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MENS TRAINING CLASS LESSON # 6 – Part Two Presented at: Newton church of Christ Newton, NC 28658 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "MENS TRAINING CLASS LESSON # 6 – Part Two Presented at: Newton church of Christ Newton, NC 28658 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 MENS TRAINING CLASS LESSON # 6 – Part Two Presented at: Newton church of Christ Newton, NC 28658 2008

2 Controlling Stage Fright − “Two types of speakers – those that are nervous and those that are liars.” – Mark Twain − Stage fright is the normal anxiety that comes from doing something difficult in front of your peers yet it is controllable. The fright and flight concept is not acceptable in the sight of God. We must stand and fight. − Speaking before the congregation is different because you are in control of practically everything – if you are prepared. Public speaking is a perceived treat because of the fear of failure, fear of being judged and the fear of forgetting. − So then how can I control stage fright? THE SHORT TALK

3 Basic steps to overcome stage fright! − Don’t think about what can go wrong – focus of what can go right. − Don’t place to much pressure on yourself – you aren’t perfect so expect to make mistakes. − Don’t imitate others – you must be yourself. − Don’t think your audience is judging you or being critical of you – more often they are cheering you on. − If your mouth gets dry – bring a glass of water or have a mint to suck on. If you forget – bite the tip of your tongue it makes your mouth salivate. THE SHORT TALK

4 Basic steps to overcome stage fright! − Be overly-prepared: A key to any success is self confidence. − “An important key to self-confidence is preparation” – Arthur Ashe. Don’t memorize – your brain will freeze up and you may forget. Don’t stand before the congregation and read your lesson – it is a short talk – not a short reading. Be so ready that you can talk without your notes – but have them along just in case. Most of our fears come from the UNKNOWN! − Go through every unknown – this makes them known − Know your audience. − Know where the microphone is. − Know what you will do if you drop something or have your notes out of order. THE SHORT TALK

5 Basic steps to overcome stage fright! − If you have a problem with sweating: Apply body talcum powder to your hands and body. Carry a handkerchief. Wash your hands in warm water – this actually helps the body calm down. − If your voice shakes: Project your voice to the back of the room – it does not get better by getting quieter. − If your hands shake: Hold on to the pulpit. Place one hand in your trouser pocket. Gesture Don’t hold your papers in your hands this just makes it worse on you. − If your heart is pounding in your chest – breathe deeply. THE SHORT TALK

6 So what makes a successful speech? − It presents the truth of God’s Word – 2 Timothy 4:1-5 − It presents these truths in a spirit of genuine love – Ephesians 4:15 − It presents the truth in a simple understandable way and is communicated this way to – 1 Cor. 14:7-8 − It presents the truths where Glory and Adoration is brought to God and not to oneself – 1 Cor. 10:31 − Do Not get caught up in false standards of measurement: Audience response Self gratification – “boy I really laid it on them” When asked to speak over and over again – “I must be good…..” THE SHORT TALK

7 Instructions for the 5-10 minute talk. − If it is an invitational talk – focus of the invitation. The invitational talk is a great stepping stone for the ability to preach a longer sermon. − Keep within the time frame: If it is a 5 minute speech then carefully observe the time limit. The invitational talk is not a sermon, or a lesson, or a sermonette. − It is a short invitation talk – keep it that way. − Try to limit yourself to one main point. This really is all the time that you have in an invitational talk. Read a scripture – explain it and apply it – you’re done! THE SHORT TALK

8 The focus of the invitation talk should be: − Extending the invitation. Calling the lost to repentance and obedience. Calling the straying back to the way of life by restoration. − It is not the opportunity to sermonize on every topic or passage you feel the brethren need to know. If this is a Wednesday evening – remember that folks are tired, kids need to be in bed ect. If you want to preach a sermon ask for the opportunity to do so in a different setting. − Make sure you are speaking to those in the audience who are lost. They need to hear what they need to do and they need to know the condition they are in. − Make sure you include the plan of Salvation. Rehearse the steps – H+B+R+C+B=Sal. + Faithfulness THE SHORT TALK

9 95% of the Short talk is Preparation: − This is seen in notes that are taken into the pulpit. Don’t think you can wing-it – you can’t and it shows. Don’t talk down to the audience – your knowledge may be great but that is not the intention here. − Read, read and read. Ask for ways that you can get bulletins mailed to you. The more you read the greater your knowledge grows but it is also the way you grow in being able to speak to others about the truths of God’s Word. THE SHORT TALK

10 The Outline: − You should know ahead of time when you are scheduled to speak – this will give you ample time to work on the outline. Start with a skeleton: − Introduction: − Body: − Conclusion: Develop the skeleton: − Introduction: A. B. − Body: I. II. III. − Conclusion: A. B. PUT THE MEAT ON THE BONES! − THIS MEANS ADD THE SCRIPTURES TO YOUR OUTLINE. THE SHORT TALK

11 An Example: Start with a skeleton: − Introduction: Subject is Baptism − Body: Facts about Baptism − Conclusion: Why you need to be Baptized! Develop the skeleton: − Introduction: A. Much disbelief on this subject B. God’s way not man’s way. − Body: I. Baptism is a Burial II. Baptism is for remission of sins III. Who should be baptized. − Conclusion: A. God word does not change. B. Have you changed to conform to His Will? PUT THE MEAT ON THE BONES! − THIS MEANS ADD THE SCRIPTURES TO YOUR OUTLINE. Mk 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; Matthew 28:19-20 THE SHORT TALK

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