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SouthGate Renewing Strategy. Vision To actively bring societal transformation through hosting the Holy Spirit and wholeheartedly walking in the Father’s.

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Presentation on theme: "SouthGate Renewing Strategy. Vision To actively bring societal transformation through hosting the Holy Spirit and wholeheartedly walking in the Father’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 SouthGate Renewing Strategy

2 Vision To actively bring societal transformation through hosting the Holy Spirit and wholeheartedly walking in the Father’s outrageous love and power in NEO and the nations. Love. Pioneer. Transform.

3 Mission To host the Holy Sprit’s manifest presence while equipping believers to engage an orphaned society in the Spirit of adoption and Father’s love as supernaturally empowered disciples who make disciples who make disciples in NEO and around the world.

4 Where We Are Rethinking Right DNA Asking Questions

5 Missional Go and Tell Engaging Domains Real People in Real Life Equipping the Saints (Eph. 4)

6 Catalyst Group A Leader Apprentice B Leader Apprenctice C Leader Apprentice

7 Missional Communities Momentum Groups Discipleship/Equipping/Mission 10-15 people A Leader 2-3 Apprentices

8 Group Leaders Role Leader Apprentice Gather Disciple Equip Send/Coach Apprentices

9 Apprentices Role GoParticipateObserve Society

10 Apprentice’s Missional Community A1 Leader Apprentice A2 Leader Apprenctice A3 Leader Apprentice

11 Disciples Follower of Jesus Hears and Obeys Identity = Sonship Makes Disciples Life on Life

12 Equipping Minister to God Minister to One Another Minister to Society

13 Mission Everyone is on the same mission Mission = Serving a people group with the Gospel in Kingdom power Engaging Society Health

14 Key Goals Engage Society by Living as Missionaries Multiply Leaders Who Multiply Missional Communites Make Disciples Who Make Disciples

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