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Service-Learning (S-L). Definition of S-L  S-L places equal emphasis on both service outcomes and learning goals  The hyphen in S-L symbolises the connection.

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Presentation on theme: "Service-Learning (S-L). Definition of S-L  S-L places equal emphasis on both service outcomes and learning goals  The hyphen in S-L symbolises the connection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service-Learning (S-L)

2 Definition of S-L  S-L places equal emphasis on both service outcomes and learning goals  The hyphen in S-L symbolises the connection between service and learning  Reflection is often the key to connecting the service experience to their learning Service (S)Learning (L)

3 Characteristics of S-L  Participant led and participant driven.  Emphasizes facilitated reflection.  Service recipient determine the kinds of service to be rendered.  Consider real needs of community.  Reciprocal relationship between service and learning, each reinforcing the other.

4 Changes – community problem- solving approach  In the past, students just approach organisations straight away to work with them to serve the community.  Little analysis of real problems faced by the community  Adopt community problem-solving approach

5 1. IDENTIFICATION of the AREA of CONCERN  Topics can be taken from local news media, school discussions or popular social issues eg. 1. Cyber addiction among young people 2. Lack of interaction between elderly and young people 3. Mental illnesses 4. Discrimination of foreign workers

6  Students could generate possible problems and challenges connected with the respective issues in their own neighborhood or community.  They may have to do research in order to tackle the topic  Make observation visits  Interview relevant personnel and expertise 1. IDENTIFICATION of the AREA of CONCERN

7 Meeting REAL needs  Consider issues covered in local media, during lessons, CCA etc People – Children, youth, family, elderly, disabled, terminally ill etc Animals – SPCA, Jurong Bird Park, Zoo etc Environment – Beach, recycling, conservation etc

8 IDENTIFICATION of the AREA of CONCERN Cont’d  An important consideration when selecting a problem is to ensure sufficient resources are available and that the problem is manageable within the time frame for the students involved. Students and teachers may need to consider questions such as: 1. Why is this important to us? 2. What is its significance to us/others? - now/in the future? 3. Do we have sufficient resources? 4. Do we have time to undertake the entire community problem solving process? 5. Should we choose a smaller problem?

9 2. Underlying Problem  Within the area of concern, choose what you think is the main challenge facing this community. What is the underlying problem?  E.g many youths are addicted to computer gaming and cyber activities. The problems include exposure to negative values, cyber- bullying, poor self-esteem.  But the underlying problem could be lack of alternative healthy, engaging activities and community for such youths.

10 3. Identifying Service outcomes  How would success look like? What are the expected outcomes of the project for the service clients or the community.  Set clear, achievable service outcomes

11 4. Identifying learning outcomes  S-L makes explicit the learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes.  Draw up learning outcomes based on : - What do you intend to do? - What difficulties will you face? - What skills could you pick up or enhance? - What training, research or logistics do you need to effectively carry out your project?

12 5. Plan of action  After identifying the main challenge, develop a plan of action to tackle this main challenge.  Come up with a working schedule  If need to, work with an organisation to serve the target community.

13 6. Preparation for Service  Once the idea is fully developed, think about how best to prepare for the S-L activity - What background knowledge, skills or mental preparations will be necessary - Do you need the help of experts? E.g sign languages. - Is there a need to conduct a needs survey? - Do you have a proper way to keep record of your services? (journals, photos, videos, blogs etc) - Establish timelines and deadlines

14 7. Reflections  Reflection is an IMPORTANT part of S-L as it reinforces learning. It enables the team to:  - focus on what they have accomplished - examine how the activity can be improved upon  - think about the impact of your contributions  - identify how attitudes and behaviour have changed

15 7. Reflections (Cont)  Each member is expected to keep a journal. Your entries in the journal includes: - state the names of the members who are present, date, time and event for each entry - proper records of an honest chronicle filled with sights, sound, smells, concerns, insights, doubts, fear, questions using appropriate audio-visual media eg photography, video, digital forms or simply pen and paper - description of what was seen, felt, experienced- the good, the bad, the ugly, the unnerving, the exciting, the impressive, the troubling, etc.

16 7. Reflections (Cont)  Each member is expected to keep a journal. Your entries in the journal includes: - the lessons that you draw from the experiences. - your thoughts and feelings about your experiences as it encourages you to consciously observe your surroundings and be more aware of learning opportunities and the changes that may occur within you. - effort made to mention about personal growth (social awareness, responsibility, maturity, discipline, empathy, leadership, teamwork etc.)

17 Points to note  No Overseas CIP  Focus should be on service and not fundraising  Tuition programmes should not focus soley on providing tuition  Focus on Process rather than outcome

18 Tracking accomplishments  Showcase the accomplishments of the project  e.g. newspaper articles, photographs, interviews  Short video clip that captures the project’s main points  feedback and evaluation from beneficiaries and service partners before semis and finals

19 Project WiThin – Raising awareness about the effects of anorexia







26 Summary  Research on area of concern  Identify main challenge/underlying problem  Meet real needs  Come up with an effective, focuses, comprehensive plan of action  Reflections  Spiral upwards to improve

27 Funds  Groups can apply for seed funds under Campus ChangeMakers Award  Can also participate in Citi-YMCA Youth For Causes

28 “ The longest journey is from the head to the heart.” Razi Zachariah Razi Zachariah “ We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” things with great love.” Mother Teresa Mother Teresa

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