful when writing in English) cita appointment, meeting; date; quotation decepcionar disappoint débil weak TEA Student Assessment Division 43
Bilingual Dictionary Example entry — English to Spanish age [ eId Ʒ ] noun (general) edad; old age vejez; (period) época; (fam: long time) we waited for ages esperamos una eternidad; verb envejecer The Spanish translation for the word “age,” which seems like a simple word in English, has multiple meanings and is a different word in each case. TEA Student Assessment Division 44
English/ESL Dictionary Allowable for STAAR reading and writing only; not other STAAR subjects; not STAAR L Considered a linguistic accommodation below grade 6 Reminder: Allowed for grade 6 and up reading and writing as part of STAAR dictionary policy (and not considered a linguistic accommodation) Unlike bilingual dictionaries, English dictionaries contain definitions of English words ESL dictionaries define words using simpler English Some dictionaries (e.g., children’s dictionaries, ESL dictionaries) include some pictures TEA Student Assessment Division 45
Non-English Monolingual Dictionary Allowable for STAAR reading and writing only Considered a linguistic accommodation in grade 3 and up Single-language standard (definition) dictionary in a language other than English (e.g., dictionary of Spanish language; dictionary of Vietnamese language) Would likely need to be used in combination with other dictionaries; this requires skill and experience TEA Student Assessment Division 46
Picture Dictionary Allowable for STAAR reading and writing only Linguistic accommodation in grade 3 and up Conveys word meaning through drawings or photos; includes only words that can be pictured May be monolingual, bilingual, or multilingual (may show picture plus word in one language or more than one language) Contains small body of words; has limited usefulness as stand-alone linguistic accommodation TEA Student Assessment Division 47
Allowable and Nonallowable Formats Within four categories of allowable dictionaries, keep in mind the following guidelines: Paper and electronic dictionary formats (including hand- held electronic devices) are permitted Electronic devices: must not be Internet-based (it is not sufficient to disable Internet) any features that allow entering and saving text or uploading files must be cleared before and after test administration if device has additional capabilities (e.g. calculator) that cannot be disabled, the test administrator must actively monitor to ensure that these features are not accessed TEA Student Assessment Division 48
Allowable and Nonallowable Formats Subject-specific/topic-specific dictionaries (e.g., science dictionaries, academic language dictionaries, etc.) are not permitted Bilingual dictionaries must be word/phrase translation dictionaries only; must not define words or illustrate or explain content terminology or concepts Bilingual, ESL, and standard monolingual dictionaries that contain occasional pictures are acceptable as long as the pictures do not illustrate content terminology or concepts TEA Student Assessment Division 49
Allowable and Nonallowable Formats Electronic devices that translate beyond the level of words and set phrases are not considered bilingual dictionaries and are not permitted Only dictionaries by reputable dictionary publishing companies should be used (no dictionaries produced by school districts, service centers, etc.) A state list of approved dictionaries will not be issued TEA Student Assessment Division 50
STAAR Reading and Writing Dictionary Policy Grade 6 and Up For reading and writing only For all Texas students in grade 6 and up, including ELLs (new immigrants too) and students with disabilities Standard English dictionaries allowed, as well as bilingual and ESL dictionaries Policy specifies minimums and recommended numbers of dictionaries per number of students TEA Student Assessment Division 51
STAAR Reading and Writing Dictionary Policy Grades 6 and Up Policy document notes regarding ELLs: Provide in accordance with ELL’s needs and how much used in instruction and classroom testing For ELLs who depend heavily on them, recommendation is one dictionary per student More than one type of allowable dictionary may be provided to an ELL (or to any student) TEA Student Assessment Division 52
STAAR Reading and Writing Dictionary Policy Grade 6 and Up Two sources for dictionary policies for ELLs taking STAAR: STAAR dictionary policy Applies to reading and writing assessments in grade 6 and above Available at Linguistic Accommodations for ELLs Participating in the STAAR Program guide Outlines policies for the use of dictionaries on all other tests not covered under the STAAR dictionary policy Available at TEA Student Assessment Division 53
STAAR and STAAR L – Other Linguistic Accommodations TEA Student Assessment Division 54
Extra Time (Same Day) as a Linguistic Accommodation Allowable for STAAR (any subject or course) and STAAR L Enables ELL to have extra time within regularly scheduled school day to complete assessment Does not mean ELL must take all day; means student may have additional time needed within school day LPAC does not need to predetermine and document a specific amount of extra time a student could need; LPAC needs only document that student needs extra time Not automatically allowed for all ELLs See eligibility criteria next slide TEA Student Assessment Division 55
Extra Time (Same Day) Specific Eligibility Criteria Routine use in specified contexts: ELL must need and routinely be provided extra time when completing assignments and assessments that require substantial comprehension or use a substantial amount of English Second language acquisition needs: Needs must relate to second language acquisition factors, that is, the time the ELL needs to read meaningfully in English (or write a response, as applicable to subject assessed) as a function of learning the English language Nonfactors: Factors that are not ELL-specific must not be considered, such as test anxiety, use of test strategies, or other reasons not related to second language acquisition TEA Student Assessment Division 56
Clarification in English of Word Meaning – Writing Prompts Allowable for STAAR writing: grades 4, 7, English I-III On per student request basis only, test administrator may clarify meaning of words and phrases on writing prompt page (NOTE: For reading excerpt in English III analytical writing prompt, only occasional single words may be clarified) Before providing clarification, test administrator should ask whether student has looked up word in dictionary; clarification can be provided to students who still need assistance after using dictionary Grade 4 writing: This requirement does not apply if student is not using dictionary as linguistic accommodation 57 TEA Student Assessment Division
Clarification in English of Word Meaning – Writing Prompts Test administrator may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures Test administrator is not permitted to reinforce or emphasize any information on prompt page or assist with planning, organizing, or writing of composition Note: When clarifying the meaning of words, test administrators may reference a dictionary and are not required to give definitions or explanations from memory TEA Student Assessment Division 58
Clarif. in English of Word Meaning– Short-Answer Reading Questions Allowable for STAAR English I-III reading On per student request basis only, test administrator may clarify meaning of words/phrases in short-answer questions Before providing clarification, test administrator should ask whether student has looked up word in dictionary; clarification can be provided to students who still need assistance after using dictionary Clarification is not permitted for language arts terms words/phrases that are part of selection title words/phrases that are quoted from selection TEA Student Assessment Division 59
Clarif. in English of Word Meaning – Short-Answer Reading Questions Test administrator may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures Test administrator is not permitted to reinforce or emphasize any part of information or assist with planning, organizing, or writing of response Note: When clarifying the meaning of words, test administrators may reference a dictionary and are not required to give definitions or explanations from memory TEA Student Assessment Division 60
Clarif. in English of Word Meaning & Reading Aloud of Text– Math, Science, Social Studies Allowable for STAAR L, not STAAR Provided in the online interface for all students taking STAAR L Students receive computer-provided clarification assistance by clicking on eligible words and phrases in test questions Reading aloud of text provided by Hear a Word online tool TEA Student Assessment Division 61 New
Optional Test Administration Procedures Flexible/frequent breaks As standard practice test administrators may give all students restroom breaks or short mental breaks as needed Whether testing within 4-hour limit or with extra time, the test administrator should be aware that some ELLs may need more frequent or flexible breaks than other students For ELLs testing within the 4-hour time limit, the clock does not stop for these breaks TEA Student Assessment Division 62
Optional Test Administration Procedures Clarification/translation of test administration directions As standard procedures for STAAR, any ELL is allowed assistance in understanding the directions that are read aloud before the test (“SAY” directions) and any directions that introduce a particular test section or item format Test administrator may paraphrase, translate, repeat, or read aloud these types of directions at student request Test administrator must not add directions that are substantively different (e.g., give pointers or remind students about using strategies) TEA Student Assessment Division 63
Optional Test Administration Procedures See the Coordinator Manual Resources page at /dccm/ for more information about optional test administration procedures and STAAR time limits policies and procedures /dccm/ TEA Student Assessment Division 64
STAAR Example Items for Training Test Administrators – Reading and Writing (Including English I–III) TEA Student Assessment Division 65
STAAR Example 1: Grade 7 Writing (Expository) Clarification of Word Meaning in Writing Prompt TEA Student Assessment Division 66
STAAR Example 2: English III Writing (Analytical) Clarification of Word Meaning in Writing Prompt TEA Student Assessment Division 67
STAAR Example 3: English I Reading Clarification of Word Meaning in Short-Answer Reading Questions TEA Student Assessment Division 68
TEA Student Assessment Division 69 Answer Document Coding for ELLs
Paper Answer Document Coding for ELLs STAAR and STAAR Modified Linguistic accommodations to be marked along with other accommodations STAAR L STAAR answer documents no longer used for STAAR L So, no “L” bubble in Test Taken Info field or STAAR L linguistic accommodations bubbles on STAAR answer documents Students taking a TEA-approved paper administration of STAAR L will record answers in the test booklet; a test administrator will transcribe responses into special online form Spanish STAAR STAAR and STAAR Spanish share same answer document. Remember, no linguistic accommodations ever to be coded for STAAR Spanish TEA Student Assessment Division 70
TEA Student Assessment Division 71 Paper Answer Document Coding Linguistic Accommodation Summary (3–8 and EOC) *Dictionaries are linguistic accommodations on reading and writing tests (English versions) in grades 3–5 only; in grade 6 and up, they are part of dictionary policy for all students 71
Recording Linguistic Accommodations for Online Tests STAAR EOC and STAAR L Grades 3–8 and EOC Linguistic accommodations to be recorded along with other applicable accommodations on the Student Test Details screen in the Assessment Management System All students taking STAAR L have access to the accommodations of clarification in English and reading aloud of text in the online interface For this reason, the fields for these accommodations will NOT be active on the Student Test Details screen The accommodations of bilingual dictionary and extra time should be recorded if they were made available to the student TEA Student Assessment Division 72
General Guideline for Recording Linguistic Accommodations Whether the student tested on paper or online, record the accommodations that were pre- determined by the LPAC and made available to the student during testing, even if the student did not use the accommodation TEA Student Assessment Division 73
TEA Student Assessment Division 74 Linguistic Accommodations for Students Taking STAAR Modified
TEA Student Assessment Division 75 Linguistic Accommodations STAAR Modified *Unique to STAAR Modified **Dictionary access to be provided for all students in grade 6 and up as part of STAAR dictionary policy 75
Linguistic Accommodations – STAAR Modified STAAR policies for the following accommodations also apply to STAAR Modified: Bilingual dictionary English dictionary (standard or ESL) Monolingual dictionary in languages other than English Picture dictionary Extra time TEA Student Assessment Division 76
Clarification in English of Meaning of Words in Test Items Allowable for all STAAR Modified subjects/courses Provides same type of clarification as STAAR L (paper administrations) and STAAR with following exceptions: Allowed on multiple-choice items in reading and writing Writing: Test administrator must be careful not to clarify word meaning in a way that cues answers to items testing spelling, mechanics, and grammar o Example: Test administrator is not permitted to clarify the meaning of tested words in item assessing homonyms TEA Student Assessment Division 77
Clarification in English of Meaning of Words in Test Items Math, science, social studies: no ECG provided for STAAR Modified Language simplification is part of development process of STAAR Modified; test administrators may provide additional clarification at request of student TEA Student Assessment Division 78
Clarification in English of Meaning of Words in Test Items Test administrators should be trained using the STAAR L example items for paper administrations (provided at the end of this PowerPoint) as reference for the types of words that are not eligible for clarification Test administrators are not permitted to clarify or otherwise explain content terminology or concepts, or provide any assistance that aids the student in finding a correct answer Note: When clarifying the meaning of words, test administrators may reference a dictionary and are not required to give definitions or explanations from memory TEA Student Assessment Division 79
Clarif. in English of Meaning of Words in STAAR Modified Reading and Writing Selections At request of student, test administrator may clarify meaning of occasional words and phrases in STAAR Modified reading and writing selections Test administrator not permitted to clarify meaning of entire sentences or longer portions of text Test administrator may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures TEA Student Assessment Division 80
Clarif. in English of Meaning of Words in STAAR Modified Reading and Writing Selections Test administrator must not provide assistance that aids the student in determining correct answers to test questions Note: When clarifying the meaning of words, test administrators may reference a dictionary and are not required to give definitions or explanations from memory TEA Student Assessment Division 81
Clarif. in English of Meaning of Words in STAAR Modified Reading and Writing Selections Reading selections: Test administrator must not clarify the meaning of vocabulary, expressions, or other phrasing specifically assessed in a test question Writing selections: Test administrator must not clarify meaning in a way that provides cues related to spelling, mechanics, or grammar. For example, if a student requests clarification of the meaning of the misspelled word sugest in an editing selection, the test administrator must not comment on the misspelling when clarifying the meaning TEA Student Assessment Division 82
Reading Aloud of Words in Test Items Allowable for all STAAR Modified subjects/courses Enables ELLs to ask test administrator to read aloud words, phrases, or occasional sentences in a test item Provided on per student request basis only Includes words in stem, question, answer choices, and any stimuli (e.g., map, diagram, etc.) TEA Student Assessment Division 83
Reading Aloud of Words in Test Items Voice inflection must be kept neutral Numbers, symbols, and abbreviations can be read aloud as long as doing so does not invalidate what item is testing Grade 3 Math: As standard test administration procedure, all grade 3 students are permitted to receive reading (decoding) assistance on this assessment LPACs do not need to predetermine and document the need for this assistance TEA Student Assessment Division 84
Reading Aloud of Words in Test Items Note the following for STAAR Modified: Includes test items for reading and writing. Writing: Only single words (not phrases or sentences) in multiple-choice questions may be read aloud. Test administrator must be careful not to read aloud words that would aid students in determining answers to test questions For example, words in answer choices that assess spelling must be pronounced correctly even if there is a difference in pronunciation between the misspelled and correctly spelled word TEA Student Assessment Division 85
Reading Aloud of Words in Test Items NOTE: Oral administrations: For reasons associated with their particular disabling condition, some students taking STAAR Modified tests may be eligible for an oral administration of test questions (exception: no oral administration of writing test questions). In such a case, oral administration guidelines should be followed Writing prompts: Keep in mind that test administrators may read aloud all information on the prompt page if student requests or if documented in IEP TEA Student Assessment Division 86
Reading Aloud of Words in STAAR Modified Reading and Writing Selections Reading selections: At request of student, test administrator may read aloud occasional words or phrases in a reading test selection. Sentences and longer portions of text must not be read aloud Writing selections: At request of student, test administrator may read aloud occasional single words. Reading aloud phrases or longer portions of text is not permitted. Correct pronunciation should be used in reading a misspelled word aloud NOTE: Test administrators read aloud the title and prereading text above STAAR Modified reading and writing selections to all STAAR Modified students as part of standard test administration procedures TEA Student Assessment Division 87
Oral Translation Allowable for all STAAR Modified subjects/courses At request of student, test administrator may orally translate a word, term, phrase, or occasional sentence that student does not understand Test administrator is not permitted to define or explain content terminology, concepts, or skills assessed. Test administrator is permitted only to give equivalent word or words in other language TEA Student Assessment Division 88
Oral Translation Examples: If a Spanish-speaking student requests assistance with the meaning of the word sodium in an item, the test administrator may say the equivalent term sodio If the student asks what row means in a sentence in which the context refers to rowing a boat, the test administrator may say remar In translating, test administrator must not provide assistance that cues correct answers TEA Student Assessment Division 89
Bilingual Glossary (Word List) Allowable for all STAAR Modified subjects/courses Students may use locally developed or other customized bilingual glossary to find the translation of words they have difficulty understanding in English Glossary must not include definitions, explanations, examples, or pictures that will aid students in understanding content terminology, concepts, or skills assessed Only native-language equivalents are allowed Example: It would be appropriate to translate square inch as pulgada cuadrada in Spanish in a bilingual glossary. It would not be appropriate to define what a square inch is or to include a picture of a square inch TEA Student Assessment Division 90
TEA Student Assessment Division STAAR L Paper Administrations
Paper test booklets (including large print, if applicable) approved by TEA in rare circumstances Accommodations that are not available in TestNav Unavoidable technological problems that make online testing impossible Other special situations (e.g., homebound students, JJAEPs, etc.) If request is approved, TEA will order test booklets TEA Student Assessment Division 92
STAAR L Paper Administrations Information about special request process, including the request form, is available on the Coordinator Manual Resources page: /dccm/ /dccm/ Keep in mind: Paper testing won’t be approved on the basis that the student knows very little English or has limited exposure to computers TEA Student Assessment Division 93
STAAR L Paper Administrations Shipment will include STAAR L test booklet(s) Coordinator and test administrator supplement for STAAR L paper administrations* Secure ECG(s) for test administrators to use when providing clarification in English Transcribing Griddable Answers sheet(s) (one per test booklet) for some math and science tests** NOTE: “Regular” STAAR administration manuals do not include instructions for paper-based STAAR L testing *Also posted on Coordinator Manual Resources Page **Also available in Resources section of Assessment Management System 94 TEA Student Assessment Division 94
Paper Administrations of STAAR L Individual or small group administrations are necessary Test administrators respond to student requests for reading text aloud and clarifying word meaning Students taking STAAR L on paper cannot be grouped with students taking other assessments (i.e., STAAR L online, STAAR, STAAR Spanish, or STAAR Modified) Organizing Test Sessions 95 TEA Student Assessment Division 95
Paper Administrations of STAAR L In addition to receiving training on general test administration procedures and test security, test administrators need to be trained in testing procedures specific to STAAR L paper administrations Test administrators who provide clarification of word meaning should be ― familiar with the subject matter assessed and linguistic needs of the students, and work routinely with the students in assisting with or delivering instruction 96 TEA Student Assessment Division 96
Paper Administrations of STAAR L ECG instructions page is posted for use during training on STAAR L Resources page at staarl/; also available in STAAR L Supplement for Paper Administrations staarl/ Because ECGs are secure documents, reviewing instructions in posted version will help familiarize test administrators with using an ECG Remember, ECGs are for test administrator use only and should not be distributed to students 97 TEA Student Assessment Division 97
Paper Administrations of STAAR L There are no paper answer documents for students approved to test on paper Students will mark answers in test booklets For griddable questions on STAAR L math and science tests, students will mark answers on Transcribing Griddable Answers sheet Test administrators (or other designated personnel) will transcribe student responses into a special online transcription form TEA Student Assessment Division 98 Transcription of Answers 98
Paper Administrations of STAAR L Set up test session Choose correct form group type (transcribe paper form, not operational online test form) Transcribe responses Each question has one screen; test administrators will go screen by screen to transcribe the response to each question Responses must match exactly the responses indicated by the student in the test booklet Submit test for scoring Transcription of Answers 99 TEA Student Assessment Division 99
Paper Administrations of STAAR L Test administrators must indicate which accommodation(s) an eligible student is provided by marking in the appropriate code(s) in the Assessment Management System It may be necessary to mark more than one accommodation Recording Accommodations 100 TEA Student Assessment Division 100
Clarification in English of Word Meaning – Math, Science, Social Studies Allowable for paper administrations of STAAR L Enables student to ask test administrator to clarify meaning of eligible words and phrases Provided on per request basis only Test administrator may use simpler English, pictures, and/or gestures TEA Student Assessment Division 101
Clarification in English of Word Meaning – Math, Science, Social Studies Test administrator is not permitted to define, explain, or illustrate content terminology or concepts assessed Note: When clarifying the meaning of words, test administrators may reference a dictionary and are not required to give definitions or explanations from memory TEA Student Assessment Division 102
Clarification in English of Word Meaning – Math, Science, Social Studies Secure ECG provided for test administrators to use with this accommodation Contains instructions and secure list of words in each test item that are not eligible for clarification For test administrator use only; not for students 103 TEA Student Assessment Division
Reading Aloud of Text – Math, Science, Social Studies Allowable for STAAR L paper administrations Enables ELLs to ask test administrator to read aloud words, phrases, or occasional sentences in a test item Provided on per student request basis only Includes words in stem, question, answer choices, and any stimuli (e.g., map, diagram, etc.) 104 TEA Student Assessment Division
Reading Aloud of Text – Math, Science, Social Studies Voice inflection must be kept neutral Numbers, symbols, and abbreviations can be read aloud as long as doing so does not invalidate what item is testing Grade 3 Math: As standard test administration procedure, all grade 3 students are permitted to receive reading (decoding) assistance on this assessment LPACs do not need to predetermine and document the need for this assistance 105 TEA Student Assessment Division
Paper Administrations of STAAR L As with online administrations of STAAR L, students testing on paper may be eligible to use a bilingual dictionary and/or extra time In addition, optional test administration procedures, such as flexible/frequent breaks and clarification/translation of test administration directions are available for students taking STAAR L on paper See previous slides in this PowerPoint for more information on these linguistic accommodations/optional procedures 106 TEA Student Assessment Division 106
STAAR L Paper Administrations Item Examples – Math, Science, Social Studies TEA Student Assessment Division
STAAR L Paper Administrations Example 1: Grade 5 Math Reading Aloud 108 TEA Student Assessment Division
STAAR L Paper Administrations Example 2: Grade 8 Math Clarification in English of word meaning Reading aloud TEA Student Assessment Division 109
STAAR L Paper Administrations Example 3: Chemistry EOC Clarification in English of word meaning Bilingual Dictionary 110 TEA Student Assessment Division
STAAR L Paper Administrations Example 4: World Geography EOC Clarification in English of word meaning Reading aloud 111 TEA Student Assessment Division
STAAR L Paper Administrations Example 4: U.S. History EOC Reading aloud Bilingual dictionary 112 TEA Student Assessment Division 112
TEA Student Assessment Division 113 For More Information This PowerPoint is posted on the Accommodation Resources page of the Student Assessment Division website at For additional ELL assessment information — go to and click on English Language Learner Assessments or consult with a coordinator from your district or education service center If further assistance is needed, contact the TEA Student Assessment Division (512) 463-9536 113
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