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2. But I get on well with her. 但是我和她相处得不错。 get on … with 表示 “ 与 … 相处得 …”, 中间可以加一个 表示程度的副词,如 get on well with ( 与 … 相处得好), get on badly with ( 与 … 相处得不好.

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Presentation on theme: "2. But I get on well with her. 但是我和她相处得不错。 get on … with 表示 “ 与 … 相处得 …”, 中间可以加一个 表示程度的副词,如 get on well with ( 与 … 相处得好), get on badly with ( 与 … 相处得不好."— Presentation transcript:


2 2. But I get on well with her. 但是我和她相处得不错。 get on … with 表示 “ 与 … 相处得 …”, 中间可以加一个 表示程度的副词,如 get on well with ( 与 … 相处得好), get on badly with ( 与 … 相处得不好 ). e.g.--How are you getting on with your classmates? --I ’ m _________________ with them.( 相处得好) getting on well 3. But she has heard about the Hope Schools and … 但她听说过有关希望学校的事情 … hear about 表示 “ 听到关于某人(某事)的消息 ” , 可以与 hear of ( 听说)互换。 e.g. 戴娜的近况你听说了吗? ______ you _________ _________ Danna? Have heard about

3 4. In fact, since 1989, Project Hope has built schools all over China. 实际上,自从 1989 年, “ 希望工程 ” 已经在中国各地建 了很多学校。 5. It’s easier to learn a foreign language when you visit the country. 当你来到那个国家,学习它的语言就会更容易。 6. What do you find difficult in learning English? 在英语学习中,你觉得什么很难?

4 根据中文意思完成句子。 1. 你学英语有多长时间了? __________ ________ ________ you __________ English? 2. 你和同学们相处得怎样呀? How are you _________ ______ ______ your classmates? 3. 要记住那个电话号码很难。 _____ ______ ________ ______ remember the phone Number. 4. 你听说过希望学校吗? _________ you _________ _________ Hope Schools? 5. 从 2000 年开始,他就离开了家乡。 He _______ _________ away from his hometown _______ 2000. How long have studied getting on with It is difficult to Have heard about has been since

5 注意啦! 因为表示持续性的动作,因此一些终止性 的动作要换成对应的表示持续动作的词。 如: close --- open --- die --- finish, end --- get up --- leave ---- begin 、 start --- go out --- fall asleep --- return --- be closed be open be dead be over be up be away be on be out be asleep be back become --- buy --- borrow --- join the army ---- join the Party --- catch a cold ---- make friends ---- be have keep be in the army (be a soldier ) be in the Party (be a Party member) have a cold be friends

6 raise take part in describe drop drop out of school important ill look after pay countryside train electricity hear of perhaps 1. 筹集 2. 参加 3. 描述;形容 4. 扔;落下 5. 退学 6. 重要的 7. 生病的 8. 照顾 9. 支付;付 10. 农村;乡下 11. 培训;训练 12. 电 13. 听说 14. 也许 New words:

7 Match the words and phrases with their meanings. a. drop out of school b. help c. pay for d. train 1. to give money to buy something 2. to do something for someone 3. to leave before you’ve finished studying 4. to teach someone to do something

8 The number song Zero, one two three four five six seven, eight nine ten, begin again. Zero, one two three four five six seven, eight nine ten, that’s the end!

9 one hundred one thousand one million one billion 100 1000 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 Review the numbers. 2.28 two point two eight

10 53,981,332,746 130 7.29 4,332,015 81,006

11 Jackie Chan



14 drop out of school The children in rural areas

15 classroom electricity

16 It’s difficult for them to go to school.


18 raise money 200,430 two hundred thousand four hundred and thirty What has Project Hope done?

19 build schools

20 Listen and choose the main idea. 1 Helping poor children go to school. 2 Talking about education. 3 Describing life for poor families. __________________________

21 True or false. F T F T F T F T 1. Liu Sanzi is a 14-year-old boy. ( ) 3. Project Hope has paid for the education of 2.5 billion poor children. ( ) 4. Project Hope has trained teachers. ( ) 6. Shen was a a school with no electricity last year. ( ) 2. Li Yinming is from Gansu Province. ( ) 5. Liu Sanzi stopped going to school a few years ago. ( ) 7. Li Yinming finished studying. ( ) 8. Most people in china have given money.( )

22 F F T F F F F T 9. Shen’s school had lots of books last year. ( ) 10. Liu Sanzi didn’t want to get an education. ( ) 11. Because of Project Hope, all the poor children have better lives. ( ) 12. There are seven people in Liu’s family. ( ) 13. Project Hope has built factories. ( ) 14. Shen is a girl from Shanxi Province. ( ) 15. Li Yinming dropped out of school because he was ill. ( ) 16. People in China and abroad have given money to Project Hope. ( )

23 Answer the questions. 1.Did Liu Sanzi finish studying? No, he didn’t. 2. Why did Li Yinming stop going to school? Because his parents were ill and he had to look after them. 3.When did he stop going to school? A few years ago.

24 4. What has Project Hope raised money for? 5. Did Shen’s school have lots of books last year? 6. Who has given money to Project Hope? It has raised money to pay for the education of poor children, build schools and libraries and train teachers. No, it didn’t. People in China and from abroad.

25 Liu Sanzi is from___________ in Hunan. His family is ______, so his parents want him____________________, because it is __________ for him _________ on their farm. Li Yinming is from Gansu. He stopped ________________ a few years ago. His parents ____________ and he has to __________ them. Many poor children like Liu Sanzi can’t _______________, but now they can go to school ______________ Project Hope. In __________ 15 years, this project ___________ money and _________ the education of 2.5 million poor students in _______________. People in China and _______ have given 2.2 billion yuan. With the money, Project Hope__________ many schools and also, it_____________ teachers and __________ students to high school. Many people in China have __________ Project Hope and ___________ money. But 40 million poor children still ____________. ____________ Project Hope _____________ children have better _______. What can we do for Project Hope? a village poor to drop out of school important to work going to school have been ill look after get an education with the help of the last has raised paid for the countryside abroad has built has trained has sent heard of have given need helpBecause of thousands of lives

26 Retell the text: 1.Liu Sanzi is an…from …in Hunan Province. His parents want….It’s…for him… farm because… in Liu’s family and they are… 2.Li Yinming is 14 and from Zhangxian in Gansu Province. He …a few years ago. His parents…and he….them. 3.Many…like Li Yinming and Liu Sanzi can’t…because… Now they can…with… Project Hope. In …years, this project… and … of 2.5 million poor students …. People in … and…2.2 billion yuan…money, Project Hope… and libraries. It …also…and…students to….

27 Retell the text: 4.Last year Shen, …Shanxi Province,… a school with… and only….But this year… with … and …books. Project Hope…it. 5….people in China have…Project Hope and…. But …children from…still…. Project Hope, …children have. Perhaps we…: What … for Project Hope? How ……?

28 Look at the sentences and write more sentences with “and”, “but” “or”. Project Hope has built schools and trained teachers. Project Hope hasn’t built factories or trained doctors. Project Hope has built schools but hasn’t built hospitals. “ 希望工程 ” 已经建了学校,并培训了老师。 “ 希望工程 ” 没有建工厂,也没有培训医生。 “ 希望工程 ” 已经建了学校,但是没有建医院。 1.The family have a daughter and a son. 2. Tony can read Chinese, but he can’t write it very well. 3. You can learn French or German, but you can only learn one. 4. Becky went to Japan, but she did not like it.

29 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。 thousands of because of drop out of stop doing look after 1.He came to school so late __________ the heavy rain. 2. I was ill in hospital yesterday. My mother stayed beside me and ___________ me. 3. The family is very poor but none of the children _________________. 4. He didn’t ______________ his homework until 11 p.m. 5. The famous singer gave a concert in the stadium last night, and ______________ people have watched it. because of looked after drop out of school stop doing thousands of Exercises:

30 Complete the passage about Project Hope. Use the correct form of the words in the box. abroad difficult drop out of help pay for study thousands of train Project Hope has raised money from people at home and abroad. It helps (1) ____________ children who can’t go to school. It (2) ______their education. It builds schools and libraries and it (3) ___________teachers. Some children in the countryside (4) __________________school because they have to (5) ____________ with the farm work. We can go to school and (6) ______________, but for poor children it’s (7)_____________ to go to school. thousands of pays for trains drop out of help study difficult

31 Language points 1. He is an eight-year-old boy. He is eight years old. 2. want sb. to do sth. 3. drop out of school 4. stop to do sth. stop doing sth. 5. be ill 6. look after 7. get an education 8. with the help of 9. in the last 15 years 10.raise money 11. in the countryside 12. pay money for sth. 13. hear of 14. because of 15. thousands of 16. send …to… 17.It’s important for sb. to do sth.

32 Language points: 1. Liu Sanzi is an eight-year-old boy… eight-year-old 为合成形容词,一般要用连字符 连接起来,而且,year 也不能用复数形式。 a 3000-kilometer-long river an 80-page book 注意对照: Liu Sanzi is eight years old. 2. It’s important for him to work on their farm. It’s + 形容词 +for sb + to do sth. 做某事对某人来讲是怎么样的 It is hard for them to finish the work in 2 days. It is not interesting for young people to watch Beijing opera.

33 3. He stopped going to school a few years ago. stop doing something 停止做某事 stop to do something 停下来去做另一件事 The bell rang. Please stop talking. He felt too tired, so he stopped to have a rest. The students stopped talking when the teacher came in, but they stopped to talk after the teacher went out. 4. Now they can go to school with the help of… with the help of 在 … 的帮助下 也可说: with one’s help With Jim’s help, I did well in English. =With the help of Jim, I was good at English.

34 1.It’s important for him to work on their farm because there are seven people in Liu’s family and they are very poor. 因为在刘的家里有七口人,他们都很穷困,所以对于他 来说,干农活是很重要的。 It ’ s +adj. +for +somebody + to do something. 做某事对某人来讲 … e.g. 学好英语对我们来讲很重要。 _____________________ learn English well. It ’ s important for us 2. He stopped going to school a few years ago. 他几年前就没上学了。 stop doing something 停止做某事。 stop to do something 停止、中断做某事后去做另一件事。

35 e.g. The bell rang. Please ______________.( 停止讲话) He felt too tired, so he stopped _______________. ( 停下来休息) stop talking to have a rest 3. Now they can go to school with the help of Project Hope. 现在,在 “ 希望工程 ” 的帮助下,他们能上学了。 with the help of 由于 … 的帮助, 相当于 because of the help of … e.g. 在老师的帮助下,他通过了考试。 ________________________, he passed the exam. With the help of the teacher 4. Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives. 因为有了希望工程,数千万的孩子过上了更好的生活。 because of 因为,由于 thousands of 数千万的

36 Homework Exercise Book Unit 2

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