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Onward Together A workshop for seniors The MERHS Guidance Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "Onward Together A workshop for seniors The MERHS Guidance Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Onward Together A workshop for seniors The MERHS Guidance Staff

2 Life After High School Living independently within a community Taking personal responsibility Choices and consequences StructureIndependence

3 Time: How will you use it? High School Schedule 6:15am Wake up 7:30am First class Second class Third class Fourth class Fifth class Sixth class 2:30-4:30 SoundWaves 6 – 8pm Soccer practice 8pm – 12am Homework etc. 12am Bed College Schedule 10 – 11:30am First class 2 – 3:30 Second class Late afternoon/evening Sports, activity, club meeting, rehearsal, lecture, etc.

4 Values What shapes our values? When was the last time you changed your mind about something? What influenced you to change your mind? One of the most challenging lessons we learn in life is how to get along with others who hold different views, attitudes, and beliefs different than our own.

5 Issues Confronting the Generation Z student.... Time management Relationships Alcohol and other drug use Mental health and physical wellness Sexual harassment/sexual assault Overall Stress Finances

6 Headlines and Hot Topics Break up into small groups … discuss the case study examples

7 Alcohol and Drug Use 60% of college students (ages 18-22) drank alcohol in the past month – That means 40% did not 2 out of the 3 of those engaged in binge drinking 1 in 4 college students report academic consequences from drinking and/or drug use such as missing class, lower grades, academic and athletic probation Other consequences of substance use: injuries, depression, risky sexual behavior, sexual assault, police involvement, DUI, alcohol poisoning 39% of college students reported using illicit drugs in the last 12 months

8 Sexual Assault on Campus 20% or 1 in 5 undergraduate women experience attempted or completed sexual assault while in college 1 in 20 men experience sexual assault while in college Most student victims knew the perpetrator Less than 5% of campus sexual assaults are reported In 75 to 82% of rape cases on college campuses, alcohol was involved

9 Impact of Sexual Assault on Campus For the survivor, there are increased rates of anxiety and depression Leads to isolation and decreased school attendance For the accused: court involvement, expulsion, delay of graduation, financial implications

10 What can you do? Circle of 6 Yes Means Yes Law (CA, NY, MI and growing number of colleges)

11 Mental Health Mental health is as real and important as other physical health conditions. Mental health is very important to overall health and academic success. 1 out of every 4 college students suffers from some form of mental illness The top 3 reasons students seek counseling are social anxiety, depression, and relationship problems Suicide is the second leading cause of death in college students 4 out of 5 college students who either contemplate or attempt suicide show warning signs

12 One Student’s Story

13 What you can do Familiarize yourself with the warning signs of depression and other mental illnesses ACT – Acknowledge Care Tell Know the supports available on campus: Resident Assistants (RAs) and peer mentors Student Health Center Student Counseling Center School chaplain Dean’s Office Campus Safety Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-TALK

14 Continuing the Conversation People you can be talking to now: The guidance office Your parents and/or other family members Your friends Your doctor/counselor/other professionals Informal support network – teachers and coaches

15 In Closing Be Kind to yourself and others Be Careful make healthy decisions/choices Be Yourself hold true to your values

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