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Integrating Technology & Education Linda Wilson/Community Representative EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs with Technology Instructor Debbie Naughton May.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Technology & Education Linda Wilson/Community Representative EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs with Technology Instructor Debbie Naughton May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Technology & Education Linda Wilson/Community Representative EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs with Technology Instructor Debbie Naughton May 13, 2016

2 Station I: Universal Design for Learning (UDL)  Digital/audio/visual/fingerprint sign-in  A video presentation of UDL explaining the concept of UDL and how it’s applied in the classroom.  Brochures and research information will be provided station explaining the principles and research of UDL (CAST, 2011).  Conference link/app, Resources/educational representatives

3 Station 1: Universal Design for Learning Professional speaker who will explain the three principles of UDL, and how it is used in the classroom Topics also include lesson plans, disabilities, barriers in the classroom, and the integration of technology & UDL Video (Making Sense of Universal Design for Learning) Brochures Resources (CAST, 2011)

4 Station 1: Universal Design for Learning Interaction: Teacher and students will use a variety of tools to demonstrate how UDL enhance learning Interactive apps White Board Audio devices Speak & Type IPad Computers

5 Station 1: Universal Design for Learning Conversations: Speaker Live teacher interviews Live student Interviews After school representative Financial

6 Station II: Technology & UDL for all Learners

7 MISSION:  The State Board of Education has the constitutional authority to lead and uphold the system of public education in North Carolina. GOALS:  Every student in the NC Public School System graduates from high school prepared for work, further education and citizenship.  Every student has a personalized education.  Every student, every day has excellent educators.  Every school district has up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to serve its students, parents and educators.  Every student is healthy, safe, and responsible MISSION:  The mission of NC secondary Career and Technical Education is to empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy.

8 Station II: Technology & UDL for all Learners  Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources  Architecture & Construction  Arts, A/V Technology & Communications  Business Management & Administration  Finance  Health Science  Human Services  Information Technology

9 Station III: 21st-Century Skills Acquisition & Employability  In 2012, 94% of North Carolina’s students graduated from high school when they completed a 4-credit CTE pathway compared to 80.4% for all graduates statewide.  Nearly 800,000 seats are filled each day in CTE classes within North Carolina.  In 2010, the statewide youth unemployment rate (ages 16-19) was 27.0%. This rate dropped to 5.4% for high school graduates with a CTE concentration.  Over 48,000 students participate in Career and Technical Student Organizations.  71% of CTE students continue further education and training or military service after high school.  CTE students earn college credit in high school. In 2012, nearly 15,000 postsecondary credits were earned by CTE students in high school.

10 Station III: 21st-Century Skills Acquisition & Employability Attendees will use interactive tools used in the careers of health sciences. Professionals and students will be on hand to explain and demonstrate how the use and technology in this career is essential to learning for today’s students. Advantage of the Bond:  Student engagement/motivation  Competitive  Teaching support Health Science Careers: Administration Clerical/health Clinical laboratory sciences Communications/information Engineering and science Public health

11 References      

12 UDL – Multiple Means of: Representation Engagement Action & Expression

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