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Continuity and Change in American Society March 22, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuity and Change in American Society March 22, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuity and Change in American Society March 22, 2016

2 The economy Economic growth – Fewer farmers – More, then fewer factory workers – More white-collar workers, professionals – More different kinds of jobs Related issues – Growth of large organizations – Growing importance of education

3 Economic inequality Growth of “safety net” Decline and return of wealth The middle class

4 Society Families – Decline of premature death – Growth of divorce – Fewer extended families, more single people Decline of ethnic/religious divisions Decline of regional and urban/rural divisions

5 Values One summary of change in values (1958) – Decline of the Puritan ethic Rise in value on “being” as opposed to “doing” More focus on present, less on future Increase of aesthetic and recreational values – Increase in “other directedness” – Emergence of value on “psychological health” – More valuing of tolerance and diversity – “drift towards equalization of the roles of the sexes” – Increased ambivalence toward science?

6 Value change since the 1960s Continuation, reversal, or just different? Individualism and conformism Equality Views of politics and government

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