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Windows Communication Foundation Stipe Ivan Latković.

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Presentation on theme: "Windows Communication Foundation Stipe Ivan Latković."— Presentation transcript:

1 Windows Communication Foundation Stipe Ivan Latković

2 Me, myself and I FESB PhD Service-oriented online monitor DUMP Interests SOA OOAD etc.

3 How we got here

4 A unified programming model

5 The radically simplify distributed application development

6 The response


8 Clients and services

9 SOAP message

10 Endpoints ClientService Where?How?What?

11 Bindings Protocol, reliability, encoding, security,...

12 Out of the box bindings BasicHttpBinding WSHttpBinding WS2007HttpBinding WSDualHttpBinding WSFederationHttp Binding WS2007FederationHttp Binding NetTcpBinding NetNamedPipeBinding NetMsmqBinding NetPeerTcpBinding WebHttpBinding MsmqIntegrationBinding

13 Address http://localhost:50000 net.tcp://localhost:50000/MyService net.pipe://localhost/MyPipe net.msmq://localhost/MyService

14 Contracts

15 Message exchange patterns One-wayRequest-replyDuplex


17 Metadata exchange

18 Security Claims based end-to-end security X509, Username/Password, Kerberos, custom credentials... Message security Confidentiality and integrity Transport or message level Access to resources Authentication and authorization

19 Reliability and transactions End-to-end reliable messaging In-order guarantees Exactly once guarantees Transactions Guaranteed atomic success or failure across boundaries

20 Hosting IIS6 HTTP only WAS (Windows Activation Service) Can use any transport Supported in IIS7 Self hosting Can use any transport Console & WPF apps, Windows services, etc.

21 WCF tools WCF Configuration Editor WCF Service Host WCF Test Client SvcUtil SvcTraceViewer

22 Recommended books


24 Giveaway


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