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BWK: Copy Vocabulary Mercantilism: economic system where the mother country controls trade (Colony makes raw materials & mother country makes finished.

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Presentation on theme: "BWK: Copy Vocabulary Mercantilism: economic system where the mother country controls trade (Colony makes raw materials & mother country makes finished."— Presentation transcript:

1 BWK: Copy Vocabulary Mercantilism: economic system where the mother country controls trade (Colony makes raw materials & mother country makes finished manufactured goods) Salutary neglect: not enforcing policies and laws Animosity: anger or hostilities Rival: enemy or competitor French & Indian War: war fought between England and the French and Natives in the colonies.

2 8-2: The American Revolution 1754-1783 Parliament (England’s legislative or lawmaking body) and the King did not always understand what the colonists needed, therefore; the colonists became very good at self- government and as they got better at it, they needed less interference from the British government.

3 Which of the following is a reason Carolina became self- governing A.The people were illiterate and could not read the ballots B.The King was too far away and otherwise engaged C.The natives and slaves were taking over D.The Proprietors ruled the country.

4 I. Colonialism and Mercantilism a.European countries established colonies to make themselves richer & more powerful. So mercantilism. b.Mercantilism: Nations sought to acquire more gold and silver and to control trade so that the mother country exported more goods than it imported.

5 c. Great Britain used the colonies as sources of raw materials and as markets for finished goods. Example: The colonies would grow cotton as a raw material, then send it to England. England would then manufacture the cotton in a textile mill- make it into cloth, and sell it back to the colonies.

6 d.British gov’t encouraged the development of new products 1.Paid subsidies (extra payment) for it e.Rice and indigo were both on the ‘enumerated’ list 1.Could only be sold to England 2.Never enforced on the rice

7 True or False The enumerated list and the lack of enforcement will create conflict between England and France and England and the Colonies.

8 Which of the following items did SC export to England? A.Rice B.Tea C.Cloth D.Metal plows E.Lumber F.Indigo G.Sugar

9 II. The French and Indian Rivalry A.France and England were rivals economically and politically. B.Both France and England practiced mercantilism 1.Prevented their colonies from trading with anyone else 2.Leads to a series of wars

10 III. The French and Indian War 1754-1763 a.Named because England was fighting France and France’s Indian allies b.Started when France moved into the English Ohio River Valley c.Was the last in a series of wars between England & France

11 What made France & England rivals? A.Competition over land B.Competition over raw materials C.Competition over power D.All of the Above

12 IV. Cherokee War A.French and Indian War led to the Cherokee War in SC. 1.Conditions for war start when English settlers move into backcountry. 2.England & Cherokee had a treaty. 3.Britain did not help the Cherokee when French settlers attacked. 4.The Cherokee attacked the British.

13 B.Fighting lasted about two years with many Cherokee deaths. C.Treaty ending the war created a boundary between the colony and the Cherokee.

14 True or False 1.The Cherokee and British fought the Cherokee war because of cultural differences in treaties. 2.The Cherokee War was successful for the Cherokee.

15 V. SC in the French and Indian War A.Caused the Cherokee War B.French and Indian War ended with a British victory 1.Spain lost Florida 2.Indigo trade expanded 3.Both good for SC b/c they got more money!$!

16 Outcome of the French and Indian War How did it help South Carolina? Spain lost Florida to Great Britain Gave South Carolina settlers more land to move too without fear of Spanish attacks Expansion (growth) of Indigo Trade The British could no longer get the crop from the French West Indies colonies, so they turned to South Carolina for the crop. Helped South Carolina’s economy.

17 Which of these was NOT impacts on SC from the French & Indian War? A.South Carolina’s economy increased B.South Carolina gained new land in present day Georgia C.South Carolina’s native relationship was better for the natives. D.None of the Above.


19 Textbook Reading Textbook p. 170-176

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