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CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Sean Burns – EUMETSAT Head of Real-Time Services and System Operations.

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Presentation on theme: "CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Sean Burns – EUMETSAT Head of Real-Time Services and System Operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Sean Burns – EUMETSAT Head of Real-Time Services and System Operations Roadmap for the future provision of Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC) services

2 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Background  Indian Ocean Data Coverage (IODC) by EUMETSAT is a best effort undertaking which reflects a Council decision to use a residual Meteosat First Generation capability for this purpose, in the context of a temporary data gap over the Indian Ocean Slide: 2  Meteosat-7, launched on 2 September 1997, has been providing the 57.5°E IODC services since 5 December 2006  Meteosat-7 Will be deorbited during Spring 2017 and IODC supported services discontinued at the end of 2016  No Meteosat replacement planned for IODC in the context of the transition to MTG

3 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS CGMS 41 Action  EUM WGIII/2.2 41.38  EUMETSAT to initiate the dialogue with ISRO, ROSHYDROMET, CMA, and other interested partners to investigate a medium-term strategy for ensuring coverage of the Indian Ocean coverage with advanced geostationary imagery  EUMETSAT will report on the matter to CGMS-42 in WGIII Slide: 3

4 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Meteosat-7 – Coverage Slide: 4

5 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Meteosat-7 Satellite and IODC Services  Imaging:  Meteosat-7 takes a full Earth disc image in three spectral channels (Visible (VIS), Infra-Red (IR) and Water Vapour (WV)) every 30 minutes  The pixel resolution at the sub-satellite point is: 2.5 km VIS (using both VIS detectors); 5.0 km IR and WV  Products:  The main meteorological products generated in Near-Real-Time (NRT) are various Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMV), Upper-Tropospheric humidity (UTH), Clear-Sky Radiances (CSR), All-Sky Radiances (ASR), Multisensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE), Cloud Analysis (CLA) and Cloud Mask (CLM). Slide: 5

6 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Meteosat-7 Satellite and IODC Services  Data Collection Systems  3 Sri Lanka networks – 34 DCPs  5 IOTWS (Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the UK, as well as PTWC) networks – 32 DCPs  Capability for HRDCPs (1200bps)  Dissemination (Images, Products, DCP Messages)  EUMETCast to Europe and Africa and Americas  Distribution of data also to NOAA Slide: 6

7 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Meteosat-7 Satellite and IODC Services  Currently, over the IODC, only data from Meteosat-7 is used operationally by the major global NWP centers (DWD, ECMWF, Environment Canada, JMA, Meteo-France, Met Office, NCEP, for further details see: Slide: 7

8 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS IODC User Requirements Any IODC services should be similar to or better than the current Meteosat-7 services listed in section 2.1 of the paper, and should answer the needs of the WMO User Community for:  Imaging  Products  Image and Product Data Distibution  Image and Product Data Policy  Data Collection Systems Slide: 8

9 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS The Satellite Operators in the Indian Ocean region (36°E – 108°E) in the timeframe 2014 – 2017: Satellites in orbit: SatelliteLongitudeOperatorLaunch dateProjected EOL Meteosat-757.5°EEUMETSAT02/09/1997Q1 2017 Elektro-L N176°ERoshydromet20/01/20112021 (TBC) INSAT-3A93.5°EISRO04/10/20032015 (TBC) INSAT-3D82°EISRO25/07/20132021 (TBC) FY-2D86.5°ECMA15/11/20062014 (TBC) FY-2E105°ECMA19/10/20042014 (TBC) FY-2F86.5°E (2015)CMA13/01/20122016 (TBC) Slide: 9

10 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS The Satellite Operators in the Indian Ocean region (36°E – 108°E) in the timeframe 2014 – 2017: Future Satellites: All data taken from: Slide: 10 SatelliteLongitudeOperatorLaunch dateProjected EOL Elektro-L N277.8°ERoshydromet2014 (TBC)2021 (TBC) Elektro-L N3TBDRoshydromet2016 (TBC)2023 (TBC) INSAT-3D Prime 74°EISRO2015 + (TBC)2023 (TBC) FY-2G105°ECMA20142018 (TBC) FY-2H86.5°ECMA20162020 (TBC) FY-4A86.5°ECMA20162022 (TBC)

11 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Summary of the Assessment  The paper contains a more detailed assessment of the IODC services from CGMS partners  INSAT 3D and potentially FY-2F look like promising candidates for the replacement of Meteosat-7 in the Indian Ocean Region, for image and products with possible mutual back up roles. Access to data and data policy questions still need to be resolved, and plans for post 2017 confirmed.  Regarding the replacement of the Data Collection Service provided by Meteosat-7, more information is required from the Roshydromet and CMA concerning the process for the allocation of new platforms, data access and data policy. Slide: 11

12 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Summary of the Assessment  A summary of the known capabilities of the main CGMS partner satellite systems was collected prior to the meeting and is contained in the tables in Annex 1  The Working Group is invited to provide up-to- date information for the tables in section 2 and Annex 1 Slide: 12

13 CGMSSEC/EUMETSAT, v1, 8 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Conclusion  EUMETSAT will continue to work with CGMS partners to explore the best possible approach to ensure the continuity of the IODC service based on assets of CGMS Members with a view making image data, products and data collection services from the IODC region available to users for assessment and where appropriate operational use.  CGMS is invited to take note and comment as appropriate. Slide: 13

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