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Region V California Mathematics Network Meeting May 13, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Region V California Mathematics Network Meeting May 13, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Region V California Mathematics Network Meeting May 13, 2013

2 Outcomes Continue to develop relationships among team members. Understand strategies for integrating technology into the mathematics classroom Review the Draft Framework Appendix focusing on Acceleration in order to give feedback to the CDE. Discuss Chapter 6 and 7 from Embedded Formative Assessment.

3 Agenda Warm-Up: Word Link Technology Integration Nearpod VoiceThread Mathematics Framework Feedback Appendix- Embedded Formative Assessment Conference Update

4 Ice breaker: Word Link First person selects a word (i.e. red) Next person repeats the first word and adds another word that links to the first (i.e. red tomato). Next person repeats the previous word and adds another word that links to the previous word (tomato soup) Repeat

5 Focus 2012-2015 We will support administrators and teachers with the transition to the CCSS- Mathematics in order to increase student achievement. We will increase our understanding of the mathematics research and CCSS resources available to support this transition so we are able to share information with key stakeholders.



8 Welcome! To prepare for our lesson today: Please help yourself to an iPad and locate the Nearpod app. It looks like this: You can also use your own device and download the free Nearpod app (if you do not have it yet). 8

9 Agenda Sample Nearpod Lesson Information about the technology 9

10 Let’s Launch! Tap the Nearpod app on your device Type in the PIN (Presentation Information Number) Today’s PIN= (Thank You!) Now, type your name in the Student Log in (first name) and tap Once I launch the presentation, you should see the title slide of our lesson. 10 SUBMIT

11 What is it? A synchronized, interactive mobile presentation platform teachers can create and customize themselves A tool that creates high engagement A way to pace your lesson and student interactions to obtain real-time assessment information 11

12 Features of the Free Version (Silver) Create 10 Nearpod presentations 30 students per session Download free content- NPP examples, guidance tools Access to reporting tools Webinears 12

13 13

14 Teacher’s View/Reports 14

15 Interactive Features Poll Quiz Draw It Video Gold Version Slide Show Webpages Open Ended Assessment items 15

16 Lessons Learned Nearpod recommends using the following browsers: Safari, Firefox or Chrome The videos do not synchronize Student submits answers once Preview your NPP on your iPad and another iPad, iPod or iPhone 16

17 Nearpod Resources YouTube Pinterest 17

18 Debrief What are some of the opportunities this technology brings to the classroom? What are some of the challenges? 18


20 Content Standards Grade 2: OA.4 Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.

21 Content Standards Grade 3 : OA.1 Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each, or 7 groups of 5 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.

22 Dot Talk How many dots do you see? How do you see them?

23 Log in to VoiceThread iPad/iPod Click on the VoiceThread app Click on “Sign In” Email: – For example, Password: password

24 Voice Thread Directions Computer Log-in to Register and sign-in Click on CREATE Click on UPLOAD – Download file Click on picture and COMMENT Click on COMMENT and RECORD

25 Voice Thread Directions iPad/iPod 1)Click on Voice Thread App 2)Click Create 3)Click the white plus sign 4)Click on Camera 5)Take a picture of dots 6)Click done 7)Click on Comment 8)Click on microphone 9)Begin voice thread (you can change the color of the font by clicking on the white circle to the right of the arrow) 10) Click on Save (bottom right of the screen

26 Draft Mathematics Framework Appendix- Acceleration – The draft Mathematics Framework provides guidance for districts about middle school instruction that includes a description of the courses for grades 6 through 8 and opportunities for accelerating to Algebra 1 or Integrated Mathematics 1 at grade 8, including an appendix document on acceleration options. Do you find the current discussion to be helpful? What suggestions for improvement would you make? What would you like to keep in the draft?

27 Draft Mathematics Framework Discuss Acceleration Appendix Capture feedback on google doc

28 Embedded Formative Assessment Chapter 6: 1.Identify and explain the four factors that influence the success of cooperative learning. 2.What effects do peer tutoring have on student success? 3.What two elements must be present in cooperative learning for it to be successful?

29 Embedded Formative Assessment Chapter 7: 1.What is the basic idea of self-regulated learning? 2.What role does metacognition and motivation play in self-regulated learning? 3. What is the drawback of intrinsic motivation? 4. How can teachers use dual-processing to integrate motivational and cognitive perspectives on self-regulated learning?

30 Conference Fall 2013 Algebra Leadership Conference Planning Committee: September 16 or 23

31 Conference Outcomes Support administrators and teachers with the implementation of CCSS-Mathematics in order to close the achievement gap. Participants will: – Understand reasons why the CCSS mathematics assessments will lead to a change in mathematics instruction. – Gain an understanding of the CCSS High School Pathways and Middle School Acceleration Pathways – Explore ways to increase the level of rigor in the mathematics classroom. – Discuss the role of literacy in the mathematics classroom

32 Conference Keynote in AM Afternoon break-out by grade span – Possible topics High School Pathways CCSS support for EL/Special Ed Integration of literacies in the mathematics classroom District voice

33 2012-2013 Schedule June 10 at Mimi’s Café, Gilroy.

34 Outcomes Continue to develop relationships among team members. Understand strategies for integrating technology into the mathematics classroom Review the Draft Framework Appendix focusing on Acceleration in order to give feedback to the CDE. Discuss Chapter 6 and 7 from Embedded Formative Assessment.

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