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Key Terms Chapter 7  Are personal checks accepted as payment everywhere you choose to shop? *Checking Account *Check Register *Account Balance *Overdrawing.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Terms Chapter 7  Are personal checks accepted as payment everywhere you choose to shop? *Checking Account *Check Register *Account Balance *Overdrawing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Terms Chapter 7  Are personal checks accepted as payment everywhere you choose to shop? *Checking Account *Check Register *Account Balance *Overdrawing *Endorsement Question to think about!

2 Check Checks Check Number Your Signature Amount of Check Written in Words Amount in Numbers Payee Date

3 Deposit Form/Slip Packet

4 Checking Account Activity Register NumberDateTransactionDebits (-) Credits (+) Balance 1/3Deposit$717.20 Payroll + 50 cash$717.20 1011/8National Electric Company-$35.24 Jan Bill$681.96 1021/9Reader’s Service-$24.00 Magazine$657.96 1031/15Tickets Forum-$40.00 Concert Tickets JB$617.96

5 Key Terms Chapter 7  Are funds you deposit in a bank more secure than money you keep in your bedroom? *Inflation *FDIC *Check *Statement Question to think about!

6 The Role of Banks  Earn a Profit  Provide Security  Regulated  Insured  Make Borrowing Easier  Financial Transactions Chapter 7

7 Checking Account Activity Register NumberDateTransactionDebits (-) Credits (+) Balance 1/3Deposit$717.20 Payroll + 50 cash$717.20 1011/8National Electric Company-$35.24 Jan Bill$681.96 1021/9Reader’s Service-$24.00 Magazine$657.96 1031/15Tickets Forum-$40.00 Concert Tickets JB$617.96

8 Checking Account Activity Packet Payments Outstanding No. 102$24.00 106$33.93 108$450.00 Total$507.93 Ending Balance On Statement $16080 Add Deposits Not Shown$69237 Sub-Total$85317 Subtract Payments Outstanding $50793 Balance$34524 Account Reconciliation

9 Key Terms Section 7.3  What records could serve as proof of a checking account transaction? *Canceled Check *Reconciliation/Balancing Question to think about! Checkbook Packet Work Time

10 Key Terms Section 7.4  How is the Internet becoming part of everyday banking for many consumers? *EFT *ATM *PIN *Direct Deposit *Debit Card *Automatic Withdrawal Question to think about!

11 Electronic Fund Transfer Act  Responsibilities  Two days to report missing card  Liability will be $50 unless you fail to notify  After 60 days you could be responsible for all losses. Section 7.4  Protects consumers  Receipts required  Informed of fees charged

12 Packet Work Time  Finish February  Start March January $345.24 February $201.76 March $766.47

13 Key Terms Section 7.5  Why would someone need to send money on the same day? *Certified Checks *Cashier’s Check *Money Order *Traveler’s Check *Wire Transfer *Safe Deposit Box Question to think about! Checkbook Work Time

14 Packet Work Time  Finish January  Work on February and March July & August Extra Credit January $345.24 February $201.76 March $766.47 ENDING BALANCES

15 Packet Work Time  Work on April, May and June March $766.47 April $956.41 May $512.79 June $757.72 July & August Extra Credit ENDING BALANCES

16 Test Tomorrow  Chapter 6 & 7  Get Some Sleep  Eat Breakfast  Study Missing Checkbook Project Due Today Everfi #2 Today

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