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Model Lesson 3 The Effects of the Great Depression.

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Presentation on theme: "Model Lesson 3 The Effects of the Great Depression."— Presentation transcript:

1 Model Lesson 3 The Effects of the Great Depression

2 Standard 11.6.3 Describe the human toll of the Depression, natural disasters, and unwise agricultural practices and their effect on the depopulation of rural regions and on political movements of the left and right, with particular attention to the Dust Bowl refugees and their social and economic impacts in California.

3 Day One

4 Day 1 Hook: Historical Scenarios Lesson overview and prompt Background Reading and Instructional Conversation Visual and Quote Reflection Homework: Illustration

5 The Hook Read each scenario and respond to three of them. Put yourself “in the shoes” of the people you are reading about. Share with a table partner. Whole group share out.

6 The Prompt To what extent did the Great Depression impact America?

7 The Writing Assignment Preview the prompt that you will be responding to at the end of this lesson. Be certain to consider the specific tasks that will be required. Be certain to consider key terms and vocabulary that will be included in the lesson.

8 Background Reading Follow along as I read Life During the Great Depression aloud. Write down the most important details in the appropriate column.

9 Background Reading and Instructional Conversation In groups of four read the remaining sections of Document 1. Each student in the group is responsible for one section. Write down the most important facts/details for your section. Lead a discussion with your group on your section.

10 Quote and Visual Reflection Think-Pair-Share: What smells like death? What does Hurston mean about dreams “dropping off the heart.” How does an understanding of the context of the image and quote affect the tone (feeling) of the quote? What is the connection between the quote and the background reading?

11 Homework Sketch a picture related to your section of Document 1. This can be a drawing, diagram, or flow chart. You can draw a picture of something that is specifically referred to in the text or something from your own experience or Feelings, the reading made you think about.

12 Day Two

13 Review Homework Quote Reflection Anticipation Guide: Predict Data Analysis of the Great Depression

14 Quote Reflection Read the quote at the top of Student Handout 3. Explain the quote in your own words.

15 Anticipation Guide Complete the anticipation guide at the bottom of Student Handout 3. Read the statement. Then, in the “ME” column, circle the plus (+) if you believe the statement is true or the minus (-) if you believe the statement is false.

16 Data Analysis With a partner analyze the charts and graphs on Document 2. Then complete Student Handout 4.

17 Data Analysis Graphic Organizer Remember to respond to the focus question.

18 Day Three

19 Anticipation Guide Look again at the anticipation guide at the bottom of Student Handout 3. Read the statement. Then, in the “GRAPHS” column, circle the plus (+) if you believe the statement is true or the minus (-) if you believe the statement is false.

20 Day 3 Read-Aloud Document Analysis: Jigsaw Activity Historical Spectrums Homework: Pre-writing

21 Read-Aloud Be prepared to share out your responses to the focus question on Student Handout 4: What does the data tell you about people’s lives during the Great Depression?

22 Document Analysis In groups of three, analyze Documents 3-11. Start with the photographs (one per group member). Then move on to the written document (two per group member).


24 Document Analysis Graphic Organizer Record your analysis of Documents 3 – 11 on Student Handout 5.

25 Historical Spectrums Place an “X” on each line indicating your position. Explain your reasoning. Place an “X” on each line indicating your position. Explain your reasoning.

26 Day Four

27 Day 4 Prompt Review Writing Graphic Organizer and Essay Student Reflection

28 The Prompt To what extent did the Great Depression impact America?

29 Writing Graphic Organizer and Essay Use Student Handouts 7 and 8 and all other lesson materials to write a draft essay. A final draft on a separate piece of paper is due the next time that class meets. Use Student Handouts 7 and 8 and all other lesson materials to write a draft essay. A final draft on a separate piece of paper is due the next time that class meets.

30 Impact of the Great Depression…Primary source analysis… Historical empathy…My learning… Reflection Question: What have I learned about…?

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