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FMS Assembly Day 4. We are the change that we seek “Change will not come if we wait for some other person; or if we wait for some other time. We are the.

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Presentation on theme: "FMS Assembly Day 4. We are the change that we seek “Change will not come if we wait for some other person; or if we wait for some other time. We are the."— Presentation transcript:

1 FMS Assembly Day 4

2 We are the change that we seek “Change will not come if we wait for some other person; or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for; we are the change that we seek”. Barack Obama, 2008 presidential campaign

3 Be the Change « Be the Change you want to see in the world » Gandhi

4 Key elements from Day 2 Regional Council role, perimeter, articulation Prov/GA Regional Mission Council role, perimeter, articulation Prov/GA Relationship With Laity Economat Feasibility Capacity to evolve Cost - Benefit, Time-line What Formation is needed? Engaging the rest of the Body Ensuring specific place for Marist Consecrated Life Sharing Resources 1.To make this happen 2.Across Regions 3.As a way of Being One Body What do we build on? What Regions?

5 Creating desired futures The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the making of those pathways changes both the maker and the destination. (Wayfaring - Margaret Silf)

6 Co-creators of the Future 1.What regional structures do I feel are possible/useful to develop at our regional level, in a way that does not duplicate what already exists, but rather releases energy for mission? 2.What would it make sense to start with? What overall time-line do I think is needed to evolve to those fully functioning structures? 3.What role, perimeter of authority, and modality of functioning would they have? How would the articulation with General and Provincial levels work? To whom and how would they be accountable for what they do? 4.What would “more coresponsibility with Laity” look like / involve in our part of the Body? How might it be translated into structures and processes? 5.What evolutions in the role and functioning of the Economat might we need to consider at our level? 6.What would I need to let go of in order for this new way of functioning to work?

7 Co-creators of the Future 1.What formation might be needed to enable us to become co-creators of this New Begining? 2.How can we engage the rest of the Body? How can we enable our brothers where we are to become co-creators with us? 3.As we create a new future, how do we ensure a specific and sustained place for Marist Consecrated Life?

8 Co-creators of the Future How do we share resources (finance, people, formation, ideas, best practices, etc.): 1.To make this transition happen? To enable the Whole Body to cross that bridge? 2.As a new way of Being One Body, beyond these issues of transition?

9 4 fields for conversations I. Talking Nice Filtering Politeness Self-censoring Listening through projection II. Talking Tough Debate and conflict I am my point of view Listening to what we want to hear Blocking the Other ’ s argument III. Reflective Dialogue Exploration I can change my point of view Empathetic listening I accept the Other ’ s perspective, without necessarily agreeing IV. Generative Dialogue Opening up to what Is I is an inseparable part of We Listen to the Future in the Present Dissipation of resistances, amplification in creative flow Primacy Of the Whole Primacy Of the Parts Re-enacting patterns of the Past Enacting Emerging Futures

10 Meeting rooms 10 Champagnat room: Arco Norte Lorenzo room (ground foor): Europa General Council/ Consejo General (1st floor): Africa Chapel at the 2nd floor: Brasil and Conosur Cmi Office: General Administration Community room (3rd floor): Asia and Pacific

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