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College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Dairy and Animal Science Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Safety Program.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Dairy and Animal Science Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Safety Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Agricultural Sciences Cooperative Extension Dairy and Animal Science Pennsylvania 4-H Horse Safety Program

2 Safety First - Before It’s Too Late! A Comprehensive Safety Education Program

3 Objectives  Promote safety while working with horses  Promote safety awareness  Provide safety resources and activities  Incorporate safety education within existing 4-H horse projects  Recognize youth and leaders for safety achievements

4 Primary Focus  Does not involve additional project requirements  Promotes safety awareness and practices by providing resources and training for volunteer leaders and recognizing accomplishments

5 Program Components  “Safety Packets” distributed to each county  Educational programs for youth and adults  Cooperative programs with other groups and individuals  Safety awards for youth and leaders

6 Safety Packets - Part I  Videos:  Ground Handling Horses Safely  With Leader Guide and Lesson Plan  Safe Horse Farm Operation  With series of seven related fact sheets  Text:  Safe Horse, Safe Rider  Publication:  PA 4-H Horse Show Management Guidelines

7 Safety Packets - Part II  PA 4-H Horse Safety Standards  PA 4-H Horse Safety Checklist  Booklet: Fire Safety in Horse Stables  AYHC Publication: Start With Safety: Horse Safety Guidelines 2nd edition  Emergency Contacts Card  Reference List (updated annually) 4-H Horse Safety Resources

8 4-H Horse Safety Standards and Checklist  Used by 4-H member with parent, leader or project helper  Can be used at home, with barn checks, horse camps, clinics or other club events  Help 4-H member assess safety practices and set safety goals

9 4-H Horse Safety Standards and Checklist  Activities should be done over several weeks, months, or longer  Pages can be separated from booklet, used individually, then kept in binder

10 4-H Horse Safety Standards  Defines standard safety guidelines  Numbered to correspond with checklist  Seven categories:  Barn fire safety, emergency response  Facilities  Pastures  Tack and attire  Ground handling  Saddling and Bridling  Riding

11 4-H Horse Safety Checklist  Used to compare safety practices and facilities with standard guidelines  Numbered to correspond with checklist  Helps 4-H member set and achieve goals  Promotes safety awareness and practices

12 Educational Programs  Horsemanship Skills Program  Key component  Planned progression of skill development  Beginner through advanced levels  Youth learn handling and horsemanship skills  Leaders evaluate skills

13 Educational Programs  Leader Forums  Extension agent in-service training  Camps  County and regional meetings, clinics, seminars  Routine barn checks

14 Cooperative Programs  Counties are encouraged to cooperate with other organizations to conduct safety programming at local or regional events.  Consult local health and emergency agencies or see 4-H Horse Safety Resources list for listing of safety organizations.

15 Cooperative Programs  PA Equine Council  Barn fire safety programs for managers, fire fighters, emergency medical personnel, parents, and youth  Trailer safety focused on accident prevention and rescue

16 Cooperative Programs  Equine Safety Organizations  Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA)  American Assoc. for Horsemanship Safety, Inc. (AAHS)  American Medical Equestrian Association (AMEA)  Others??

17 Cooperative Programs  Local Emergency Medical Organizations  Basic first aid  First response  Advanced first aid  CPR  Equine Veterinarians  First aid and emergency care for horses

18 Safety Awards  Two Categories for Youth and Adults  Individual  Club or county  Presented at State Event  Future Plans for Awards Program  Scholarships  Tack or cash awards

19 Possible Funding Sources  PA 4-H Horse Program Development Committee  PA Department of Agriculture  American Youth Horse Council  Local health, emergency agencies  Others?

20 The Challenge  Make it Fun and Exciting!!

21 Safety Activities, Meeting Ideas ‰ Conduct scavenger hunts to identify/locate safety concerns in facilities, at events, etc. ‰ Have different “safety stations” at meetings or clinics; i.e. basic first aid for horses and humans, safe horse handling techniques, safety equipment, etc.

22 Safety Activities, Meeting Ideas ‰ Plan and conduct fire drills with horses, 4-H members and emergency personnel ‰ Break into groups and assign different safety scenarios to youth & leaders to plan actions ‰ Horse Bowl, Hippology, or Skillathon contests with safety questions, problems, stations

23 The Opportunity  To make the best better…… and safer! and safer!

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