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European research and education activities in the renewable energy sector Paola Mazzucchelli EUREC Agency Secretary General P2P event, Brussels 4th February.

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Presentation on theme: "European research and education activities in the renewable energy sector Paola Mazzucchelli EUREC Agency Secretary General P2P event, Brussels 4th February."— Presentation transcript:

1 European research and education activities in the renewable energy sector Paola Mazzucchelli EUREC Agency Secretary General P2P event, Brussels 4th February 2010

2 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Table of Contents The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources The role of civil society in the RE sector EUREC Agency’s role and contribution

3 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Table of Contents The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources The role of civil society in the RE sector EUREC Agency’s role and contribution

4 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Renewable Energy Sources- a definition The voice of renewable energy research in Europe From the EU Directive 2003/54 (quoted in Directive 2009/28) on “Common rules for the internal market in electricity”: energy from renewable, non-fossil resources, namely: Wind Solar Aerothermal Geothermal Hydrothermal and ocean energy Hydropower Biomass Landfill gas Sewage treatment plant gas Biogases...

5 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Energy and Sustainability Challenges The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Competitiveness “LISBON” Internal Market Interconnections ( Trans-European Networks ) European electricity and gas networks Research and innovation SET-Plan Joint Strategic Planning Effective implementation Resources International Cooperation FULLYBALANCEDINTEGRATEDAND MUTUALLY REINFORCED Sustainable Development “KYOTO” Renewable energy Energy efficiency Nuclear Research and innovation Emission trading Security of supply „MOSCOW“ International Dialogue European stock management (oil/gas) Refining capacity and energy storage Diversification

6 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency The benefits of Renewable Energy Sources The voice of renewable energy research in Europe FULLYBALANCEDINTEGRATEDAND MUTUALLY REINFORCED Competitiveness “LISBON” Job creation EU technology EU know how EU skills EU competences Security of supply „MOSCOW“ EU technology Independency from external producing countries Sustainable Development “KYOTO” No CO2 emissions Sustainability criteria

7 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Actual contribution to the EU energy mix The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Where we are

8 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Future contribution to the EU energy mix: global picture The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Where we want to be

9 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Future contribution to the EU energy mix per source The voice of renewable energy research in Europe European Renewable Energy Council Renewable Energy Roadmap 20% by 2020 2005Projection 2010Projection 2020 Type of energy Eurostat (Mtoe)% % % MinMax Wind6.060.50%15.131.19%412.98%3.24% Hydro29.822.46%30.952.43%332.39%2.61% PV0.130.01%1.720.14%15.51.12%1.22% Biomass67.515.57%102.68.07%175.512.74%13.86% Geothermal1.10.09%3.860.30%9.40.68%0.74% Solar thermal0.680.06%1.50.12%120.87%0.95% Solar thermal elec.00.00%0.160.01%2.20.16%0.17% Ocean00.00%0.080.01%0.40.03% Total RES production105.38.69%15612.26%28920.97%22.83%

10 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Renewable Energy Sources- challenges ahead The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Implementation of the RE Directive Attract more funds to support research, development and deployment activities in the RE sector Support growth of a highly qualified workforce for the RE sector Define future Vision 2050: ambitious target- 100% RE!! What is the role of civil society?

11 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Table of Contents The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources The role of civil society in the RE sector EUREC Agency’s role and contribution

12 EREC European Renewable Energy Council How the renewables interest is represented in Brussels EUREC Agency EU Renewable Energy Research Centers Agency Renewable Energy Research Renewable Energy Policy EUBIA AEBIOM Biomass ESHA Small Hydro Power EU-OEA Ocean EPIA ESTIF ESTELA PV Solar Thermal EGEC Geo- thermal EWEA Wind Renewable Energy Industry

13 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency EREC (European Renewable Energy Council) The voice of renewable energy research in Europe EUREC Agency, together with other associations active in the field of renewable energy, is located at the Renewable Energy House (rue d’Arlon 63-67) in Brussels EUREC Agency is member of EREC, the umbrella association, which represents the entire Renewable Energy sector (both industry and research in all RE technologies) EREC members: Bioenergy: AEBIOM, EUBIA Geothermal: EGEC Solar energy: EPIA, ESTELA, ESTIF Small HydroPower: ESHA Ocean energy: EU-OEA Wind energy: EWEA Others: EUREC Agency, EREF

14 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Renewable Energy associations The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Different organisations with different missions: Avoid duplications Strengthen complementaries Sectoral associations to deal with sectoral issues EREC to come up with a common position, which includes (compromises) views from different sectors (RE directive, its implementation, Targets 2020, Vision 2050) EUREC Agency represents the research sector (no industry). Focus is on: research and education activities

15 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Renewable Energy Associations- who does what The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Implementation of the RE Directive Attract more funds to support research, development and deployment activities in the RE sector Support growth of a highly qualified workforce for the RE sector Define future Vision 2050: ambitious target- 100% RE!! EREC All associations EUREC EREC with input from all its members

16 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Table of Contents The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources The role of civil society in the RE sector EUREC Agency’s role and contribution

17 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency EUREC Agency’s members The voice of renewable energy research in Europe 43 prominent mostly public R&D groups from across Europe active in research, development and demonstration for all renewable energy technologies Photovoltaics Solar thermal electricity Solar thermal heat & cool Solar buildings Biomass Wind Hydro Marine Geothermal...and supporting technologies (energy efficiency, storage, distribution, integration) We provide expert and independent view

18 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency EUREC Agency’s mission The voice of renewable energy research in Europe  EUREC’s role as THE voice for RE research in Europe (networking & information exchange in renewables R&D)  EUREC’s role to strenghten cooperation between academia, research and industry through innovation and technology transfer  EUREC’s role to support the development of a highly qualified and trained workforce in the field of RE

19 The voice of renewable energy research in Europe AEE Intec AIT ARMINES/MINES ParisTech BRGM CIEMAT CNRS- InESS CNRS- PROMES CRES CREST DLR ECN ECOFYS EPFL Fraunhofer ISE CIRCE FZJ INES HZB HUT U. Kassel IMEC IWES ISFH IT Power JRC/European Commission NAREC NPAC NTUA U.Oldenburg WUT- PV Centre STFC-RAL RISOE TECNALIA ENERGIA SFFE UA U. Szeged VTT WIPZSW EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency The Renewable Energy R&D Community in Europe CENER ICIA OFFIS Wuppertal

20 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency EUREC Agency’s eligibility criteria The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Only single research entitites can be accepted (not entire universities) The research facilities should be visited by a EUREC delegation The research group should have at least 10 FTEs working in the RE sector The research group should have existed in the same form at least for the past five years Full or associate membership

21 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency The voice of RE research in Europe The voice of renewable energy research in Europe  EUREC Agency organises bi-annual meetings at one of its members’ premises in order to present and discuss SoA in RETs: December 2009: ocean energy technology in Bilbao (ES) June 2010: Renewable Energy conference in Trondheim (NO) Nov/December 2010: bio-energy in Szeged (HU) 2. Launch of a EUREC WG on “EU research policy for RETs” with the objective to prepare EUREC’s common positions on relevant subjects Unique network which groups European research centres and universities with the objective of improving the quality and scope of R&D in the renewable energy sector

22 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency A continuous co-operation with the renewable energy industry The voice of renewable energy research in Europe  Technology Platforms facilitate and strenghten cooperation between research and industry. Continuous involvement in these Platforms (Photovoltaic, and Solar Termal/Renewable Heating and Cooling)  More and more initiatives at EU level require leadership from the industry. Opportunity for us to be involved to be continuously explored:  European Industrial Initiatives (Wind, solar)  Knowledge & Innovation Communities (sustainable energy)

23 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Lobbying activities The voice of renewable energy research in Europe  Follow up to the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (energy policy)- role of medium to long term research vis-à-vis industry-led research  Input to mid-term revision of FP7 and general recommendations on funding for research activities  Contribute to discussion on future RE priorities (e.g. role of ocean energy up to 2020 and beyond. Integration of different REs. Complementarity of different REs)- expert/scientific/independent opinion (no industrial interests involved)

24 EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency A growing interest in scientific education at EU level The voice of renewable energy research in Europe Shortage of qualified engineers for the growing renewable energy sector is attracting more and more attention by policy makers at EU level EUREC Agency has been coordinating a European Master in Renewable Energy since 2002 ( So far, 7 universities are involved in our Master, which attracted around 52 students from all over the world Current specialisations are:  Photovoltaics  Bio-energy  Wind  Hybrid Systems

25 Paola Mazzucchelli EUREC Agency Renewable Energy House Rue d’Arlon 63-67 B-1040 BRUXELLES Tel. +32 2 546 19 31 Fax +32 2 546 19 34 Legal Status: European Economic Interest Grouping Registered in Belgium since 1991 The voice of renewable energy research in Europe EUREC Agency - European Renewable Energy Research Centres Agency Contact details

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