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Problematic premises; Promising possibilities: A (re)defining moment Gary Rhoades General Secretary American Association of University Professors Gary.

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Presentation on theme: "Problematic premises; Promising possibilities: A (re)defining moment Gary Rhoades General Secretary American Association of University Professors Gary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problematic premises; Promising possibilities: A (re)defining moment Gary Rhoades General Secretary American Association of University Professors Gary Rhoades General Secretary American Association of University Professors

2 Premises underlying public funding of the academy  New realities & dawning of era of constraint? or old realities & decline of era in collapse?  We can’t do better, so must lock ourselves in? or we can’t do worse, so should say no deal? (& we can’t do much more with much less)  The key to recovery is stimulating demand? or the key lies in also building capacity, and supporting supply? (investing in producers’ intellectual capital, not just in consumers’ human capital)

3 Promising possibilities  Loan forgiveness programs to new faculty and professionals who work in institutions that serve substantial proportions of first generation students and students from underrepresented populations.  Shifting on the margins a proportion of federal research monies to converting postdoc to tenure-track positions, and to establishing new track positions in institutions that serve substantial proportions of first generation and underrepresented students.  Formulas for state support that provide a marginal incentive for serving first generation and underrepresented students, and for masters programs in other than those that charge differential tuition.

4 Promising possibilities-2  Marginal social responsibility contribution increments in institutional retirement contributions for faculty members, academic professionals, and administrators who can demonstrate according to locally determined criteria, involvement in activities enhancing local/state/regional communities.  Bail out reinvestment funds, channeling a portion of profits of companies that have received government bailout monies back into public infrastructure investments, in not-for-profit higher education.

5 Our choice: a replication of the past, or a (re)defining moment

6 Thank you …

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