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Happy New Year And a big thank you for all the kind gifts and your support so far this year.

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2 Happy New Year And a big thank you for all the kind gifts and your support so far this year.

3 Literacy: we begin the term by studying classical poetry then move on to note taking from non-fiction books, imagined worlds, explanation texts and modern day poets. Numeracy: we will recap our cycle of learning with place value before moving on to data handling, addition and subtraction with money, measures and time, shape and space, number sequences and reasoning, multiplication, division, fractions and word problems. Computing: we will look at how databases can be helpful in real life situations using Microsoft Excel. We will cover creating a flat file data base, filtering and searching and then providing pupils with an opportunity to present their findings. Topic: this term, we will enjoy delving into Geography and learning about our continent, Europe. Over the course of this term we will also look into the physical processes behind volcanos and earthquakes. Book study: our new class reader is ‘An Unfortunate Series of Events – The Bad Beginning’ By Lemony Snicket. It is useful to have a copy for your child but we do have copies children can share within school. Science: we will be finding out about our teeth and digestion system. We then move onto sound after half term. PE: throughout this term we will be working on the skills involved in football, cricket, gymnastics and dance.

4 Events this coming term Our Spring outdoor learning days are as follows: 4H - Tuesday 1st March 2016. 4M - Wednesday 2nd March 2016. 4I - Friday 4 th March 2016. 4S - Monday 29 th February 2016. World Book Day: Thursday 3 rd March 2016 Science Week: W/C February 29 th 2016 4I Class Assembly: Friday 5 th February 2016 Parent Consultation Meetings: 11 th and 12 th February.

5 What can I do to best help my child? Talk to them about their homework. Do they need help or are they ok to complete on their own? Reading – please check their understanding of the text. Can they follow the story? Can they recap? Remember specifics? Most importantly encourage them to ENJOY! Maths – TIMES TABLES! Can they answer questions out of context? TARGET - grammar and punctuation across all subjects. Every writing task should be considered in the same regard as literacy and therefore a potential opportunity to improve in preparation for assessment.

6 Spelling New national curriculum represents a bigger emphasis on spelling. Higher weighting in Yr 6 SATs test. New school focus – less words and teaching a particular rule over 1 or 2 week period. When practicing these at home – encourage children to write these words into sentences to demonstrate/develop understanding.

7 Homework Homework diaries Literacy and Maths set on a Wednesday and collected the following Monday Additional assignments can be set which can be extended tasks e.g. topic project work Children can elect to finish class work at home but books must return the following day. Reading Records – 10mins a night. Times table Practice

8 Every child has a copy of these dispositions in their learning logs. The scheme will be introduced gradually to compliment our existing learning skills.


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