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MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015 Final “I Am From Poem” due today Create Personality Anchor Charts Review Pre-reading Strategies Preview “Oni and the Giant Bird”

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Presentation on theme: "MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015 Final “I Am From Poem” due today Create Personality Anchor Charts Review Pre-reading Strategies Preview “Oni and the Giant Bird”"— Presentation transcript:

1 MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2015 Final “I Am From Poem” due today Create Personality Anchor Charts Review Pre-reading Strategies Preview “Oni and the Giant Bird” Fun Fact: August was originally 30 days in length, but an extra day was added so that it would equal the number of days in July.

2 TODAY I WILL … Review key features of my personality type and identify how I can enrich our language arts class with my unique skills. Utilize pre-reading strategies to improve my reading comprehension.


4 ANCHOR CHARTS What is it? An artifact of classroom learning Who makes it? Small group of students What is the purpose? Like an anchor, the purpose of an anchor charts is to hold in place something very important, information students have learned. Elements of an anchor chart: (visual cheat sheet) Appealing to the eye Easy to read Single Focus (one topic) Includes the most Important information Created by a collaboration of a group of students

5 ANCHOR CHART REQUIREMENTS Title (label your personality type) Godiva words 3 strengths 3 weaknesses 3 ways you will enrich our language arts class with your skills 3 images

6 PRE-READING STRATEGIES Focus on the title Gather background information Look up unknown words Learn about the author Activate previous knowledge Ask questions Make predications Preview text features: pictures, captions, graphs

7 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: WHAT MAKES A SUPERHERO? Jot down your thoughts on a post- it note.


9 BACKGROUND INFORMATION Yoruba is one of the largest ethnic groups in west Africa. They have a history of rich story telling told in ritual gatherings. Drums are played while stories are shared. They are meant to imitate the Yoruba language. Current Yoruba population is approximately 5.3 million. Yoruba traditional religion holds that there is one supreme being and many minor deities.

10 VOCABULARY banishsend away as an official punishment audienceformal interview with a person of high rank imploredasked or begged invincibleunbeatable hoveredhung in the air prostratingthrowing oneself on the ground to show respect impostersomeone pretending to be someone else

11 VOCABULARY Oni: young man with special powers Ajo: Yoruban village in Africa Anodo: giant eagle that threatens the village Juju: magical charm

12 ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ABAYOMI FUJA An Yoruban from Nigeria Taught by British missionaries Learned English from the missionaries Spent 6 years in retelling African stories of his childhood into English language Cowrie: glossy shell used to signal ideas

13 QUESTIONS What do you want to know before reading?

14 PREDICTIONS What do you think will happen in this story?

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