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PDMP & Health IT Integration All-Hands Meeting April 12 th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "PDMP & Health IT Integration All-Hands Meeting April 12 th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDMP & Health IT Integration All-Hands Meeting April 12 th, 2016

2 Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call – Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meetings is being recorded – Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know. NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the Meeting Artifacts Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2

3 Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements5 minutes Integration Proving Ground Walkthrough10 minutes Pilot Updates and Working Session40 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes

4 General Announcements To join our weekly webinars, visit the PDMP & Health IT Integration initiative Homepage for the latest meeting information: +Homepage +Homepage 4 To subscribe to our mailing list, simply complete the PDMP & Health IT Project Signup Form: gration+Join+the+Initiative gration+Join+the+Initiative To access current and archived meeting materials, visit the Project Meeting Artifacts section: 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts Note: Please check the meeting schedule weekly to get the most up-to-date meeting information

5 Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) The IPG is an open community platform to showcase interoperability projects taking place across the country. It provides a simple way to share details about various projects (e.g., title, description, hyperlink to your project website) and “tag” it with any standards or keywords that may be associated with it (e.g., C- CDA, ASAP, PDMP). To access the IPG: To learn more about the IPG: blog/interoperability/interoperability-proving-ground blog/interoperability/interoperability-proving-ground

6 Sample IPG Entry Each Entry in the IPG has: 1.Project Title and Pilot Site 2.Project Description 3.Project Website to learn more information (optional) 4.Start/End Dates 5.Tags for keyword searches 6.Project Point of Contact 7.Project Results (for completed pilots)

7 How to Create a New IPG Entry Step 1: Login to the IPG Click “Login” Click “Create new account” and fill out all fields below IMPORTANT: The e-mail address chosen will be the Point of Contact for all IPG Entries associated with the username Click “Create new account” to complete registration Step 2: Create an account To access the IPG:

8 How to Create a New IPG Entry Step 2: Add a Project Click on “Add a Project”

9 How to Create a New IPG Entry Step 2: Add a Project (cont.) Project and Pilot Title Project Description Project website (optional) Zip Code (For Location Searches) Select “Submit” when completed IMPORTANT: Project titles (Section 1) cannot be the same as titles already in the IPG IMPORTANT: Feel free to copy information from already created entries for your organization

10 How to Edit an IPG Entry Click on the Project Submission, DO NOT click on Edit IMPORTANT: Clicking on “Edit” only allows you to change your email and password, not edit submissions Click on “My account”

11 How to Edit an IPG Entry IMPORTANT: Section 4 can only be accessed during editing After completing a pilot, use this section to enter any hyperlinks to artifacts or information that you think would be helpful for others Make sure to click “Save” after making any edits

12 How to Find PDMP-Related Entries On the home page, click “Complete” to filter by completed projects Type “PDMP” to find projects related to PDMP IMPORTANT: All PDMP Pilot Sites are in “Completed Projects” because they have not yet been edited by the pilot.

13 IPG Live Demonstration

14 PDMP Pilot Timeline SeptOctNovDec Jan FebMarAprMayJuneJulyAug Sept OctNovDecJanFebMarApr 9/9 IG Consented IG Development IG Finalized and Posted For Pilot Use Pilots Conduct Pilots Needs Assessment (Today) Kick Off Pilot Activities Begin Pilot Work Pilot- NCPDP Pilot - ASAP

15 PDMP & Health IT Integration Pilot Sites ApprissClay Rogers EpicTim Stolldorf WA State Department of HealthChris Baumgartner and Rhonda May Arizona Board of PharmacyDean Wright KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services KASPERJean Hall QS/1 Sonny Anderson, Keith McDonagh, Matthew Brooks Virginia Prescription Monitoring ProgramRalph Orr Speed Scripts (Digital Simplistics)Chuck Welch PDX, IncBen Loy Prescription Advisory Systems & Technology (PAST, Inc.)Patrick Kelly DrFirstRoss Bryant, Curtis Hess Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional ServicesChad Zadrazil Texas Health Services AuthorityEric Heflin

16 Pilot Updates and Working Session

17 Working Session Agenda General Updates5 minutes ASAP Pilot Report Outs25 minutes Next Steps & Questions10 minutes

18 Pilot Teams EHR/Pharmacy ITHubPDMP NCPDP 10.6 EpicOneHealthPortWA State EpicApprissVirginia EpicApprissWisconsin DrFirstApprissArizona DrFirstApprissKentucky NextGenApprissKentucky NextGenApprissArizona NextGenApprissWisconsin PASTApprissArizona ASAP Web Services QS1ApprissS. Carolina QS1ApprissVirginia PDXApprissArizona PDXApprissKentucky PDXApprissOhio PDXApprissVirginia Speed ScriptsApprissKentucky

19 Next Steps All PDMP Community Meetings going forward will be pilot working session meetings – Pilot Metrics – Meetings are held bi-weekly ASAP Pilots will continue to report out on the status of their pilot work Next Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 26 th Pilot Completion phase will start on April 26 th Please update your entries in the IPG – To access the IPG:

20 Contact Information – Initiative Coordinators: Johnathan Coleman Sherry Green – ONC Leads: Mera Choi Tricia Lee Wilkins Jennifer Frazier jennifer_d_frazier@ondcp.eop.go v jennifer_d_frazier@ondcp.eop.go v – SAMHSA Leads Jinhee Lee Kate Tipping – Support Team: Project Management: Jamie Parker Use Case Development: Taima Gomez Standards/Harmonization Support and Implementation Guide Development : Saurav Chowdhury Pilots Support: Jamie Parker(PM) Saurav Chowdhury Taima Gomez Maxwell Coleman For questions, please feel free to contact your support leads:

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