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Control Theory Lachlan Blackhall and Tyler Summers.

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Presentation on theme: "Control Theory Lachlan Blackhall and Tyler Summers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control Theory Lachlan Blackhall and Tyler Summers

2 Control Theory Advanced control methods are model based Use a mathematical model of the system to design controllers Controller System Dynamics uy

3 State Space Models Inputs, outputs describe external behavior of system State variables describe internal behavior of system Mathematical model:

4 Optimal Control Fundamental engineering problem: design the “best” controller given some constraints Choose a function to solve minimize subject to

5 Optimal Control Optimal control problems are hard –Infinite-dimensional, non-convex in general Linear quadratic problems are solvable minimize subject to

6 Linear Quadratic Regulator Assume y = x (i.e. C = I) LQR = linear quadratic regulator Solution: optimal cost given by Optimal controller linear in state

7 The Kalman Filter Often not possible to measure x directly where v is measurement noise Estimate x from measurements y (choose a function ) Solution similar to LQR –State estimate is linear in measurements y

8 Linear Quadratic Gaussian LQG = LQR + Kalman Filter minimize subject to Optimal solution: from Kalman filter

9 LQR Example Vectored thrust aircraft

10 LQR Example Equations of motion (Newton’s Laws) Nonlinear! –We can linearize any nonlinear system about an equilibrium point

11 LQR Example Equilibrium point: State space model

12 LQR Example Linear model

13 LQR Example Simulation

14 Automotive Many subsystems in modern cars use control principles. – hJG8A - Volvo Collision Avoidance hJG8A – pFw&feature=related - Lexus auto park pFw&feature=related

15 Automotive (cont.) DARPA Challenge –Two challenges. The first to drive unaided across the desert. The second to drive unaided around a city while performing a number of common tasks like parking. – Google Self Driving Car –

16 Aeronautical Aircraft have been an obvious candidate for control systems given the complexity of these systems. Autopilots are a obvious example. Preventing the Dutch roll mode when landing was solved using a control system called a yaw damper. – ygU ygU

17 Aeronautical (cont.)  Traditionally, the performance (manoeuvrability, etc…) and handling of an aircraft were limited by the stability properties of an aircraft.  Modern control systems have solved this fundamental problem ensuring stability but allowing high performance.  Modern fighter aircraft are actually unstable. A human pilot can no longer control the plane but a control system can make the system stable and high performance.

18 Aeronautical (cont.) Modern aircraft now have fly-by-wire control systems that include: –Autopilot –Yaw dampers –Vibration damping –Auto-landing –Flutter prevention

19 Aeronautical (cont.) Other aeronautical systems where control is used include – cg37I – nano hummingbird cg37I –UAV collision avoidance –Space launch vehicles –Satellites

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