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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 9 CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPE."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. BYZANTINE EMPIRE A.Origins of Empire B.Justinian’s Achievements C.Byzantine Religion, Society and Politics D.The Split between the East and West E.The Empire’s Decline

3 A. ORIGINS OF EMPIRE Emperor Constantine 330s (4 th century) Constantinople becomes capital of Eastern Roman Empire Maintain Greek as official language Trained civilian bureaucracy Held off barbarian invaders


5 B. JUSTINIAN’S ACHIEVEMENTS Local military base + Greek army deflected invaders 527-567 Justinian’s Reign 533 tried to reconquer W – Failed Belisarius (general) made advancements – weakened empire because financial issues Rebuilt Constantinople and built Hagia Sophia Justinian’s Code


7 C. ARAB PRESSURES AND THE EMPIRE’S DECLINE Successors concentrated on defending E. territory in 7 th century E. Mediterranean provinces lost – hurt with low military recruits/taxes “Greek Fire” saved Muslim siege on Constantinople Aristocracy grew Generals were stronger New Slavic kingdoms were established


9 D. BYZANTINE RELIGION, SOCIETY AND POLITICS Politics Like Chinese; Emperor ordained by god, heads both church and state Women could hold imperial power Strong Educated bureaucracy Military organization Economic Control Regulation of food prices, taxes Silk Production Trade Networks Asia, Russia, Scandinavia, Europe, Africa Arts Architecture mosaics

10 D. SPLIT BETWEEN THE EAST AND WEST Split between E and W views on Christianity Greek/Latin versions of Bible Emperor resisted giving any authority to pope Charlemagne (Frankish King) named Roman Emperor– hostility Final Break over type of bread for mass and celibacy of priests – 1054 Mutual excommunication

11 E. EMPIRE’S DECLINE Decline began in 11 th century Muslim Turks seized Asian provinces, removing resources from taxes/food Slavic states appear in Balkans Asked W Europe for help Small portion survived until 1453 with Ottoman Turk take over

12 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Describe the Byzantine Political Organization and culture and how they affected the development of Eastern Europe. Evaluate and describe the change of the Byzantine Empire between 565 and 1200.

13 II. THE SPREAD OF CIVILIZATION IN EASTERN EUROPE A.Origins B.The Emergence of Kievan Rus’ C.Institutions and Culture in Kievan Rus’ D.Kievan Decline E.End of an Era in Eastern Europe

14 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How did Cyril and Methodius spread the Orthodox Christianity religion in the Balkans?

15 A. ORIGINS Christian missionaries 864 – Cyril and Methodius Cyrillic alphabet Open to new languages New trade routes Byzantine military activity

16 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Describe the trade route of the Scandinavian Traders. Describe the importance of Kiev in regards to the city helping spread Christianity. Terms to Know: Kiev Rurik Kievan Rus’ Vladimir I Russian Orthodoxy Yaroslov

17 B. EMERGENCE OF KIEVAN RUS’ Slavs from Asia Iron working, extended agriculture Mix with earlier population Family tribes, villages Unique culture Animistic 6 th, 7 th Centuries Scandinavian merchants Trade between Byzantines and the Norse Scandinavians military > Slavs, set up cities (Kiev) 855 CE Legend says Kievian Rus’ emerged by Rurik Loosely organized with alliances by regional aristocrats Russia means “red” in Greek – most Norse tradesmen had red hair

18 B. EMERGENCE OF KIEVAN RUS’ Kiev – central location between Russia and Constantinople Vladimir I, 980 – 1015 Converted to Christianity Mass baptisms, forcing conversion by military pressure Russian Orthodox

19 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Explain the Russian literature that developed in Kievan Rus’ Describe the patterns of Russian social and economic patterns.

20 C. INSTITUTIONS AND CULTURE IN KIEVAN RUS’ Attracted to Byzantine ceremonials and luxury Churches were ornate – monastic movement Literature Religious and royal events, praised saints and God Art Religious Icon painting Illuminated manuscripts

21 C. INSTITUTIONS AND CULTURE IN KIEVAN RUS’ Culture Peasants = free farmers Aristocratic landlords, boyars, had less political power Kievan princes = absolute power with few negotiations Yaroslav the Wise, 1019-1054 Used marriage to create ties with W. Europe

22 DISCUSSION QUESTION How did Kievan principality begin to fade? Under the Tartar rule, what needed to be done in order for most Russian affairs to be unharmed or left alone?

23 D. KIEVAN DECLINE 12 th century Rival princes Royal dissention over throne Asian invaders Decline of Byzantine Empire Mongol invasions in 1237 – 38, 1240 – 41 Tartars Roughly ruled for 200 years Tribute must be paid

24 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS How did the Eastern European region have a global impact?!


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