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Societal and Cultural Changes in the Late Republic Effects of the Punic Wars.

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Presentation on theme: "Societal and Cultural Changes in the Late Republic Effects of the Punic Wars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Societal and Cultural Changes in the Late Republic Effects of the Punic Wars

2 Economy Massive increase in slave population. Most slaves were transported to Italy & Rome become a slave-based economy The Italian landscape is now dominated by large agricultural estates called latifundia – Owned by aristocrats/equestrians – Small-scale Roman farmers are driven out of business – Massive migration of displaced farmers into cities

3 Latifundia

4 Rome itself (over 1 million people) becomes overpopulated with inhabitants causing significant crime and social unrest. Growth of eastern conquest trade makes Rome more of a sophisticated commercial economy (differs significantly from the old simple agrarian economy of the early Republic)

5 Slaves Initially war captives Considered sub-human Often, slaves didn’t reproduce because they were Slaves typically worked the latifundia, in urban shops, and as personal servants. Some were used as gladiators. Due to its reliance on slavery, Roman society had little incentive to invent labor-saving inventions.


7 Family Life & Women A gradual shift in granting women more independence. How? – 2 legal innovations altered patriarchal control “Free Marriage” – Women were allowed to own property and inherit property from their fathers. Upon death, the property wen to her father’s male heirs. Why? To prevent transfer of property from one family to another, which would diminish the size of large estates created with the influx of slaves. – Women were allowed to file for divorce. Upper-class women benefited from slavery. It freed them to pursue education, arts, etc.

8 Influx of Greek/Hellenistic Culture on Roman Society Due to the Roman conquering of Greece, enormous amounts of Greek literature, religious ideas, philosophy, and drama seeped into Roman society. Many upper-class Romans learned Latin and Greek and absorbed Hellenistic traits.

9 Effect on Roman philosophy? – Roman elites read and enjoyed Greek literature and Greek philosophy. – The most famous Roman stoic philosopher of the Late Republican era? Cicero

10 Effect on Roman religion? – Although most Olympian gods/goddesses remain popular, due to the exposure to eastern mystery cults (example would be Mithraism), many Romans convert. What did these new “eastern religions” offer Romans? Satisfied the craving for a more emotional religion than traditional Roman worship and offered the reward of immortality to the wretched of the earth.

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