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2 “ Communication Tools in the 21 st Century” Presented by: Christine Zappey, Head Child Support Officer, Los Angeles CSSD Brenda Lundy, Information Systems.

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2 2 “ Communication Tools in the 21 st Century” Presented by: Christine Zappey, Head Child Support Officer, Los Angeles CSSD Brenda Lundy, Information Systems Manager, Contra Costa DCSS

3 3 Tools

4 4 Communication Tools of Yesteryear  Cave Drawings  Smoke Signals  Homing Pigeons  Pony Express  Morse Code  Telegraph  Wires/Western Union  CB Radio/Hamm Radio  Walkie-Talkies/Chirps  Hand-delivery  Postal Service

5 5 Written Correspondence Letters Facsimiles (FAX) Electronic Mail (e-mail) & Instant Messaging (IM) Imaging

6 6 ThenNow Desk phone Switchboard / PBX Party Line Predictive dialing BlackBerries, iPhones & other smart phones Teleconferencing VoIP video calling Telephone

7 7 Cell/Smart Phone Etiquette ■Cell phone guidelines make public places more enjoyable for all: ✷ 1. When a Private Conversation Isn't Possible ✷ 2. Lights Out, Phone Off ✷ 3. Modulate Your Voice ✷ 4. Observe the 10-foot Proximity Rule ✷ 5. Keep It Short ✷ 6. Love the One You're With ✷ 7. Drive Now, Talk/Text Later ✷ 8. Use Common Sense ■Being considerate of others pays off for everyone.

8 8 Texting = Simple Messaging Service (SMS) ■According to a 9/2009 New York Times Small Business Guide article, 97% of all SMS marketing messages are opened, 83% within one hour. How could child support make use of such a highly effective form of communication? ■Abbreviations – used widely in personal conversations, but not very good for business use LOLROTFLBTWOIC

9 9 Instant Messaging & Text Messaging Yes, there is a difference. ■Instant messaging (IMing) uses an application and user IDs, similar to e-mail ■Texting sends to a phone number ■Texting costs both sender and receiver – think of teens running up $6,000 cell phone bills – they were texting, not IMing ■Be aware when choosing department-issued cell phones and plans

10 10 Computers, Private Networks & the Internet Web Conferencing E-Mail Internet Collaboration Custom applications CSE Case Closure Tool CUSTOMER CONNECT Instant Messaging

11 11 Social Networks & Media

12 12 Corporate Tools Auto Dialer Telegrams TV- Black & White vs. Color, Analog vs. Digital Radio Advertising Flyers Letters Memo

13 13 Keeping Up with the Times, Generations, and our Global Customers

14 Mobile & Global Tools Use Quick Response (QR) codes to refer mobile users to more information about how you can help them. Taking a snapshot of the QR code with your smart phone and an installed QR Code reader show you this message….

15 Mobile & Global Tools Provide web users around the world the ability to view your web site in their own language Google Translate gadget allows translation into 54 languages and growing!

16 16 What is your purpose? Communication Tool Assessment With whom are you communicating? Where is the person with whom you are communicating? When is the best time to communicate with them?

17 17 Bringing it all home! ■Establishing Paternity ■Cases with Court Orders ■Collections on Current Support ■Cost Effectiveness ■Collections on Arrears

18 18

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