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DO NOW  On this day in 1901, Walter Elias (Walt) Disney was born in Chicago. What is your favorite Walt Disney movie and why? If you haven’t seen any.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW  On this day in 1901, Walter Elias (Walt) Disney was born in Chicago. What is your favorite Walt Disney movie and why? If you haven’t seen any."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW  On this day in 1901, Walter Elias (Walt) Disney was born in Chicago. What is your favorite Walt Disney movie and why? If you haven’t seen any Disney movies, which movie would you like to see and why Title: Ancient Hebrews Review Continued

2 AGENDA  Famous Figures  Important Events  Geography  Boom Box Game  Exit Slip


4  The early leaders of the Hebrews are known as patriarchs  The patriarchs were Abraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son Jacob  Abraham left his home in Mesopotamia to go to Israel  God promised that if Abraham obeyed God’s laws, he and his descendants would become God’s Chosen People and God would give them a land that would be theirs forever.


6  Moses was sent by God to ask the Pharaoh of Egypt to release the Hebrews from slavery, but the Pharaoh declined.  What finally convinced Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go?  The Israelites escaped only to be trapped by what? How was this problem solved?

7 MOSES AND THE 10 COMMANDMENTS  A new “covenant” with Yahweh  But when Moses came back down from Mount Sinai, he found the Jews worshipping a golden calf, instead of God. This was how other people, like the Phoenicians and the Egyptians, worshiped their gods. But God wanted the Jews to worship no other gods besides Him, and also not to make any statues to pray to! Before Moses even got down from the mountain, the Jews had already broken two of the ten Commandments. Moses was very angry, and destroyed the calf

8 TABERNACLE AND THE ARC OF THE COVENANT On Mt. Sinai, God gives Moses very detailed directions on how to build a place of worship The Tabernacle was a portable structure for the Israelites to worship God: think of it like a portable temple

9 ARC OF THE COVENANT  “Having a golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold…And above it were the cherubim (angels) of glory overshadowing the mercy seat; but of these things we cannot speak now in detail” Reflection: Why was the tabernacle so important to the Israelites, especially during the exodus? What did the arc of the Covenant represent to the Israelites? What happened to the Arc of the Covenant? Write both the question and your answer on the left side of your notebook.

10 JUDGES AND KINGS  The difference between a judge and a king is that a judge ruled only over one of the 12 tribes while a King ruled over all of them.

11 REFLECTION Who are these people? On the left side of your notebook, write as many details as you can about one of the 4

12 DAVID David is known for writing many beautiful songs known as psalms David captured Jerusalem and made it the capital

13 SOLOMON  Known for being very wise, very wealthy, and an excellent writer  He built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem  Which was destroyed first by the Babylonians  A second temple was built much later and destroyed by the Romans

14 TORAH The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. The most sacred text in the Jewish religious tradition One of the most important writings for the Ancient Hebrews


16 ANCIENT HEBREWS COMIC STRIP  You will be making a comic strip telling the events of the Ancient Hebrews. I will show you how to fold your paper into 6 equal boxes. For each box you must have an illustration and a quick comment.  Box 1: Abraham  Box 2: Moses  Box 3: The Exodus  Box 4: Judges  Box 5: Kings  Box 6: Temples and Diaspora You may use your textbook and interactive notebook to help you come up with scenarios and facts

17 BOOM BOX GAME  Today we will have questions in the boom box game from both Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Hebrews.  Who can remind me of the rules of the boom box game and how we play?

18 EXIT SLIP 1. I am the land promised to the Hebrew’s in the Old Testament ____________ 2. I am the title or name given to a messenger of God ____________ 3. I am the belief in one god ____________ 4. ________ a messenger of God who led the Hebrews out of slavery in Egypt and was given the Ten Commandments 5. ____________ first Hebrew to make a covenant with God; father of monotheism

19 HOMEWORK  I will hand out your Ancient Hebrews study guide  Complete it on a separate piece of paper  This is due by Monday.  This is for a grade and must be turned in

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