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叠加, 重叠 复杂的, 高级的, 现代化的. 同轴的衰减 恶化, 降级 失真, 畸变 停止明白的, 易懂的 拖运的距离.

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Presentation on theme: "叠加, 重叠 复杂的, 高级的, 现代化的. 同轴的衰减 恶化, 降级 失真, 畸变 停止明白的, 易懂的 拖运的距离."— Presentation transcript:

1 叠加, 重叠 复杂的, 高级的, 现代化的


3 同轴的衰减 恶化, 降级 失真, 畸变

4 停止明白的, 易懂的 拖运的距离

5 雪崩 光敏电阻



8 [1] 虽然具有光纤系统的模拟调制易于实现, 但其效率较低, 且要求在接收端有比数字调制高得多的信噪比. linearity: 线性度

9 [2]: 前置放大器与均衡器或滤波器跟在雪崩二极管检测器的后面 以获得增益、线性信号处理及噪声带宽的抑制。

10 Communication using an optical carrier wave guided along a glass fiber has a number of extremely attractive features, several of which were apparent when the technique was originally conceived. Furthermore,the advance in the technology to date have surpassed even the most optimistic predictions,creating additional advantages. Hence it is useful to consider the merits and special features offered by optical fiber communications over more conventional electrical communications. In this context we commence with the originally foreseen advantages and then consider additional features which have become apparent as the technology has been developed. Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication Passage B

11 巨大的潜在带宽 金属的 [1] 目前, 传输 100km 的几 GHz 的调制信号和传输 300km 的几百 MHz 的调制信号都是可能的, 因此, 光纤系统的可用带宽并没有得到充 分利用.

12 参数, 参量 [2] 应用波分复用 ( 技术 ), 尤其是密集波分复用 ( 或者说, 实质上的精 细频分复用 ), 使光纤的信息载容量能超过电缆或宽带无线系统好 多个数量级.

13 小尺寸和轻重量 充满, 拥挤, 阻塞 危险的 电弧 电绝缘 缓解 通道 磨损

14 抗干扰和无串话


16 系统可靠和维护方便 起源于 潜在低成本 可拆卸的 购买 稀有的 提高

17 招致 视线 天线 合理 全长 handling

18 Many advantages are therefore provided by the use of a light- wave carrier within a transmission medium consisting of an optical fiber. The fundamental principles giving rise to these enhanced performance characteristics, together with their practical realization, are described in the following chapter. However, a general understanding of the basic nature and properties of light is assumed.

19 Passage C Fiber-optics Communication Even though optical fibers are much smaller than wire pairs, and silica (the most widely used material in fibers) is vastly more abundant than copper, the cost of preparing the rods( 棒 ) from which optical fibers are drawn is several times greater than the cost of producing wires. Moreover, studies suggest that this may be the case for some time. However, fiber system is so many telephone conversations at the same time than wire pairs, and can carry them so much farther without amplification or regeneration( 更新 ), that when there are many telephone calls to be carried between points such as switching( 交换 ) offices, fiber systems are economically attractive. Thus the interoffice trunk( 干线 ) network will be the first to benefit from this new technology.

20 The heart of an optical communication system is something which transmits electrical signals: a telephone, computer or cable TV. A light emitting diode or laser converts those signals into light pulse, which travel along a glass fiber. At the receiving end, a photo detector converts them back to electrical signals. Competition is more difficult, though, with existing high-capacity systems that use coaxial transmission lines, wave-guide, microwave radio and satellites. Larger fiber bandwidth,lower loss,and more reliable optical sources would make optical fiber more competitive in this sector.

21 The system provides significant advantages over conventional ones which rely heavily on electrical signals and copper wire, including the handling of large amounts of information; a high-performance laser can produce up to a half-billion( 十亿 ) light pulses a second. As a result, it is possible to transmit the entire 30-volume Encyclopedia( 百科全书 ) Britannica in a tenth of a second. Since optical communications are free from electromagnetic interference which can cause noise in copper cable, they produce clear signals, despite nearly power lines or electric motors.

22 Copper wires, although they are insulted( 攻击 ), can leak electrical signals and cause cross-talk in nearby wires. Not so with optical communication equipment. A glass fiber cable, moreover, weights only about 1% as much as the copper cable carrying the same number of signals. Indeed, one a half-inch thick can carry as many signals as a copper-cable as big as a man’s arm. Then, too, since glass fibers carry light rather than electricity, there’s no danger of sparks in dangerous environments like chemical plants or nuclear reactors.

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