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Communication Technology and Society STS 322 Lecture 5 Cyberactivisim Huriye Aygören.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Technology and Society STS 322 Lecture 5 Cyberactivisim Huriye Aygören."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication Technology and Society STS 322 Lecture 5 Cyberactivisim Huriye Aygören

2 Political Participation? Voting Joining interest groups/loobying Protesting/revolting Creating ad campaigns Organizing events/charity.. … …. ….. …… ……. …….. ……… Cyber-activisim?

3 Cyberactivisim ______________________________________ -Activisim that occurs or is facilitated by the internet/digital technologies -Is a form of protest that alerts society of social problems, such as poverty, through listservs,virtual sit/ins, and creating websites to attract the attention of the public -Usage of computers and networks to express social protest or to promote political ideology -The use of social media, email, and podcasts to enable faster communication by citizen movements and the delivery of local information to a large audience

4 Issues & Challenges _______________________________________ To what extent should Amnesty’s work be available electronically, and more importantly to whom should it be made available? It is practically impossible for Amnesty to verify the identity or motives of an individual or member who visits its sites Manipulation: How does AI ensure the proper handling of reports, documents, and campaign materials once a user has downloaded them? How does Amnesty restricts access to yet maintain a reliable distribution pattern so that others can be encouraged to use its resources? State surveillance remains a central and absorbing concern to any discussions of online human rights activism Protectionist……tightening its security controls…vigilant to abuses

5 Cyberactivisim ______________________________________ Hacker: A tech-savvy computer user Manipulates and gains unauthorized access into computer systems Hack(er)+(ac)tivisim= Hactivism/Hacktivist ______________________________________ Hacker driven by a specific ideology Spread their agenda in the cyber space News making attacks on government and private establishements e.g., vandalism of websites that do not support or alert the attention of social problems

6 Cyberactivisim ______________________________________ How is this different from cyber-terrorism?

7 Hacker Ethic Freedom of Information: Web is not a property to be owned! Security/privacy: No! to be a George Orwellian Society! Carefully Delimited Boundaries: No individual or NGO is a target!

8 What do YOU think? _______________________________________ Computer Programming Master student in her thesis, creates a website similar to Turkish Airlines to show that everyone(Including terrorists) can make fake boarding passes Ethical?----------------------------------------------------Not Ethical?

9 What do YOU think? _______________________________________ Computer Programming Master student in her thesis, creates a website similar to Turkish Airlines to show that everyone(Including terrorists) can make fake boarding passes Ethical?----------------------------------------------------Not Ethical?

10 What do YOU think? _______________________________________ A data collecting company claims to keep certain information private, such as account numbers. A hacker finds out that the company did not keep its promise and actually published this private information on the report. The hacker makes his finding in a blog/web site Ethical?----------------------------------------------------Not Ethical?

11 What do YOU think? _______________________________________ When is cyber activisim is most effective? Ethical?----------------------------------------------------Not Ethical?

12 What do YOU think? _______________________________________ Please identify some issues that you can use cyber-activism to address at the campus level? E.g.the use of recyling Ethical?----------------------------------------------------Not Ethical?

13 Thank you & See you next week!

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