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The origin of Chinese characters A high official called CangJie (4666—4596BC) asked his servant to buy a new cart after an accident. The naïve was cheated.

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Presentation on theme: "The origin of Chinese characters A high official called CangJie (4666—4596BC) asked his servant to buy a new cart after an accident. The naïve was cheated."— Presentation transcript:


2 The origin of Chinese characters

3 A high official called CangJie (4666—4596BC) asked his servant to buy a new cart after an accident. The naïve was cheated because the forgot whether it should be “Two horses = one cart”, “Two carts = one horse”

4 Cangjie ( 仓颉 ) claimed to be the inventor of Chinese characters five thousand years ago.

5 The origin of Chinese characters: inscriptions on oracle bones 甲骨文

6 Chinese characters are like pictures, or call them: pictograph characters.


8 Chinese characters can be thought of as square- shaped “signs”.

9 Ideographs: graphical representations of abstract ideas 1. 一 2. 二 3. 三 4. 凶 5. 上 6. 下 7. 凹 8. 凸

10 Guess the meanings of the words


12 C B A D E F

13 Guess the pronunciation and meanings of the words

14 The Evolution of Chinese Character writing styles

15 Chinese calligaraphy is considered an art, let’s enjoy some works:





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