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DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The Lois data base A Knowledge Organization System for Dalos Daniela Tiscornia.

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Presentation on theme: "DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The Lois data base A Knowledge Organization System for Dalos Daniela Tiscornia."— Presentation transcript:

1 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The Lois data base A Knowledge Organization System for Dalos Daniela Tiscornia

2 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence LOIS -Lexical ontologies for legal knowledge sharing (EDC – 22161) 2004-2006 Features:  Origin: the Italian legal lexicon JurWordNet  Creation of lexical resources (33,000 concepts) for legal domain in Italian, English, German, Czech, Portuguese and Dutch.  Linkage among concepts to enable cross lingual access  Architecture based on WordNet framework (Fellbaum 1998), and EuroWordNet (Vossen et al 1997)

3 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The conceptual model It is based on a clear separation of the: term level:  a term can have many variant forms (strings) a term can represent several concepts (senses) concept level:  a concept can have many lexical representations (terms)  a set of terms with identical meaning in a context is a synset e.g. {case, cause, causa, law suit} Features:  explanatory gloss  semantic relations (hypo/hypernymy, role, causes, instrument, etc.)  equivalence relations set by the inter-lingual index (ILI)  external links to the ontological level to explain sense distinctions  convertion into the RDF/OWL Standard (W3C 2006) to check ontological consinstency.

4 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The Inter-Lingual Index  Is an unordered list of concepts that ideally forms the superset of all concepts in all wo rdnets  Provides interconnectivity between the wordnets

5 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence Lexical and Legal Components Two legislative databases (EUleg and Natleg): concepts explicitly defined in European and national legislations Two Lexical databases: general language entities conceptualized by legal interpreters or extracted from Eu and National legislation EU and National Legal Documents Legal connections (implemented_as, implemented_in), between European and national legislation

6 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence Word sense disambiguation: semantic polisemy ordine  - a command given either in speech or writing by a person or body having the authority to do so {ordine}IT, {Befehl_2}DE, {bevel,opdracth-2} NL{ordem_5}PT,prikaz CZ.{ordine}IT, {Befehl_2}DE, {bevel,opdracth-2} {ordem_5}PT,prikaz CZ.  - arrangement of separate elements according to specific criteria,{ordine- 2}IT,{order_6} EN,{Ordnung} DE,{ordening} NL,{ordem_6} PT,{usporadami} CZ.{order_6} {Ordnung} {ordening} {ordem_6}{usporadami}  - a group of persons or things which form a separate/independent category, because they share a condition or some particular characteristics {ordine_3}IT,{}EN,{Klasse}DE, {klasse, soort} NL ordem_3}PT,{}CZ.{ordine_3}IT,{}{Klasse}DE,klasse, soort} ordem_3}PT,{}CZ.  - the political and social structure of a state{ordine_4}IT, {system}EN,{Gesellschaftsordnung} DE,{},{maatshapellicjik systeem} NL,{ordem_4 } PT.{ordine_4}IT, {system}Gesellschaftsordnung} {{maatshapellicjik systeem}{ PT

7 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence Word sense disambiguation: context-based polysemy Lexical Def. ILI GLOSS - worker_1: a person who works at a specific occupation. EU Def.s: 8.2005-02-02: worker_2: any person who, in the Member State concerned, is protected as an employee under national employment law and in accordance with national practice; 23 2005-02-02: worker_3: any person carrying out an occupation on board a vessel, including trainees and apprentices, but excluding port pilots and shore personnel carrying out work on board a vessel at the quayside; 22. 2005-02-02 worker 4: any person employed by an employer, including trainees and apprentices but excluding domestic servants; 21. 2005-02-02: worker_5: any worker as defined in Article 3 (a) of Directive 89/391/EEC who habitually uses display screen equipment as a significant part of his normal work.

8 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence LOIS Macro Architecture

9 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence Legal WordNet legal-evidence, legal proof municipality Legal Core Ontology legal document legal description legally-constructed-institution Dolce Foundational (Upper) Ontology Entity Endurant physical object non-physical-object non-agentive- physical-object non-ag-social-object agentive-social-object Interconnection among ontological layers

10 DALOS Progress Meeting – April 20th Florence The Lois Knowledge Management System

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