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TA: Ryan Freedman Sushma Kini Chi Zhou.  Due Date: March 8 2016, 12:30 PM  We want a zip folder named cs418_mp1_{netid}.zip which contains  Source.

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Presentation on theme: "TA: Ryan Freedman Sushma Kini Chi Zhou.  Due Date: March 8 2016, 12:30 PM  We want a zip folder named cs418_mp1_{netid}.zip which contains  Source."— Presentation transcript:

1 TA: Ryan Freedman Sushma Kini Chi Zhou

2  Due Date: March 8 2016, 12:30 PM  We want a zip folder named cs418_mp1_{netid}.zip which contains  Source Code folder  Screen Shot folder  README with compilation instructions and link to mandatory video demo  Submit your zip folder on Compass  Late Submission: 10% penalty each day after the due date

3  Automatic forward motion with constant speed  Roll and Pitch features  Use Key events to perform rolling and pitching.  Document the key events used in README  Transformation should be in correct order  Once you pitch up, then the plane should move in direction the plane is facing  Roll left + Pitch =Plane turns to the left and not straight up.  4 credits student only: Use vertex shader

4  Interactive UI (10%): Using either keyboard or mouse to control your plane interactively.  Translation (20%): The plane should move forward automatically.  Roll (25%): Apply correct rotation when your plane rolls left or right.  Pitch (25%): Apply correct rotation when your plane pitch up and down.  Performance (15%): Your simulator should run interactively and should be reasonably efficient.  Documentation (5%): Your code should be commented or self-explanatory. A readme.txt should explain the features and special instructions ( if any ) to run your code.  Bonus (5%): Show your creativeness in the scene, or any impressive features from your program.

5  Increase/Decrease Speed: +1  “Restart” option through key event +1  Increase/Decrease Sea level: +1  Regenerate terrain during flight sim through key event +1-5  Displaying a timer on the screen +2  Performing Yaw feature: +2  Displaying Speed on your window: +2  Generating your own new terrain: +5  Converting your flight simulator into a small game: +5

6  gluLookAt(eye_x, eye_y,eye_z, lookat_x, lookat_y, lookat_z, up_x, up_y, up_z);  Initialize Eye position, LookAt, Up and R vector  Constant forward motion: Offset Eye position in Lookat direction  Pitch Up/Down: Rotate LookAt and Up vector about R axis  Roll Left/ Right: Rotate Up, R about LookAt axis.  Every time you press arrow keys, update LookAt, Up and R accordingly  In display function set: gluLookAt(Eye, Eye+LookAt, Up); Eye LookAt Up R=Cross(LookAt,Up)

7  Imagine your Eye={0,0,0}, LookAt={0,0,-1}, Up={0,1,0}  For Roll left by angle 30 o, you need to update R and Up.  Here R={1,0,0}  New Eye, LookAt, Up, R:  Eye = {0,0,0}  LookAt = {0,0,-1}  Up = {0.5,0.866,0}  R = {.866,-0.5,0} Eye LookAt Up R Eye LookAt Up R

8  Moving camera is equivalent to moving every object in the world towards a stationary camera  Using a fixed gluLookAt, but call OpenGL transformation command instead.  Where should you put glTranslate/glRotate to simulate a flight simulator ?  Before or after gluLookAt ?  Remember premultiply?  “glMultMatrix multiplies the current matrix with the one specified using m, and replaces the current matrix with the product.”

9  glPushMatrix() : Create a copy of top matrix & push it into stack.  glPopMatrix() : Remove the top matrix from stack  Example: Drawing each object : glPushMatrix();glTranslate()glScale()glBegin()….glEnd()glPopMatrix();

10  Use glutSpecialFunc(int key, int x, int y) for using arrow key events.  Reference:

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