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Making the Connection F/A-18 Advanced Weapons Laboratory Barry Douglas F/A-18 AWL Integrated Product Lead (IPT)

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Presentation on theme: "Making the Connection F/A-18 Advanced Weapons Laboratory Barry Douglas F/A-18 AWL Integrated Product Lead (IPT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the Connection F/A-18 Advanced Weapons Laboratory Barry Douglas F/A-18 AWL Integrated Product Lead (IPT)

2 2 What We Do The Advanced Weapons Lab, China Lake -- where Sensor / Smart Plane / Smart Bomb combinations are developed, and wired together to test their real-world, real-time performance - including full-scale, in-lab mock-ups prior to flying..

3 3 Improvement Goals We want: to improve the way we do business an organization that ’ s growth is driven by understanding our capabilities our evolution to be planned, thought out and meaningful to take our Big, Hairy Audacious goals and decompose them into smaller, achievable chunks communication, understanding and commitment at all levels based on participation

4 Change Culture Timeline

5 5 Timeline 1999 Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Training Organizational Effectiveness Training/Cycle ALL HANDS Meetings 2000 Organizational Effectiveness Surveys High Performance Organization Training Strategic Customer Value Analysis Process 2001 2002 2003 Tactics Implementation Strategic Plan Validation

6 6 What we like about HPO Complements previous organizational initiatives Not just for management – involves the entire organization Provides usable techniques for building, improving, and sustaining the organization as it continues to evolve Focuses on understanding stakeholders, interdependencies and relationships Emphasizes communication

7 7 AWL Strategies Deliver Integrated Customer Solutions Strengthen F/A-18 Multinational Capability Effectively Integrate Warfighting Capabilities Build On Our Process Foundation Employ Flexible Release Cycles Promote Strategic Communications Strengthen the Team

8 8 Linking Innovations to Strategic Plan More than 100 participated in defining strategic plan & related tactics 25 participated in implementing tactics Progress communicated - ALL HANDS E-mail messages ALL HANDS Meetings Placing data on server Team meetings Hallway conversations

9 9 Tactics Implementation Status Tactical plans contained detailed plans for implementation Tactics – all successfully implemented Improve Coordination of Test Events Establish a Process Support Group Deploy a Standardized Product Matrix Improve Requirements Elicitation Enhance the AWL ’ s Image Strengthen Communications Deploy a Web Portal Actively Involve Foreign Customers in Product Testing

10 Strategic Plan Validation 2 of 3 Strategic Stakeholders Changed Published July 2002

11 11 AWL Strategies Deliver Integrated Customer Solutions Strengthen F/A-18 Multinational Capability Effectively Integrate Warfighting Capabilities Build On Our Process Foundation Employ Flexible Release Cycles Promote Strategic Communications Strengthen the Team

12 12 PMA 265 Program Priorities Provide Cost-Wise Readiness to F/A-18 Inventory –Ensure readiness resources are aligned with Fleet driven metrics –Reduce the cost of doing business through aggressive implementation of Performance-Based Logistics –Sustain F/A-18 readiness in FMS countries Align with SEAPOWER 21 –Prepare the F/A-18 and EA-18G and its networks, sensors and weapons, for Network Centric Operations as rapidly as possible Field the EA-18G in FY-09 –Ensure full spectrum support for the EA-18G aircraft

13 13 Strategic Transformation in PMA 265 SPEED Take the Lead & Shape the Dialogue Create Innovative Business Practices Move Rapidly into NCO Align the S&T Community with Our Goals and Vision Conduct Demonstrations & Experiments AGILITY Anticipate the Future Accept Change Be Responsive & Flexible Conduct Business Across Organizational Structure Without Boundaries Find Tailorable & Cost-Wise Solutions ALIGN With Internal & External Environment With CNO Guidance for 2004 With SEAPOWER 21 Always Be Fleet Focused Enhance Customer Relationships Establish New Strategic Relationships

14 14 NAVAIR – A Shift in Focus NEW VISION WE PROVIDE COST-WISE READINESS AND DOMINANT MARITIME COMBAT POWER TO MAKE A GREAT NAVY / MARINE CORPS TEAM BETTER. GOALS Balance Current and Future Readiness Reduce Cost of Doing Business Improve Agility Ensure Alignment Implement Fleet-Driven Metrics

15 15 CNO Goals Man power Current Readiness Future Readiness Quality of Service Navy-wide Alignment Integrated Customer Solutions Multinational Capability Effectively Integrate Capabilities Build On Process Foundation Flexible Release Cycles Promote Communications Strengthen Team

16 16 And still... Internal Survey Says Does the AWL Strategic Goals reflect your input? Are changes being made to achieve the AWL ’ s strategic goals? Yes = 45% Not Sure = 46% No = 9% Not Sure = 46% Yes = 51% No = 3%

17 17 And still... Internal Survey Says HPO effects evident? Can changes be traced to AWL ’ s strategic goals? Yes = 25% Not Sure = 36% No = 39% Don ’ t know = 22% Disagree = 5% Strongly Agree = 8% Neutral = 31% Agree = 34%

18 Communication What ’ s Working for you? ALL HANDS Meetings ALL HANDS E-mail messages Placing data on server Team meetings Hallway conversations

19 Backups AWL Strategies

20 20 We will deliver an integrated product with the quality and appropriate design features to meet the needs, and expectations of our customers. The AWL, with two decades of F/A-18 success, has the vision, values, and expertise to deliver such a product or service in our dynamic, ever- changing, environment. Our customers ’ constantly evolving requirements demands our focus on communication, understanding, mutual respect, process, and outcome. We will stay on the cutting edge of technology through training, and integrating and networking our talented workforce. We will maintain the flexibility to provide optimal tradeoffs among cost, schedule, performance, and risk. We will orchestrate all life cycle elements to provide smooth transitions from requirements through product support. Deliver Integrated Customer Solutions

21 21 Strengthen F/A-18 Multinational Capability We recognize the needs and desires of our FMS customers to be able to sustain the war fighting capability of their aircraft well into the 21 st century. We will work with the FMS customer by developing and providing high-value products and services. We recognize that our FMS customers have unique requirements and priorities, and we will seek all opportunities to maximize our joint war fighting capabilities. We will encourage the development of collaborative opportunities within our F/A-18 partnership.

22 22 Effectively Integrate War Fighting Capabilities Our customers value improvements in the military worth of their systems, so integration of new capabilities must be accomplished as effectively and efficiently as possible. Assisting in this effort, the China Lake range complex is the best in the world with perfect weather 350 days a year. In conjunction with our world class lab facility and our network of talented personnel, we will use software prototyping, actual hardware, open systems, simulations, automated testing, new technology, and innovative incentives to maximize the overall value of our products.

23 23 Employ Flexible Release Cycles We best serve our customers by responding rapidly to their needs. We will strive to meet time critical requirements within 2 years, integrate complex capabilities incrementally over several release cycles, and maintain flexibility to align our processes to other customer schedule requirements. We will develop processes, maintain constant communication, compare our practices to industry “ best practices ”, train, and look for creative solutions to achieve this goal.

24 24 Promote Strategic Communications Parallel product efforts require clear and consistent communication to ensure requirements are understood and resources are available. Further, our customers work in a complex, fast paced, political environment; therefore, it is vital we communicate our capabilities to ensure they can effectively provide the Fleet with critical war fighting improvements. Changes need to be effectively and efficiently communicated so that timely action can be taken by both internal and external parties based on a clear understanding of the requirements. The AWL will strive to enhance communication through existing technologies and collaborative meetings with our customers, Fleet partners and teammates.

25 25 Build On Our Process Foundation We will educate ourselves on AWL processes and their application because we know that processes, and our employment of them on a day-to-day basis, are central to every objective. We apply past experience to continuously re-evaluate, streamline, and improve processes to improve life cycle cost, schedule and performance. This uniform, effective process focus postures our organization to be responsive and flexible to concurrent efforts with conflicting timelines and competing demands for resources.

26 26 Strengthen The Team We can provide the war fighter with new, effective products only if we maintain a motivated, skilled, and educated workforce. The organization will strive to provide our people opportunities to fulfill personal and professional objectives meeting the values and goals of the team. We will hire and maintain a leading edge workforce consistent with core capabilities.

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