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Missionaries of the Precious Blood Week of Reflection on Mission July 20-24, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Missionaries of the Precious Blood Week of Reflection on Mission July 20-24, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missionaries of the Precious Blood Week of Reflection on Mission July 20-24, 2009

2 Themes and Questions in Missiology Today

3 Introduction: Missiology Before Vatican II

4 As old as the Bible…but Case may be made: Wright, Kähler 1867—Alexander Duff in Edinburgh 1897—Gustav Warnek in Halle 1914—Joseph Schmidlin in Münster Münster and Louvain Debate ended at Vatican II

5 A Real Breakthrough! Mission not so much in external command as in dynamic of Trinity Goodness of culture Possibility of salvation outside faith in Christ, church—crisis! In years afterward— expansion of elements of mission 1980s-90s—mission as dialogue / caution of Magisterium

6 Missiology today… Continues to reflect on these issues—a long way to go! Major texts: Bosch; Bevans/Schroeder; Bueno “bold humility”/ “prophetic dialogue” That in first part Second: elements Third: additional issues

7 Mission as Prophetic Dialogue

8 Mission as dialogue: primary reality—like Mission of God Threefold Dialogue Need to respect people, culture, context in which we do mission “mission in reverse” But…like Jesus…prophetic Offer prophetic witness “Tell forth” story of Jesus Present vision of the gospel Speak clearly against injustice

9 Elements of Mission

10 WITNESS AND PROCLAMATION “The deed without the word is dumb; the word without the deed is empty” Four kinds of witness A certain priority for proclamation, but always in dialogical way

11 LITURGY, PRAYER, CONTEMPLATION “lives from the center with its eyes on the borders….” “The church celebrates Liturgy in order to worship” St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese of Lisieux—the world inside the Cloister

12 JUSTICE, PEACE AND THE INTEGRITY OF CREATION “Action on behalf of justice … a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel” “If you want peace, work for justice” “…two types of injustice: socio- economic-political … and environmental injustice “The responsibility of the church towards the earth is a crucial part of the church’s mission”

13 INTERRELIGIOUS / SECULAR DIALOGUE “…the norm and manner of every form of Christian Mission” Four kinds of dialogue

14 INCULTURATION “ You may, and you must, have an African Christianity” (Paul VI) “Contextualizion... is not simply nice. It is a necessity” (David Hesselgrave)

15 RECONCILIATION In a world of violence, a new way of thinking of the Gospel Personal, social, political, ecclesial Demands more of a spirituality than a strategy

16 Three Newer Issues Globalization MigrationWomen

17 Globalization Complex: positive and negative effects Result of compression of space and time through communications New possibilities for communication, action Disparity greater than ever before “Jihad and McWorld” Globalization in solidarity, without marginalization Partner and prophet “Caritas in veritate”

18 Migration Related to globalization— solidarity with poorest of poor Age of migration “on scale of continents” 120 million people living outside land of their birth Part of “new evangelization” Mission among migrants; mission of migrants

19 Women Women’s movement in last several decades: a “transforming grace” Women are in desperate need of liberation the gospel brings “preferential option for women”? In scholarship— recovering role of women in mission history

20 Conclusion Missiology: an exciting field of study today Theology and ministry today need to be thoroughly missiological Mission not something people do in exotic lands—the daily reality of the church today Missiology: the daily reality of a theology and ministry seeking to serve the church in a credible way in today’s church

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