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Show Me the Money ! Cuyahoga County Brownfield Redevelopment Janise Bayne Cuyahoga County Department of Development Economic Development Brownfield Division.

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2 Show Me the Money ! Cuyahoga County Brownfield Redevelopment Janise Bayne Cuyahoga County Department of Development Economic Development Brownfield Division

3 2010 US Census Statistics Cuyahoga County Cleveland Population1,280,122396,815 Median Income $41,347$25,977 Poverty Rate17.9%34.0%

4 Economic Statistics Northeast Ohio – defined as an 18 County Region is 40% of the State’s economy Cuyahoga County is 20% of the NEO economy Population Loss: 5 years – 28,885 Job Loss – 5% in two years $2.5 billion in annual payroll lost in two years 46,666 jobs lost

5 Show Me the Money Cuyahoga County ProgramProjectsJobs Created Jobs Retained AcresLeveraged Funding CAI173366657924291$383,558,164 BRF4017841184321$219,255,529 BRLF15552508133$30,029,661 Clean Ohio11425143576$356,100,000 HUD BEDI2312100059$274,000,000 CRF101939132$57,841,553 R & M3144198772$38,380,433 LSA41288105065$115,000,000 TOTALS2438300129804899$1,484,165,340

6 Brownfield Redevelopment Division Provide assistance and expertise in returning brownfield sites to viable community and economic assets while protecting the County’s remaining open spaces Property Tax Revenue Jobs Created/Retained Economic Growth Forgivable Loans Clean Ohio Grants USEPA RLF Phase I ESA Phase II ESA Risk Assessment Identify/ Assess Sites Cleanup Sites Redeveloped Sites

7 Community Assessment Initiative County ED Loans USEPA RLF Provide assistance and experience in returning brownfield sites to viable community and economic assets and protect the County’s remaining open spaces IDENTIFY & ASSESS SITES CLEANUP & REVITALIZE SITES Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments Risk Assessments and Remedial Action Plans Brownfield Cleanup Implementation Professional Technical Assistance Federal & State Grants Objectives Programs Activities Strategy Loans & Forgivable Loans

8 Map prepared by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Sources: Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office, 2014 Cuyahoga Dept. of Development

9 Map prepared by the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Sources: Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office, 2014 Cuyahoga Dept. of Development

10 Flats East Bank West Sixth Street, looking west at gas tank

11 Flats East Bank

12 Cuyahoga River Old River Road Front Avenue Main Avenue West 10 th Street Project Property

13 Flats East Bank Today Multi- Phase $134 Million Funding Sources –City –County –State –Federal –Private

14 Riverside Redevelopment

15 Boardwalk/Housing/Retail/Office s/Parking

16 Community Assessment Initiative This program provides professional services to conduct environmental site assessments of sites known or suspected to be adversely impacted with hazardous substances and/or petroleum products. Eligible applicants are public entities, non- profits and for-profits. Applicant cannot have caused the contamination.

17 Community Assessment Initiative Scope of Services Phase I ESA (AAI or VAP) Limited VAP Phase II Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Surveys Risk Assessments Remedial Action Plans Urban Setting Designations BUSTR Tier I and II Investigations

18 480 South Green, S. Euclid, Ohio 2014- Assessment Acquisition Before / After Before / After

19 Former Ohio Freight/ Weston Permanent Supportive Housing (CHN/EDEN Project) 2010/ 2014

20 USEPA Brownfield Revolving Loan Fund The BRLF provides loans or grants for environmental cleanup of eligible properties located in the County. Non-profits and municipalities that own eligible property may be eligible for subgrant. For-profit entities may be eligible for loans. USEPA determines eligibility.

21 Former McKinley School Site Lakewood

22 22 Micro Enterprise North Coast Opportunities (Pre-Seed) Next Stage Innovation Match Innovation Development Redevelopment and Modernization Site Expansion Redevelopment Ready Commercial Property Reutilization Small Business Loan Guarantee (Small Business Growth) Incumbent Worker Training Business Growth (Accelerated Growth) Large Scale Attraction Business Growth, Commercialization, and Attraction Cuyahoga County Economic Development Programs

23 Redevelopment and Modernization This partially-forgivable loan program will provide financing to for-profit entities with committed end users for existing site improvements, including asbestos abatement and tenant improvements, as well as the modernization of buildings located in Cuyahoga County.

24 Barker Plating Cleveland

25 Site Expansion This fully-forgivable loan program provides financing to for-profit entities with committed end users for the environmental cleanup and demolition of abandoned, vacant and otherwise underutilized properties that are adjacent to the existing committed end user in Cuyahoga County. $25,000 in loans per new job created. Minimum creation is 20 jobs.

26 Heinens Warrensville Heights

27 Great Lakes Towing Shipyard Expansion Cleveland

28 Redevelopment Ready This partially-forgivable loan program provides financing to for-profit entities with or without end users for the environmental cleanup and demolition of abandoned, vacant, and otherwise underutilized properties in Cuyahoga County. The applicant must be the borrower and must own the property.

29 Miceli Dairy Products Company Cleveland, Ohio

30 Rockefeller Refinery No. 1 Cleveland

31 Large Scale Attraction The program provides gap financing and incentives for for-profit businesses in select industry clusters that create at least 100 jobs with an average annual salary above the County median annual wage. Working capital, machinery and equipment, acquisition, construction, renovations and tenant improvements. Loans cannot be utilized to refinance debt, purchase inventory or other non-capital costs.

32 800 SUPERIOR, LLC Cleveland Substantial Relocation and Expansion of AmTrust Financial to Ohio $20 million project $5 million 166 Loan - State $1.3 million – Cleveland TIF $3 million Large Scale Attraction loan – Cuyahoga County $7 million – AmTrust$3.7 million – NMTC Equity

33 Our contact information Janise Bayne Brownfield Program Manager Cuyahoga County Department of Development Cleveland, Ohio 216.698-2574

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