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1. Young children love to watch _____. (A) operas (B) cartoons (C) dramas (D) news 第一部分:詞彙和結構 (30%) 共 15 題,每個題目裡有一個空格。請從四個選項中選出一個最適合題意 的字或詞作答。

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Presentation on theme: "1. Young children love to watch _____. (A) operas (B) cartoons (C) dramas (D) news 第一部分:詞彙和結構 (30%) 共 15 題,每個題目裡有一個空格。請從四個選項中選出一個最適合題意 的字或詞作答。"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Young children love to watch _____. (A) operas (B) cartoons (C) dramas (D) news 第一部分:詞彙和結構 (30%) 共 15 題,每個題目裡有一個空格。請從四個選項中選出一個最適合題意 的字或詞作答。

2 2. _____ movies are always really exciting! You can see a lot of fight scenes. (A) Action (B) Comedy (C) Romance (D) Science

3 3. Do you want to go to Star Theater and take _____ a movie? (A) out (B) up (C) in (D) over

4 4. What a(n) _____ necklace. I don’t think there is another like it. (A) popular (B) unusual (C) regular (D) familiar

5 5. Many people choose to stay at this hotel because of its relaxing _____. (A) blame (B) double (C) challenge (D) atmosphere

6 6. Grandpa’s birthday is _____ August. (A) at (B) in (C) about (D) for

7 7. Terry goes to the gym _____ Saturdays. (A) every (B) in (C) at (D) on

8 8. Jay and I left the party _____. I don’t know where he went. (A) separately (B) wildly (C) hugely (D) safely

9 9. The baseball game starts _____ half _____ seven. (A) at, over (B) in, later (C) at, past (D) for, around

10 10. We had a great time at the beach. We collected _____ shells. (A) dozen (B) dozens of (C) dozens (D) the dozen

11 11. She attended a wedding _____ last month. (A) since (B) at (C) in (D) X

12 12. It’s a tradition to paint eggs _____ Easter. It usually falls on a Sunday _____ March 22nd and April 25th. (A) at, both (B) in, from (C) at, between (D) at, on

13 13. _____ a company is much harder than you think. (A) Managing (B) Tricking (C) Attacking (D) Setting

14 14. Parents will _____ their children even when they make mistakes. (A) forget (B) forgive (C) explain (D) coordinate

15 15. There are over fifty _____ in the novel, so it’s confusing to read. (A) expectations (B) concerns (C) characters (D) solutions

16 Questions 16-20 Jeff and Jordan are waiting for Jessica at the movie theater. She is 20 minutes late, and the movie is about (16). Jeff complains. He says Jessica is always late. Finally, Jessica shows up. She feels bad and (17). Jeff says she was late to John’s party (18) Friday too. Jessica promises to buy the popcorn if Jeff can be quiet. Jeff agrees. He’s (19) about seeing the new Will Smith movie, so he can’t stay angry for long. It’s a (20) about two friends. Everybody thinks it is really funny. They need to hurry, though. The movie starts in five minutes, and Jessica still needs to get the popcorn. 第二部分:段落填空 (10%) 共 10 題,包括二個段落,每個段落各含 4~6 個空格。每格均有四個選項, 請依照文意選出最適合的答案。

17 16. (A) start (B) to start (C) started (D) starting 17. (A) forgives (B) requests (C) admits (D) apologizes 18. (A) at (B) in (C) to (D) on 19. (A) excited (B) satisfied (C) interested (D) concerned 20. (A) comedy (B) horror (C) drama (D) cartoon

18 Questions 21-25 Jane is waiting for her brother at the train station. Tony isn’t late yet. He should be there in about (21) hour. Jane just (22) early because she wasn’t sure about the train schedule. On regular weekdays, the trains run every thirty minutes until eight o’clock. However, today is a holiday so they run every hour and stop running so often at (23) past five. If Tony doesn’t arrive (24), they’ll have to wait for another hour for the next train. They are supposed to be at their grandma’s house for dinner at seven o’clock. They don’t want to be late (25) Christmas dinner!

19 21. (A) half an (B) half of (C) half past (D) half to 22. (A) went (B) came (C) made (D) planned 23. (A) fifteen (B) forty-five (C) thirty (D) quarter 24. (A) in time (B) from time to time (C) at times (D) for the time being 25. (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) for

20 Questions 26-29 When we talk about movies in Taiwan, we usually think about Ang Lee. His movies include Sense and Sensibility; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; and Life of Pi. Ang Lee even won two Best Director Oscars for Brokeback Mountain in 2006 and for Life of Pi in 2013 respectively. Although he is very successful today, life wasn’t always easy for Lee. As a student, he could not enter a Taiwanese university because his grades were too low. Therefore, he had to go to America to study. After he finished, he didn’t find work for six years. In 1991, Lee wrote Pushing Hands and The Wedding Banquet. Both stories are about Chinese Americans. They were popular for several reasons, but especially because they discuss living in a new culture. Today, more than 20 years later, people all over the world enjoy Ang Lee’s movies and respect his work. 第三部分:閱讀理解 (20%) 共 10 題,包括數篇短文,每篇短文後面有 2~4 個相關問題。請由四個選 項中選出最適合的答案。

21 26. Which statement is TRUE? (A) Ang Lee became successful in a short time. (B) Ang Lee didn’t become successful right away. (C) Most people still don’t know much about Ang Lee. (D) Ang Lee had an easy life when he was young.

22 27. Why did Ang Lee move to the United States? (A) He wanted to meet Chinese Americans. (B) He wanted to learn how to speak English. (C) He couldn’t get into a school in his own country. (D) He couldn’t find a job in Taiwan for six years.

23 28. According to the passage, why were Pushing Hands and The Wedding Banquet popular? (A) Chinese Americans went to see them. (B) People want to know more about Taiwanese culture. (C) Movies about weddings are usually quite popular. (D) Their topic is learning customs in a different country.

24 29. What is the best title for this story? (A) Ang Lee’s Most Popular Movies (B) Successful Taiwanese Movie Directors (C) How to Become an Oscar-winning Director (D) Ang Lee: The Road to Success

25 Questions 30-32 There are many scenes that can be a challenge to shoot in action movies. They can be dangerous for the actors. Sometimes leading actors and actresses are replaced by stunt doubles. These people have special training that allows them to manage these scenes more easily. These doubles are never in the same danger as the movie characters. Filming tricks just make it look like they are. Some stars have stunt doubles who work for them regularly. These people can perform stunts and also look like the stars. Other stars, such as Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, and Jackie Chan, are famous for doing their own stunts. There are also other people known as body doubles. They don’t do dangerous things, but they might have skills such as dancing or playing the piano.

26 30. What does the passage say about filming action scenes? (A) They are simple to shoot. (B) There’s no trick to them. (C) The actors could get hurt. (D) There are no real people in them.

27 31. Which of the following statements is TRUE? (A) All leading actors can perform stunts. (B) Angelina Jolie doesn’t take action roles. (C) Jackie Chan’s stunt double looks like him. (D) Tom Cruise has some stunt skills.

28 32. According to the passage, what do body doubles do? (A) Jump off of a building (B) Drive a car very fast in a chase (C) Play a musical instrument (D) Work with fire or explosions

29 Questions 33-35 The other day I was sitting by myself waiting for my boyfriend to return with popcorn and drinks. He was so excited to see a science-fiction movie starring his favorite actor. We were at the third showing on opening night. When he returned, he had a very strange look on his face. “I can’t believe this,” he said. While he was waiting in line for popcorn, he heard someone talking about the movie. They explained the whole story and even said how it ended. He said that he was really sorry, but he didn’t want to see the movie anymore. I told him it wasn’t a big deal. Actually, I preferred to see a drama. I was glad that we still had enough time to change our tickets.

30 33. Who was showing anger in the story? (A) The woman (B) The woman’s boyfriend (C) The other moviegoers (D) The ticket salesperson

31 34. What might have been something the man overheard? (A) “It was so romantic when they kissed!” (B) “Those cowboys were really cool!” (C) “I can’t believe the hero traveled through time!” (D) “How sad those things happened in real life!”

32 35. How did the woman feel about changing the movie tickets? (A) She was kind of happy about it. (B) She was a little angry. (C) She couldn’t stay mad at the man. (D) She didn’t care at all.

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