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Unit3 The land down under Integrating skills emblem.

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2 Unit3 The land down under Integrating skills

3 emblem

4 ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) 1. Which is Australia’s flag?

5 2.What is the official name of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia.

6 3.When is Australia Day? January 26

7 4.What are the special animals in Australia? Kangaroo,, koala, dingo,wombat and so on.

8 5.Which Olympic Games were held in Sydney? 2000 Olympic Games.

9 6. Which country is the neighbor of Australia? New Zealand.

10 Which of them are mentioned? areapopulation flag education sportsfestivals climatelanguage resources √ √ √ √ √ animals √ Fast reading plants √

11 Main idea for each paragraph. Para1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5 Animals Geography and population Resources Fence Climate and sports

12 Why did Australians build a long fence across the country? (The purpose of the fence is to keep out dingo.) What do the farmers use motor bikes or helicopters do? (For rounding up the sheep or cattle.)

13 Information about Australia Animals: Geography: Population: Resources: Climate: Sports: platypus, kangaroo, koala, birds, snakes Distance: 3,220km from north and south 3,860km from east and west Size:The same size as USA (without Alaska) 20 million Agricultural: Natural: fruit, vegetables, wheat, grain, meat, wines metals, precious stones, coal, iron mines South: North: cool, wet winters/ warm,dry summers warm,dry winters/ hot, wet summers Tennis, sailing, swimming, walking and camping

14 How does it get and raise its young? Lays eggs and feeds its young on its milk.

15 How do they get their young and raise them? Give birth to very small and weak young and then carry them in a pocket of folded skin on their stomach for several months while the young feed on the mother’s milk and grow stronger.

16 Where do the majority of the people live in Australia? Why? They live in the six major cities around the coast. Two-thirds of the country is dry and desert.

17 How many sheep and how much wool are there in Australia? Australia has about one sixth of the world’s sheep and produces almost one third of its wool.

18 Beautiful scenery in Australia

19 Why does much of daily life happen outdoors? Because of the climate.

20 If you are asked to an Australian home, what will you probably do? You will eat outside and cook meat or fish on an open fire.

21 the only country 3,220km; 4,000km 85%; 20 million 2/3 1/6; 1/3 15 million tons wool; sheep wheat dry or desert that covers an entire continent north to south; east to west living around the coast

22 Language points

23 connected to / with sb./ sth. Para.1 e.g. The Suez Canal connects Africa with Asia. Africa is connected with Asia by the Suez Canal. 2. lay lay eggs lay the table 生蛋,下蛋, 产卵 放置,铺设 To kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. 杀鸡取蛋

24 lay 可解释为 “ 把 … 归功于 ”” 把 … 加于 ” lay sth. on sb. e.g. They tried to lay the blame( 罪 ) on me.

25 1.I forgot where I ___ your pen. 2.Tell me the reason why you __ to the teacher. 3. The patient __ in bed, crying. A. lied B. lain C. laid D. lay lie 说谎 (vi.) lie 躺;位于 (vi.) lay 下蛋, 放置 (vt.) lied lying lay lain lying laid laid laying C A D

26 3. feed…on 用 … 喂养 feed 后跟表人或动物的名词 on 后跟表食物的名词 They feed the babies on milk. feed…on 也可说 feed…with, 不同的是 on 后只能接食物的词,而 with 后除可接表食 物的词,也可能跟表工具的词。 She was feeding the baby with porridge. 她在给孩子喂稀饭。 She was feeding her baby with spoon. 她在用勺喂孩子。

27 feed on 以 … 为食,靠 … 维持生命 Certain animals feed on insects. 有些动物以吃昆虫为食。 You’d better feed this to the ducks. feed to sb./ sth. 把 … 喂给

28 A B 1.Sheep ____ grass. A. feed on B. feed to 2.He fed the baby ___ milk. A. to B. with 3.Don’t feed bananas ___ the monkey. A. to B.with A

29 4. give birth to His sister has given birth to a fine healthy baby. The Chinese nation has given birth to many heroes. be born in/ on/ at… e.g. He was born in a city.

30 Para.2 1. cover Cover the sleeping child with your coat. They covered the distance in 15 minutes. The city covers 20 square miles. The paper covers sports every day. 覆盖 走完(路程) 占有(多少面积) 报道(有关 … 信息)

31 2.In area it is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska), which, however, has more than fourteen times as many people 澳大利亚的面积约相当于美国 ( 不包括阿拉斯加 ), 而美国的人口确是澳大利亚的 14 倍多. (as Australia ) ____________ the USA more than fourteen times as many people 后面省略了 as Australia. (1) 倍数 +as +adj./adv.( 原级 ) +as (3) 倍数 +n.( 比较的尺度大小等名词, 如 :age, length, width, height) +of (2) 倍数 +adj.( 比较级 ) +than (4) 倍数 +that/those of Tom is twice as old as Jerry. 汤姆的年龄是杰瑞的两倍. Tom is twice older than Jerry. Tom is twice the age of Jerry. Tom’s age is twice that of Jerry’s. This room is three times as large (as that one).

32 1. keep out 使在外 ; 不使入内, 不让 … 进来 keep off 推 迟,避开 keep from 阻 止 keep up 保 持 keep up with 跟 上 Para.4 The trees keep out the wind. 这些树可以挡风。

33 比较: keep out of... 躲开;避开 ; 置身于 … 之外 ; 不介入 I hope that you will keep out of the trouble while I’m away. 我希望你在我外出期间不要惹事。

34 2. round up ②逮捕,完成 Tom likes to round up a speech with a joke. ①赶拢,使集拢 The cowboy rounded up the cattle. 牧童把牛群赶在一起。

35 Para.5 1.The climate is different depending on the area. 气候情况因地区不同而各异. depending on the area 在句中作伴随状语, 其逻辑主语是句子的主语 the climate. 原句 =Depending on the area, the climate is different. I feel comfortable staying with you. (=When I stay with you/ Staying with you, I feel comfortable.) 与你在一起我感到非常轻松自在.

36 2.Outings are popular and most Australians are delighted to share a cold glass of beer or lemonade with a friend. 户外活动非常流行, 大部分澳大利亚人都非常愿意和朋友 作共同分享一杯冰啤或柠檬汁. delight“ 使高兴, 使欣喜, 喜爱, 高兴等 ” We are delighted to meet you. 和你们见面真感到高兴. He is delighted at the news. 他听到这消息很高兴. share sth. with sb. “ 和某人分享, 分担, 共同具有等 ” I’ll share the cost with you. 我和你分担费用.

37 Basic information about Australia Location Southern hemisphere( 半球 ) Area7.7 million sq km(6 th largest) CapitalCanberra Famous citiesSydney;Melbourne;Brisbane Population20 million;85% LanguageEnglish;native languages ClimateRelatively mild(except the vast center) ProductsWool;wheat;beef;fruits;vegetables ResourcesMetals;precious stones;iron


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