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Greek Roots List TWO Test Date: Tuesday, September 27 or Wednesday, September 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Roots List TWO Test Date: Tuesday, September 27 or Wednesday, September 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Roots List TWO Test Date: Tuesday, September 27 or Wednesday, September 28

2 Skin DERM

3 DERM Pachyderm- large mammal with thick _______ Epidermis- the outer layer of ______ covering a mammal Dermatitis- a ______ condition where the skin becomes red, swollen, and even blistery

4 Blood Hem, Hemat, (em)

5 Hemorrhage- the escape of ________ from a ruptured _________ vessel. Hematology- the study of the physiology of __________. Leukemia- a disease in which the _______-forming organs produce abnormal ________ cells.

6 Physician, Medicine iatr

7 Iatr Psychiatrist- a _________ who specializes in the treatment of mental illness. Podiatrist- a __________ who specializes in the treatment of feet. Pediatrician- a ____________ who specializes in the treatment of children.

8 Nerve Neur

9 Neur Neurologist- branch of biology dealing with disorders of ________. Neural- of or relating to the ________ system. Neurosis- a mild mental illness not caused by disease, often involving stress.

10 Eye Op, Opt

11 Optic- of or relating to the ______ Optometrist- a physician who specializes in the treatment of _______. Opthamologist- branch of medicine dealing with the ________.

12 Straight, Correct Orth

13 Orth Orthopedic- branch of medicine dealing with the _______ of bones and/or muscles. Orthodontic- branch of medicine dealing with the __________ of teeth. Orthodox- conforming to what is traditionally accepted as right or true.

14 Sound, Voice phon

15 Phon Phonograph- an early ______ producing machine. Symphony- an elaborate musical composition. Telephone- device used to transmit ______ over distance.

16 Body Phys

17 Phys Physician- a doctor who deals with _________ issues. Physical- of or relating to the ______ Metaphysics- branch of philosophy that deals with first principles of things.

18 Mind pysch

19 Psych Psychic- someone who claims to be able to read your _________. Psychiatrist- a specialist dealing with illnesses of the _________. Psychological- of or relating to the _______.

20 To Cut Tom, tome, Tomy

21 Tom, Tome, Tomy Anatomy- branch of science concerned with bodily structure and dissection. Tonsillectomy- a surgery in which your tonsils are _______ out and removed. Appendectomy- a surgery in which your appendix is _______ out and removed.

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